Hello everyone! So, I've reached that time: the one-year blogaversary... well, almost - 19th June is the day. It's been the most incredible year - with so many new adventures, new friends, new discoveries - that I'm slightly lost for words (and you'll know how extreme that is) to describe how I feel about it all.
I have to say an enormous thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you who are with me on this journey. Your amazing support and generosity seems boundless, and the inspiration I get from travelling around Craftyblogland is an endless source of joy to me.
I'm saying thank you with a blog candy too, in the time-honoured tradition... and there are really no hoops to jump through. Just leave me a comment here saying that you'd like to be in the draw and we'll take it from there.
If you would like to share the picture and link in your sidebar, then obviously that would be lovely, but it's not compulsory, and nor is signing up as a follower.
The only reason I can see for following a blog is if you like what you find there... so, of course if you like it here, then it would be great to have you join the gang. But it's not required!
(Sorry, neither the wooden tray nor the wrought iron chair are included!)
On the other hand, I would like to take this opportunity to invite all my current followers (and any potential newbies) to consider how you are following me.
I'm so sad about the demise of Google Reader on July 1st. I love the Blogger Dashboard, and it's my route to seeing all your new posts. It seems like Blogger Dashboard might all stay fine for Blogger blogs, but might mess up receiving others, like WordPress. So I have made sure I've got all of the blogs I follow (yup, that's most of you, and then some!) safely stored both at Bloglovin' and at Feedly while I decide which one has the least horrible interface. As long as you do it before July 1st, it's very easy to export the list of blogs you follow to either or both of these. Then at least you'll have a back-up, ready for whatever happens!
There seems to be some doubt about the exact consequences of Google Reader's disappearance. It shouldn't immediately impact on Google Friend Connect (the way most of us follow each other), and I love having all your pictures there, so by all means continue to sign up in the normal way. But some advice seems to be that it's possible Google will decide to drop that too. So, to be on the safe side, there are a couple of extra possibilities.

The safest seems to be to follow by email - the widget is in the sidebar, just under the Followers.
And I'm also now offering the chance to follow via bloglovin' (despite that missing g on the end which really bugs me - I suppose I should be grateful they've got the apostrophe but, still, what's wrong with a g?). Again, the widget should now be in the sidebar... fingers crossed.
And I do hope we'll manage to stay connected as we move on into the new post-Google Reader age... I'd hate to lose any of you. See you out there!
Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Update on all the Following stuff... It seems that Blogger Dashboard may still function fine for Blogger blogs - it's others, like WordPress which may disappear from the lists of posts there... The lovely Chris Warner is offering up some Techy Tips from her expert IT knowledge if you want some more details. So, for now, it does at least look as though the Followers widget is still favourite - do hope I haven't confused the issue for everyone!
Congratulations on your first year of blogging, I cannot believe its only been a year. It's been a thrill to,watch your creative journey through your blog, long may it continue. Tracy x
Oops sorry wanted to say thank you for the blog candy. Thank you x x
A chair to Australia? Now that would be generous. Alison I am delighted to follow your art adventures and would be amazed to win your Blog treasures!
what lovely candy and one hell of a year x
plenty to think about with this whole blog thing, I have heard bits and bobs but will need to do some homework now, I would hate to loose the people I follow x
Happy 1 blog b'day, ill look forward to many more x
congratulations on your amazing first year! i can't believe it's only been a year, you've shared some super creations! it has been such a pleasure following you and reading your posts and seeing your artworks. i sure would love to win one :)
i've tried several alternatives to google reader. im leaning to the old reader; the interface is similar to google reader. good luck finding one you like.
Congratulations...what a great year it's been huh? Well, especially for us who have shared in your adventure. Since I would follow your creativity anywhere I went to Bloglovin'. I guess I have to pull my head out of the sand and go see what the blazes Google is doing to us, and what I should be doing about that. Maybe I'll just take your lead and try Bloglovin' first.
At any rate, thanks for sharing your work and thanks for the chance to win some cool stuff!!
Wow! Only a year? Congrats. I have been so very inspired by your beautiful creations. I appreciate the encouragement that you have given me through your comments & visits. So glad that we have the opportunity to be DT mates. I would love to be included in your draw. Have a great evening.
congrats on a blogland anniversary! Although I'm disappointed that you are not including the wrought iron chair, I'd be happy to open the rest of the goodies should they land on my doorstep. I will try that bloggin' site as I've already been to feedly. Not happy about this change!
