After the shock, the anger, the nausea... what to say, what to do?
I have only weapons made of paper and words...
I can face violence only with my values and beliefs.
Freedom and peace are the ones I wished to give today.
So this is Paloma, my little simple paper dove.
For her I make a wish: could she take flight
and give all around the world her freedom and peace message.
As soon as I saw her, I wanted to be part of the journey. I hope that we can protect her better than the broken dove in this song - La Colombe - which I have known as long as I can remember. It's a cry of anger and despair at the futility of violence, and it's been running through my mind as I write this post.
You can see Lys's original post here... and I am delighted to be the first host on Paloma's journey. She's had quite a long stay with me for one reason or another, but I think she was glad of the rest after the first leg of the journey.

As you can read in her introduction post, Lys was inspired by the wonderful journeys of Flat Susan - the brainchild of the lovely Neet at Hickydorums. For this mission, she suggested taking some photos of Paloma in a place which represents peace or freedom to you.
The times I feel most at peace are when I'm playing with Shakespeare's language as part of my work, and when I'm at my craft table creating. It's easy to take those freedoms for granted - that I can work, play, create without being in fear - so I decided that I would share my crafting spaces with Paloma.
You can spot her right at the heart of this photo - in the centre of my "happy shelves" - part storage, part display.
Paloma was also keen to see the ivy bound tree stump which provides the setting for most of my photos. Though in fact we're just off a busy road, this little corner looks like we're deep in the countryside, surrounded by woodland.
It always makes me happy when I come out to take the pictures of my projects - especially if there's some sunshine too.

I think Paloma was happy to find some fellow flyers to play with during her stay.
What a privilege to have space for the imagination to play, a place to indulge this new form of expression. (Given that I've worked with words most of my life, the last few years of visual creativity still feels like the early stages of a journey.)
But now I think she's ready and eager to continue her journey. I hope some of you will want to host her as she travels onward around the world.
In the little travel journal which accompanies her there is already one address of a willing host - Sara Emily, she will be on her way to you soon! - but I would love to add some more names before she sets off.
If you would like to be included as a rest-stop on Paloma's journey, then leave a comment here saying so, and contact me with your address via the Get In Touch button just below my photo in the sidebar. I will then add your details to the travel journal. One day, maybe next year, maybe five years down the line, we hope she will wing her way in your direction!
Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
Martin Luther King Jr
An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.
Mahatma Gandhi
Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding. You cannot subjugate a nation forcibly unless you wipe out every man, woman, and child. Unless you wish to use such drastic measures, you must find a way of settling your disputes without resort to arms.
Albert Einstein
Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.
George Carlin
what a wonderful idea, I loved Flat Susan's travels. BTW I have serious shelf envy now... I hope to read more of Paloma's journey of peace.
What a fab idea and I love to see your unique ART -shelf !
Happy day dear Alison!
I was very moved by your post Alison, and agree with your quotes fighting for Peace will never work. The gift of acceptance and love for each other as human beings is what is needed to transcend the primal need to fight. Until that day we can only do what we can to get that message out. I would love to host Paloma on her journey. Xx
Loved this post thank you.
Awww Alison this is an amazing post and what a fabulous way to try and bring some sort of peace to the world, even if it is only via the paper crafters. You never know it might be seen by someone who can make a difference in the near future. We can only hope.
Warm crafty hugs from Shirl x x x
A beautifully touching post Alison, thank you.
B x
A lovely and heart-warming post Alison and I for one would be very willing to host Paloma at some point. You know my address already, just to say, it would have to be after the 8th of January, as I am away from home until then. Oh and ofcoure your happy shelve looks wonderful!
Wonderful sentiments, wonderful idea! How uplifting on such a grey day! Makes me think of Picasso too! Xx
A very beautiful idea and a great way to spread peace. Hope it takes flight.
Lovely words from LYS and also your words today are all quotes to make us think-thank you.
Love Chrissie xx
I too should love to host her - but in Small Worlds where she can join a host of other white doves. All somewhat smaller than she is perhaps, but maybe they too can be a force for peace.
Thank you, Lys, for this moving idea.
What a lovely idea, I hope she ends up travelling around the world a couple of times ;)
By the way, all your wonderful artwork looks amazing on those shelves too
Donna xxx
Beautiful post Alison. I look forward to keeping track of Paloma as she travels all over the world. hugs :)
Great post Alison, thank you!!! And I've just read Lys's one... so of course I would love that Paloma takes some rest in my home too... I've just written some words about that to Lys too, don't know to who I must communicate my address first?...
Hugs, and thanks for all the lovely words and support on my blog Alison! I also wish you a very peaceful and joyful Christmas time...
And oh, your craft treasures are so wonderful!!! Perfect for Paloma! :) xxx
A beautiful and touching post,I hope the journey Paloma's journey is long and peaceful.
