I'm travelling into a new way of working, a new country, a new language, and a new hobby which I'm passionate about. Come with me for some of the journey...

Friday 31 December 2021

Highlights from 2021

It's been a crazy year - relocating to a new country (well, I actually did that in November 2020, but it's been an ongoing, transitional process!).  I didn't get to start unpacking until April of 2021, and setting up the craft room took quite a long time.  There are (confession time) some boxes which went onto shelves still needing sorting, and they still need sorting now... but I'll get there eventually.  

In the meantime, a whole new couple of vanloads of belongings have turned up here towards the end of 2021, as my mother has downsized in the UK, so lots more stuff needs to find new homes here at the Czech end of operations.

Although I've found time at the craft table, it's mostly been for fairly small, quick makes - lots and lots of tags! - and not many major projects.  But there are highlights to share all the same - especially since quite a lot of these didn't make it as far as the blog.  So I hope you enjoy this little journey through some of my 2021 crafting journey.  (Click for a larger view on any of them.)


(Please forgive the little white squares in the corner... they are the symbol from Instagram telling you that on that platform there were additional photos to see close-ups and angles.  If I ever get round to proper blogging again, I'll share some of those here too!)

And, of course, I'm very proud of my Inktober collection of drawings and paintings...

And the December collection of tags make me pretty happy too...

So here's wishing you all a healthy, happy, hopeful 2022.  I'm aiming to start finding that work-life balance that allows me to continue to grow in this creative work, and also to give this blog and all of your blogs some more of the attention they deserve.  I hope your plans and dreams will come into focus in the coming year, and look forward to the fresh challenges and adventures to come.

Stay safe, stay well, keep crafting!

Look to your heart and soul first, rather than looking to your head first, when choosing. Rather than what you think, consider instead how you feel. Look to the nature of things. Feel your choices and decisions. It just might change everything.

From The Nature of Things by Jeffrey R Anderson

Sunday 26 December 2021

Christmas Countdown Tags Part III

Hello all, and a very merry Christmas to you all.  And if that's not something you celebrate, then I simply wish you the warmest and cosiest of times tucked away from the winter weather.

I'm here with the final instalment of my December tags.  I had planned on 24, which would have been three nice even batches of eight each, but in the end I went for just one more to make 25 in total.

So today you get nine tags... a Christmas bonus!

I hope that, however you are celebrating, you will enjoy days of peace and contentment, and I hope that 2022 will treat us all a little more kindly.  Stay safe, stay well, stay creative all.

What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future.
Agnes M. Pharo

Freshly cut Christmas trees smelling of stars and snow and pine resin – inhale deeply and fill your soul with wintry night.
John J. Geddes