Love your blog and have followed you for a while. Would love to be in the drawing - keep up your great work!!!
Happy Blogaversary!! Of course I would love to be in the draw for the candy.
Congratulations on your one year anniversary and for providing all of us lucky folks the opportunity to see inside your wonderfully creative soul and to see the amazing works you've created! Here's to many more years of our viewing pleasure.
Happy 1st anniversary, butterfly!! I am so happy I found your blog last fall. You are a talented artist and a very sweet soul! Oh the Blogaversary candy is fab! Please add me to draw (already crossing my fingers). :) Here's to many enjoyable years of inky/painty crafting and blogging! Hugs, Nan
Congrats Alison! You're a fantastic creative girl!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for a chance to win your fab blogcandy! BArbarayaya
...where does time go? one things for sure, it's been a full steam ahead kinda year for you Alison, with so many delightful creatiions to dance before our eyes and thought provoking words to feed our soul...congratulations on a truly wonderful creative year...Mel:)x
Congratulations on your blog anniversary. Doesn't time fly. I love your work and am looking forward to seeing many more. Thanks for the chance to win such lovely goodies.
Woo hoo a great milestone Alison. Your year and blog has been full of wonderful inspiration. So looking forward to the next one. Thanks for posting such a wonderful giveaway,
hugs {brenda} x0x
I'm so glad you talked a bit about the different readers and that there is an alternative to following you now that Google Reader is gone. While Google hasn't said anything about GFC, they have been depleting its functionality long before the talk of scrapping Reader, so it is safe to say it will go bye bye as well in July.
On another note, I have loved your blog for quite awhile now. You are such an inspiration and I love the fact that all of the goodies in your candy are pretty much so you! :D Thanks for a wonderful year of inspiration and here is to plenty more!
Wonderful anniversary goodies Alison--thank you for all that you have taught us in the last year. I would not want to lose touch so will explore the new ways that I can keep in touch.
Love Chrissie x
First of all congrats!! Hard to believe it has only been a year! This is wonderful candy you are offering (even without the chair and tray lol), who would not want to win! I have been seeing comments about the google changes all over blogland, I hope they are letting us keep the followers widget? I follow through bloglovin (g) now and it seems to work fine. I also put my favourite blogs in my side bar under my blog list and am now wondering whether that is going too? On the other hand, there was a lot of hype about google making changes too blog followers last year, and nothing really changed, so I am keeping my fingers crossed.I'll put your candy offer in my sidebar!
I found your blogg via Tim Holtz' Blogworthy Links and have visited your blog regulary since than. Like your stile !! Congrats to your jubilee. Keep at it, you do a great art!
Greetings from Norway,
Congrats on a year of blogging - it goes so fast doesn't it!! I must do something about a replacement for blog reader, had forgotten (again)
Your candy looks fabulous, so would love to be in with a shot. Can't link it till I get home though...
Huge congratulations on your first year of blogging Alison. It has been my pleasure to follow you and your wonderful crafty makes.
Thanks for the info re Google. I will need to look in to this and the blog lovin deets as I am rather out of touch.
Huge hugs Alison and I look forward to following you for many years
Annie x
Well now we know the chair is not included we're most upset, Podgy was imaging himself sitting on it!
Happy bloggyversary for the 19th. We love reading your posts.
Congratulations Alison. I can honestly say that I have loved following you on your journey since the start. You are always so professional in everything you create and that's a pleasure on its own. I'd love to be in with a chance to win such wonderful goodies. Enjoy your Day. Hugs Rita xxxxx
Can't believe you've just been bloggin' (sorry couldn't resist that) for 1 year! I really must get cracking and update my blog. What a fabulous candy prize too. Thanks so much Alison. Love, Margie x
Congratulations on hitting your first blogiversary, and what a wonderfully generous way to celebrate with such yummy candy which of course i'd love to win (who wouldn't lol). Thanks for the chance and congrats again sweetie. Hugs xNx
Good grief - it's just a year? Feels like it's been all your life ;-)
Um - are you sure we can't spare that chair?
I think you'd better not put me in the candy draw, might not look good if I won.