Yvonne xx
I am not surprised that the dove of peace is on her way to Sara Emily. A wonderful, nice lady that will give this bird a place of refuge on her travels.
I would dearly love to participate. I truly do not know how this violence will be stopped but I pray every day for peace.
Merry Christmas Alison!
sandy xx
sandy xx
Thanks, thanks, thanks so much Alison, for this beautiful post! What you wrote, with the Judy Collins's song in mind (the original Jacques Brel's is so more dramatic I feel, but it's maybe because I understand better the lyrics...) shows we can denounce, but also receive, transform and relay from one to the next... I agree with Deborah.
You are a marvellous host for Paloma: I'm happy to see her in your craft room at your side, she may have brought peace but more undoubtedly has shared yours! Comforted by this rest (and also by new winged friendship as I understood...) I'm sure she will have a new safe flight to her next recipient. Hugs, Alison!
Oh Alison, you truly have you the word within your power, such beautiful post and telling of the wonderful project !! Paloma is a beautiful bird, and surely enjoyed her stay with you, and in your wonderful creative room ,among all your gorgeous creations.I hope dhe will fly freely and safe all around the world !!
Hug from Dorthe
What a wonderful idea, Alison, and I love the quotes you have chosen. I was incredibly distressed by events in Paris,
Lucy x
What a wonderful thing to do when there is nothing you can do! It just shows there is always "something" you can do! Bon Voyage, Sweet Paloma!
What a very thoughtful idea. She looks so beautiful on your inspiration shelves. Hugs, Autumn
Such a wonderful post Alison and I have mentioned to Lys that I would like to be part of the journey too, but as I also live in England I will leave it up to Lys to decide if it is appropriate. Anne xx
what a wonderful project - I would love to be part of it Alison - will email you my addy to add to the book! Wonderful idea x
This is a great way to show the true spirit of kindness in reply to the cold blooded actions of the Paris attackers and their ilk. You gave Paloma several peaceful locations to perch in during her stay with you, before sending her back out for her journey around the world.
Alison, you never fail to amaze me with your quiet advocacy through your art (that I can see here, and I am absolutely sure this continues in your voice work with all that fabulous English language through Shakespeare). I would be honored to be a host for Paloma, should she need an additional resting place out of the many offers you have already. I congratulate Lys as well for her creative approach to spreading peace..... you are both amazing examples of how to keep the spirit going. xxx Lynn
Wonderful post Alison! So much heartbreak all over the world! Not far from us at all in San Bernardino, we also had a vicious attack! Hugs!
Of course Anne you can be part of the journey even if you live in England! There's no limit to Paloma's travel for peace and every host will be welcome!
Beautiful post. Safe travels to Paloma.
That is a wonderful idea and your post is beautiful Alison. If Paloma needs more places to go and visit, I would love to host her.
Such a beautiful post and such a wonderful idea! Paloma surely will bring her joy and peace to others as she takes flight! Thank you so much for sharing this most beautiful post! xoxo
btw, I love the quotes you used- all of them!
You have such a way with words. This post is touching and I agree with it 100%. Paris was there for America and we will be there for Paris. Very moving to see Paloma's journey so far. Blessings.
I would love to host Paloma on her Peace journey around the World. I was the very first host to Flat Susan and whilst she toured my own big, cosmopolitan, city of Liverpool, in England. I also took her to visit my friends and family in Slovenia, Italy and Germany. What a time we had, she made so many new friends and created so much interest.
Please add me to her tour schedule!
Thanks so much for your lovely comments and YES! the reindeer are made of Lego , the sleigh and Father Christmas too and everything in the tableau. It was delightful to see the reactions of all the children, many who climbed into the sleigh to be photographed.
I'd like to email you as I have some items which may be of use to you, so I would be grateful if you could let me have your email address.
Have a wonderful Christmas and a New Year of Peace and fresh creativity.
Jo x
What a lovely idea!
This is bringing tears to my eyes. It is the most beautiful concept, to have Paloma travel to safe havens around the world, to an open door or possibly an open window for her to fly freely through and be greeted with warmth and friendship. If Paloma would ever like to flutter her way to Scotland then I would be more than happy to spend time in her company.
I'm probably too late to get my name onto the list - but I would love to welcome Paloma to a safe haven in my home in the USA what a peaceful time she has had with you already Alison!! Julia xx
Alison, I always feel like I've been treated to a breath of fresh air when I visit your blog, and this time even more so. Your happy shelves are indeed peaceful; love the sunlight and restful colors of your artwork as the sun plays on it. Paloma looks like she had a great rest stop, and I hope to give her an equally restful place to call home for a few days. I am eagerly waiting for her arrival! Hugs!
What fabulous idea, she looks a bit too delicate to be around my messy craft room but I shall love following her travels! Hugs, Chrisx
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