I'm travelling into a new way of working, a new country, a new language, and a new hobby which I'm passionate about. Come with me for some of the journey...

Wednesday 25 May 2022

Long time, no see...

I know, I know... I'm sorry, it's been a shamefully long time since I posted here.  Life has been overwhelmingly busy, mostly in a good way.  There's so much to deal with when you move to a new country, try to build new income streams, and also start tackling gardening full scale.  I have been creating, but - cards on table - the speed of posting on Instagram as opposed to creating a blogpost (I've never really come to terms with the Blogger changes) has meant that has become my platform of choice while I've been so busy.

I love my blog though, and Craftyblogland will always be a special place to me - so I'm going to try really hard to put in an appearance at least once a week, and there are various things coming up which will kick me into keeping that resolution, so fingers crossed!

For now, let me catch you up with just some pictures of what's been going on creatively in the meantime... mostly tags rather than bigger creations (that busy-ness problem again), though I hope you'll like the Easter nest of eggs, and I've just (literally) dusted off my watercolour brushes and started doing some painting again.

I've also been doing quite a few tiny pieces in series - altered cash envelopes, altered teabag sachets and so on.  Keeping it small means I'm more likely to get finished!  And there are some pieces responding to the dark news from Ukraine (all too immediate here in the Czech Republic, where the Russian tanks were still a presence only thirty years ago).

Take a look...

So that's a taster of what's been going on... (and you're getting a debut with that second rose painting - it hasn't appeared on IG yet!).  I hope you've all been doing okay and that, wherever you are, you are enjoying some sunshine (either spring or autumn).  I'll aim to do some visiting soon too, but June is going to be a very busy month in a number of ways, so it make take a while to get round to everyone.

Stay safe, stay well, and I'll see you again here soon.  Happy crafting, all!

Time is the longest distance between two places.    It's good to be back after all this time.
From The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams

No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other's worth.
Robert Southey