All my good wishes for the next stunning year
congratulations on your first year Alison you have produced some wonderful projects. I follow by email, for me its the safest way. Thank you for the chance of winning this delicious candy. Annette x
Well that year has flown by! You are always such an inspiration Alison, feel like I have known you much longer......thanks so much for the chance to win too. I have joined up Bloglovin (hate the name too) but seem to get the posts a day late..... but I guess it is better late than never. Will go now and try to carry over my blog list, don't want to lose any and have signed up with you too. Here's to another fabulous year! Hugs, Anne x
I fell in love with you site from the first time I found it. The quotes are one of my favorite parts. Thank you for sharing your beautiful work.
Oops, I forgot. Thanks for the opportunity to win such a lovely gift.
Happy Anniversary Alison! I found your blog a few months ago and I swear I've fallen head over heels. Your art is totally inspiring and amazing. I would love to win that gorgeous gift. Thanks so much for the opportunity!
Hugs, Cathy-Lynn
You filled all the previous year with gorgeous displays and lots of inspiration, Alison. Of course count me in.
In addition to bloglovin (that i don't like much) I exported my feed to The old reader, it's seems not so bad.
ONLY one yearof blogging! Then I have seen so many beautiful creations, that it feels much longer! LOVE what you do, and I am follower with a happy heart!
That candy calls my name LOL
Love the chair!!! lol! Happy Anniversary Alison. I can't believe it is only one year. Thank you!! for not only sharing all of your wonderful projects with us but also sharing all your tips, advice and detail on how you made them.
Hugs Florence x
Oh my, did not realize about the new changes coming up soon. I've had too many irons in the fire lately. :( I will sign up after commenting via bloglovin' and I have you in my sidebar anyway.
Yes please to being entered in your give-a-way. I can't believe it has only been a year, you are an enormous talent in blogland Alison. Thanks for sharing the most amazing Words and Pictures with us!!! Hugs
Congratulations on your first fabulous year of blogging Alison! It's always a pleasure to see your beautiful artwork appear in my email! I'd love to win that scrummy selection of goodies, so wonderfully photographed too, as always!
Alison xx
I haven't followed you the whole year, but am so glad I found you. Love your blog and your creativity. Would love to be in the draw for the candy.
What an eventful year you have had! I always look forward to visiting your blog to be awed by your creations.
I am following you now on Feedly and found it to be an easy transition from Google Reader.
Keeping my fingers crossed to be the one in a million winner of your delicious candy. Thank you, Alison!
Alison, this is so sweet of you and generous! The blogging world is a much nicer place with you in it! I thank you for all your support and inspiration! Sharing on my sidebar and you know I am a follower! Hugs and thank you!
Dear Alison. Thank you for all your kind words...I´m not sure I can take the credit for giving you any inspiration on my blog, hi hi hi... mainly because we create so diffently things. Even so I love to visit your blog and I´m often speachless....."how do she do it"? is a question I often ask myself.
I´ve been following you on Bloglovin for some time ;-)
Kind regards Olivia
Following by email. Love your site and enjoy having updates show up in my in box. Please count me in for the blog candy - it's my fav flavor!
Only a year? You have achieved so much. Thanks for celebrating with such a generous give away. I look forward to many more posts providing I understand all this business that is oing on ith google lol
Amanda x
who could say no to the gorgeous blog candy Alison?! thank you for offering. you certainly have had a wonderful year - it's been lovely to see it all happen and all that amazing creativity. I'm the same as you - so sad to see google reader go - I'm playing with Feedly at the moment. it's okay but not as quick as reader.
Congratulations!!! What fabulous blog candy! So excited for a chance to win. Love seeing your posts and the inspiration!
Wow, how fast a year goes by....happy bloggaversary, Alison!!!!
And what an impressive year this was! So much happened and so much still out there waiting to be tried out, be discovered and shared.
(I just recognized I missed my anniversary (due to two terribly hectic weeks and still no end in think I will find something that can be celebrated, when the time is right ;).
May the new crafting year be as joyful and successful as the last one!!!
Claudia x
Congratulations on your anniversary Alison - I can't believe you have only been doing this for a year - you are such a pro and your posts are just so wonderfully inspirational and your work just stunning. Just keep it going!!
Thanks for the advice about Blogger - I hadn't thought it would affect me, but I see it does!
OOPs and great candy too! x
Congratulation for the first blog year! It's amazing to follow you and your creative ideas!
And thank you for informing about the Google account. I didn't heart about till now...
I would love to be in the draw for the candy. Congratulations!! I am so happy to have found you and youyr inspiration. :o)
Congratulations Alison !! I am very glad to have 'met' you through your lovely blog. Your work is ALWAYS beautiful and inspiring and the comments you leave to myself and others are ALWAYS thoughtful and up lifting. I will transfer to following you by email as I don't want to miss out on seeing your work. Oh and finally what gorgeous blog candy you have! The very best non fattening assortment. I will set too in posting to my blog later when i get my laptop out , just taking a quick break from report writing! toni x
Congratulations on your first year of blogging. Thanks for the chance to win such lovely blog candy.
I am following and will try to add to my sidebar. I am not on my own computer till I return home but will get it done over the next 48 hours.
Alison. I've been following your blog on Bloglovin ever since I discovered you a few months ago and I wait avidly for your next musings! Thanks for the candy chance. Jean
Hi Alison, Congratulations on your blogaversary! I'm blown away by your year 1 posts so I eagerly await what your imagination and dearself create in Year 2. As for "Do I like what I see here?" - I honestly couldn't imagine blogging without visiting you. Thank-you for chance to win delicious vintage candy! Nicola x
Thanks for a chance to win your blog candy. Keep up the good work, I really enjoy the ideas you share.
Happy blogaversary Alison. Your blog is a delight and inspirations, so I wish you many more years of carfting and blogging =).
Thank you for the chance to enter in the draw for the blog candy.
I'm so glad I found you .. I too seem to have been coming here forever:).I wish you many more and I'll be along for this creative journey,Namaste to you.. oh and of course I'd love to participate, you have lots of fabulous goodies there, big hugs for offering..
Hi Alison,.. I should be thanking you for all the wonderful inspriration you share so freely... I have enjoyed following you so much... you truly are so talented... Happy blogaversary... Your candy looks amazing... Will pop on my sidebar... Hugs May x x x
Congratulations on your year in Blogland. Doesn't time fly when your having fun, and boy have you flown high! Here's to many more years of beautiful creations and enjoyment. I'd love to be in the draw please. Hugs, Jenny x
I would love to be included in your draw - thank you. I found your site fairly recently and I love your creations. Elegant and beautiful! You are gifted.
Congratulations on your blogaversary!! I love getting your email updates with your amazing and inspirational projects!! Thanks for a chance to win some amazing candy!! I posted in my sidebar, too :)
A Mermaid's Crafts
Happy Blogaversary Alison!!! Might need to call on you for some advice!!
Woohoo congrats!! And thanks for the chance to win!!!
Congrats to your blog aniversary and thanks for the huge information about GFC. Somehow i missed that but i'm prepared now!By the way...super - duper blog candy (:o)
Happy anniversary Alison!
May your blog and art grow constantly and make you as happy as possible!
I love your art!
All linked up and congrats Alison.
B x
First, sincere congratulations on your one year anniversary! Here's wishing you many, many more! I am so delighted to have met you in blog land. Your work is breathtaking and awe inspiring! Thanks for the chance at the blog candy draw. Someone will be quite lucky! Take care.Yvonne
Congratulations on your 1st year Alison, and what a year it's been. I know I follow people in lots of ways so I think I need to transfer everyone onto Bloglovin'. Here's to many more amazing years, ans thank you for the chance to win the wonderful candy xx
Congratulations Alison on your first year of bloggin(g)!! Thank you to you too for your kind and supportive blog commenting. Thank you for the information about blog following and I am know following you by e mail but I still need to decide what to do .......
Lucy x
Hi Alison. Congratulations on your first year and the chance to win your fab blog candy, also thank you for all the kind comments you leave me on my blog.
It was lovely to meet you the other week and you are very good at keeping secrets, I'm sure I would have given the game away if it had been me.
xxx Hazel.
Congraulations Alison on your first blogaversary and what a journey you have been on!! I have been so inspired and in awe of your work since meeting you- it's as if you have been doing all these things for ever!! such a talented person and deserving of all that comes your way. Thanks for the chance of the candy and here's to many more posts on your blog
x catherine
wow..!! Congratulations Alison.. :)
and what a lovely giveaway.. i would love to be a part of ur draw.. :)
Oh I'd love to be in the draw Alison :)it's been a pleasure following you and I hope to be able to continues to do so, I'm a bit of a muppet when it comes to changes in blogland :(
Von ♥
Congratulations for your 1st blogging Anniversary. I wish you many years as successful & creative as this one. Thank you for the opportunity to win some blog candy. I would love to be entered into the draw. Theresa x
Congratulations on your first year love your blog and follow via email thanks for your info too, also thanks for a chance to win lovely stash!
Hi Alison, Has it been a year, would not have thought it. The chair would be a bit big to send thru the post...Ha Ha. Thanks for the chance to win more stash. Have a good day. Francesca xxx
Congratulations on your first year!
I'm a wordpress user, and I'm following your blog via rss, I've added it to my mailbox so it comes neatly into it's own folder whenever you make a new post. I love it that way - only downside is that the blogowner can't see I'm following.
I am happy to see you value quality over quantity - what does a number of 10000 followers say if they don't read your posts or only follow for the candy? I'd rather have 10 followers who are sincerely interested, then 50 who actually never read your posts or never comment. Who follow your blog back out of politeness. Having said that - I do only have 20 followers haha! I blame it on being a wordpress blog ;). If half of them are truely interested in all I write or even read what I write, then it's a lot!
I admit I have added lots of blogs to my wordpress reader, but I don't like the way it works so I never check there. The blogs I found really interesting are now delivering their blogposts directly to my mailbox via the rss feed. (Not via subscribe to mail, as I don't want it to clutter my partners computer who shares the e-mail adress).
Oops forgot to say I'd like to be in the draw for the candy as well. Maybe you can add this post to my previous one, in case you are going to use a randomizer thingy?
Congratulations on your blogoversary and thanks for chance at such yummy candy, I will add your pic and link to my sidebar
Lindsay xx
Congratulations on completing your 1st year of blogging. It has been fun to join you on your creative journey & amazing to see how far you have come in such a short time. You are so talented. Please enter me in the draw for your blog candy. Barbara x
I follow your blog via email having arrived here from Tim Holtz' blog. I love looking at and being inspired by what you do and especially the quotes every day. I don't have a blog myself, just enjoy others', but would love to be entered in the draw. Thanks!
Congrats Alison with your first blog anniversary! It was/is always a great surprise what you've created and it never is disappointing. You are so gifted!
That many creations will be shown for many years on your blog Alison.
How kind of you to offer this great candy!
Enjoy! Kind regards, Alie :-)
Blimey, haven't they heard the phrase, if it ain't broke don't fix it!!!
Thanks for sharing the info Alison.
Congrats on your blog anniversary too - goes quick doesn't it!!!
Sam xxx
Happy first blog land birthday Alison It's been a great year indeed. Lovely blog candy shame about the chair lol I liked the look of that. Also thanks for the info on the other stuff. Hugs Sandra X
I have just discovered your blog and am loving what I have seen so far. I can't wait to explore more!!!!
Thanks for the opportunity and Congrats on your 1st year anniversary.
Oh thank you for giving us all a chance to win fab stuff! I am relatively new to the blogland and have started following some - a newish crafter I cannot tell you how wonderful it is to learn so much from such fantastic people. thank you for sharing, I really appreciate it.
Wow one year already - it's gone so fast. You certainly have given me and everyone else such a lot of inspiration, so thank you very much and CONGRATULATIONS on your first Blog birthday - here's to many more :-) Thank you also for the chance to win your fabulous candy.
Love and Hugs
Hi Alison, Congrats on your first year in Blogland, and what an amazing year you've given us with all you wonderful creativity. Looking forward to the future with you.
Avril xx
Happy blog anniversary Alison
A great candy you put together and of course i take a chance in the draw of this candy.
Thanks for showing your beautiful creations to us.
I love to see them every time.
Greetings Janny
Congrats to your blog anniversary :) I really enjoy all your posts and your art.
Congratulations on your first blogaversary! It's been a real pleasure watching your blog and creative talents grow and a real privilege to be a pat of it! Fantastic way to celebrate this great occasion - please put my name in the hat too :). And thank you for linking your sweets to my Blog Candy Cauldron!
Big hugs xxxx
Congratulations on the one year anniversary Alison. Have always loved visiting here and seeing the fabulous things you create. Thank you also for the useful information on the Google Reader, will be looking at the links you suggested.
:) Chris / CS Designs
Woaw, what a lovely blog you have. I am a new follower on your blog(by email) now, you do stunning project.
I want to take part in your candy!
Hugs Katja
Happy Anniversary and thanks for the opportunity to take part in such a fabulous blog candy draw.
Thanks also for the lowdown on the changeover - I made the effort some time back to export my blog list to BlogLovin (!) so hopefully won't have any switchover problems.
Keep up the good work
Happy, Happy Anniversary! Thanks for the chance at some blog candy!
Who would not want to follow this blog? You do some stunning work, have stunning pictures and - well - it's just a stunning blog in every way.
Hugs, Neet xx (please count me in the draw)
You know I don't really understand why the powers that be have to change the settings for things, when they work perfectly well. I agree with you about the Bloglovin' without a g. It takes the same amount of tapping keys to put an apostrophe in as it would to put a g where it's supposed to be! I wonder who makes these decisions! Your blog candy looks totally amazing by the way, so generous and well done on your blog anniversary. I was right up against it with DT's on my anniversary and missed giving away some crafty goodies. I'll have to do a belated one. I'd love to be involved in you give away too, it's too yummy to pass up really, and it would be rude not to.
Forgot to sign off. Great opportunity. Michelle xxx
Congratulation on your first year of blogging Alison, you have a blog full of art to be proud of!
Thank you for all your inspiration, the tutorials, fun posts, dollhouses and great snippets of prose and famous quotes! Oh, and thank you too for the chance of winning some blog candy.
Have a great weekend. xxx
Hi Alison, wow what a fabulous year you've had, so many gorgeous and inspirational projects, your blog is a joy to visit, thanks for the info on bloglovin, (still being a bit thick where that's concerned but have just joined up!) oooh and thanks for the opportunity to win your delicious blog candy too, so generous. xxx
Happy One Year Anniversary Alison!! What a great way for all of us to celebrate with the blog candy :) Love what you have been creating over the last couple of weeks. Fabulous work. Of course I love all the beach themed pieces. I'm back at work now and wishing I was back on the beach:) Congrats on top 3 at SSS&S -- I think "S" stands for the super-fantasticly (if that isn't a word, it is now) creative artist that you are.
-- Mary Elizabeth
Alison I have no idea if you received my comment - an error window appeared.
I will try again...
Congratulations on your celebrations of one year of Blogging. Your artistry enriches our own creative lives, it is always a joy to visit here.
Also, to say thank you for being so supportive of my own Blog.
Thank you for allowing me to join in with the celebrations as this is a dream Giveaway, you are such a temptress with all those incredible goodies.
Here's to many more years of Blogging.
Hi Alison
I would love to be in for a chance of winning your blog candy it looks sooooo goooood.
I am well confussed about the changes that you are talking about?
Congrats on your blog 1st Birthday,I am very new to blogging and am just trying to find my way.Thank you for the advice on the changes .I would love to win the prize because it looks very interesting.
Alison, it's so hard for me to believe its just a year that you've been blogging, cause it's like you've been blogging and sharing your passion for crafting and your love of paint and colour for way longer than that :-D
I love too that you make so many visits to other bloggers, and always with a kind word :)
so Congratulations on your first Blog Birthday, I hope there's going to be many more :-)
thanks for the reminder about a Bloglovin' button on blog I forgot to do that :(
Happy Days
Debi x
ps yes please to the blog candy <3
It really seems a little longer since you've shaken up blog land with your incredible creations darling! I love your work and am a huge fan! Congrats to you!
Hi Alison, congratulations...Can’t believe you have 1st anniversary it seems you creating forever...all knowledge and creativity you know I just LOVE and adore your work and I am happy that you share your journey with us ..... Thanks for this lovely candy....BTW the chair is fantastic I would like to win it too...:)
Wow what a year , it is wonderful to watch your gorgeous creations, gorgeous candy too! Happy first blog aversary!! Love trace x
A HUGE congratulations on your first year and what fabulous creations you have done.
I would love to be entered for your candy.
I have you linked on my side bar.
I wish you many many more years of happy crafting and new friends :)
Congratulations on your first year of blogging! Thank you for the chance to win your fabulous candy.
Ooh Alison, how lovely to offer this wonderful giveaway :-) Congratulations on your first year in Blogland and thank you, too for all the inspiration you give to me. Wishing you even great success with your blog and may you celebrate many many many more :-)
Love and hugs
Hi Alison, congrats on one year of a fab blog. I have been following for a while via google but I have taken the precaution of joining bloglovin just in case. Maybe it's a case of the millenium bug all over again!! We can but hope. I'm not techy and just want things to work with the least effort on my part. Hope it's covered. Thanks for your efforts to alert us to the changes. And of course I would love to have a chance at your blog anni candy. Add me to the draw please. Have a great day
Has it only been one year? Your success in such a short amount of time is amazing. Congratulations on putting together such a fantastic and popular blog.
Happy Blogoversary Alison! I'm following your blog and there's a link in my sidebar . Thanks for a chance to win great candy! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies
I have followed you in a non stalking way for a while now and I would like to thank you for your colourful inspiration. I would also like to say COUNT ME IN!EE
Congratulations on your Blogoversary Alison. I too discovered you and your inspirational journey a while ago now and have followed you ever since. I do have you in my Blogger Dashboard but also in my sidebar so you pop to the top whenever you post. Unfortunately I've not had much time for commenting recently (family stuff) but I do visit as often as I can because there's always something beautiful to see. Thank you for giving us all the chance to win such wonderful anniversary candy.
Lesley Xx
happy first blog birthday. love the blog always lots of inspiration.
Christine in Essex...xx
Wow Alison, you've achieved so much in your first year! Fantastic blog candy, shame the chair's not included :-) Sue C x
Csodás és gratulálok! Mosollyal:Ilda
Congrats on your 1st blog-versary. I found you via Brenda Brown and wow am I glad I did lol.
I'm just starting to get into this inky shabby style - so thank you for the inspiration and the chance to win some gorgeous candy. Have a good summer Karen
Congrats on your blogiversary! I can't believe you've only been blogging a year, you're a natural! I'm still debating what I will do with blogger too... Thanks for the tips!
Alison...huge congrats on your 1 year blog anniversary. I would have thought, with the quality and content of your wonderful blog that you had been blogging for years. Thank you for all of the beautiful creativity you share with all of us. Your art is amazing and you so freely share your techniques and ideas...just one thing that I love about you. :) Thanks for the opportunity to win your wonderful blog candy prize. It's awesome! <3 Candy
Congrats on your milestone! What a great giveaway for your followers. Good luck to everyone but I hope I get to play with all this scrumptious candy. Thanks.
Congratulations on your blog birthday! Thank for sharing all your wonderful projects and for all your support, it means a lot.
Best of luck to everyone in the draw for this delicious candy and thanks for the tip about the google dashboard. Xx
Happy 1st anniversary, Butterfly!! I am so happy I found your blog. You have a big talent. Your blog candy looks totally amazing by the way. Hugs Ola
Forgot to say, on my previous comment, that I would like to be up for the goodies - who would turn an offer like this down.
Take care
Hugs, Neet xx
Thanks for the offer of such amazing blog candy but thanks even more for all your wonderful inspiration.
I'm just back from holiday so lucky I popped in or I would have missed it.
You've also given me a nudge to sort out Google Reader... almost forgot.
Love Jo x
Keep blogging!
Congrats on your first year of blogging!!! Love your work!!! Thanks for sharing!!! I would like to be in the draw please, thanks again
Congrats on your first year blogging! I really appreciate your blog and the advise you gave about GFC. Thanks for the chance to win some blog candy!
Congrats to your blog anniversary ! Wow, what a great candy! And you have your blog only since 1 year?? Unfassbar! Ich hoffe, es folgen noch viele weitere Jahre! Ich bin ja immer gerne auf deinem blog, auch wenn es anschliessend schon mal teuer für mich wurde :))
Dem Gewinner wünsche ich viel Spaß mit dem tollem candy! Ich bin ja leider nicht bei blogger.
Have a nice sunday,
congratulations on your year of blogging..I am still quite new to it all..still finding my way around..your blog is great and I would love to be entered for the blog candy!!
Have been following your blog for a couple of months and really enjoy it. You're very talented. Congratulations on your anniversary!
Congrats on makin 1 Year !!! and thanks for sharing it with us too I've added you into blog lovin and your creations are wonderful.
Your all linked up too
hugs Nikki
P.S I have candy to ends 28th :)
Alison, I really LOVE your work ♥♥♥ you give me so much inspiration ...and
Congratulations on your first year of blogging!!! wow!!
Your blogcandy looks amazing...alots of good stuff there ♥♥♥
big hugs to you
Happy Birthday! I discovered you a few months ago. I have truly enjoyed every post since then. You are an inspiration!!!! Please enter me in your goodies give away. I am looking forward to another year of following your creativity.
Oh Lordy, Lordy - will the scroll down never end. You are so funny!! You had an incredible year because you are an incredible artist. If I get lucky enough to win your candy - will you please include a little of your talented. That would be really great!! Congratulations on a year well done!!
Alison, parabéns pelo aniversário do blog e pelos belos projetos. Estou te seguindo e divulguei o seu candy em meu blog. Obrigada pela oportunidade de participar do sorteio. Até bree!!!!
Congratulations and thanks for your generosity for blog candy. It is all very beautiful.
Congrats on your first year, many more to look forward too!! Good luck to everyone. Debbie R xx
Congrats on your first anniversary. Your blog is always a delight to come and visit with your wonderfully designed projects. Very inspiring! Looking forward to another year of fabulousness from your craft room.
For what it is worth, thank you for not requiring us to 'follow'. I don't use google connect and if I've created a google account somewhere I've forgotten about it anyways, lol. I much prefer to use an email subscription option if one is provided.
Happy Blogiversary!Just came across your blog today and I totally followed ya! Gorgeous cards and tags. You're very talented. :)
Thank you for the lovely candy. Hope I win. xx
Roudi @
Happy Anniversary! Thanks for the techie info and the chance to win candy. I love your blog and enjoy seeing your creations! Keep up the good work.
Happy Blogaversary, Alison. I've been blogging a little over a year myself, and have loved every minute. I don't know exactly how I found your blog, but when I saw the lovely vintage items, I fell in love, and will sign up to follow today. I would also like to be elligible for the draw, and hope you have many more years of bloggie happiness.
Thanks for a chance to win your lovely blog candy. Congrats on your blog's first birthday.
Well damn, I was really just hoping for the chair. I'm kidding!!! I can't believe it's been one year of following you already. Holy crud, time DOES fly by and you've certainly followed your dreams and this whole time has been a fabulous journey. Here's to many many more years and new friendships and incredible crafting.
Hugs and thank you for this opportunity Alison :)
Lisa xx
Happy Blogaversary:)
Thanks for a chance to win the candy.
Congratulations on your blogiversary! I'm happy to be your newest follower.. I'm definitely sticking around. So much gorgeousness to be seen! :) Thanks for the chance to win!
Annie Rose
Congratulations on your blogaversery.
Lovely candy you give away! Thank you.
Grats! I hope to have my blog to gether as nearly cool as yours!
Congrats on your first year of blogging, you have shared many a wonderful thing in that time and im sure you will share lots more in the coming year, your giveaway is scrummy, i have my fingers and toes crossed lol
XO Minxy XO
Hi Alison, wow I can't believe it's been a whole year already! That's flown over but you've packed in a lot of projects in that time! Thanks for the chance to win some fab candy - I've got my fingers crossed that I'll be the lucky one! Claire x
Many congratulations on your anniversary and guess who nearly missed this!
Fabulous candy and so generous too.
Many thanks for the chance.
Hugs, Fliss xx
Wowa year aalready, it goes quickly doesn't it. I can remember when I first saw you popping up in challenges and thinking wow your art is amazing layout couldn't work out why you were just popping up now, I was convinced you had to have been blogging for years. All the work on doll houses over the years really shows through your awesome art. Hugs :-) Kezzy xxx
It's my first time her and it won't be the last! What wonderful things you are offering to give away! Thank you for spreading joy and blessing! Patsy from
Thanks so much for your offer of candy. It has been a similar journey for me,and I have learned so much
Gratulation zum Einjährigen und eine lange Umarmung, liebe Alison!
Congratulations Alison, if you first year is anything to go by, the next ones are going to be amazing! Thank you for the opportunity of celebrating this with you.
Maria xxxxx
Your new follower.. looking forward to all the great projects by you..thanks for the lovely givewawy...
Congrats on completing 1 yr in the blog land... you will see that u are growing :) And its fun to look back and see what u did and how u have grown :)
I really loved the candy and would like to join the draw.
I am also your follower. I think i fell in love with your photography skills the moment i saw ur blog Keep up the good work !!!!
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