I'm travelling into a new way of working, a new country, a new language, and a new hobby which I'm passionate about. Come with me for some of the journey...

Monday 10 December 2012

Snowflake Jar

Hello all, and welcome to Words and Pictures - with an especially big welcome to the new followers - it's great to have you with us!  I'm sharing an altered gherkin jar with you today - yup, gherkins... how unromantic is that?!  But look what it turned into:

And since the inspiration behind this one was Frilly & Funkie's challenge A Light in the Darkness, I should really show you it lit up, shouldn't I?

I had an absolute ball with this one... and I also really like the outcome - a double pleasure, then.  I hope you like it too.

The jar was such a lovely shape to start with, with the little lantern-like panels top and bottom.  (Note to self: eat more gherkins.)

I used alcohol inks - denim, pearl, and a bit of silver - and some blender to colour the whole of the jar, pouncing the colours on, which is what gets you that lovely textured effect.

On my travels in Craftyblogland, I'd seen a glorious altered jar, using embossing, made by the fabulous Craftimamma, Lesley, of Crafty Love'n'Hugs, so I knew that it would be possible to put some snowflakes onto my twilight-coloured glass.

I took the snowflakes from two Artistic Outpost sets (Sleigh Ride and Snowy Woods) and set to work with Versamark Watermark and Wow Brilliant White embossing powder.

I was careful to heed Lesley's warning about the glass taking a long time to heat up, and an equally long time to cool down again.  It sounds as though she found out the hard way - ouch!  Thanks for the wise advice, Lesley...

It's also pretty hairy applying the stamp to the glass as it's really easy for it to slide around or smudge, or - since you're rolling it around a slight curvature - to not quite get the edges fully in contact.

If you look very closely at some of the snowflakes, you can see examples of both these things happening, but as Tim Holtz says: Embrace Imperfection!

All that being said, I really enjoyed the process, seeing the snowfall gradually build up around the centre of the jar.  And I do love how they look, especially with the light shining through...

On the angled panels around the top and bottom I used the Tim Holtz Distress Stickles Dry Glitter in Clear Rock Candy (bit of a mouthful that... let's see: THDSDGCRC anybody?).

I was tempted in to buying this by the amazing work of Trace at inkypinkycraft, who is - I think she'd agree - addicted to the stuff at the moment.

I'd said to Trace that I wasn't that much of a glitter person, and she assured me that she wasn't either, but that this stuff was different... and it is!!  It has a really subtle icy glimmer to it, rather than full-on bling.

I took advantage of my 25% off at The Funkie Junkie Boutique (plus the 10% temporary closing sale - bargains, bargains) to get it, and I'm really glad I did.  I love how the crystals sparkle in the candlelight.

I also used some of the THDSDGCRC (I think I'm just gonna call it Dry Glitter, okay?) on my first play with the TH mini-snowflakes decorative strip die (a.k.a. the THMSDSD).

I used one of the neutral pages from the TH Vintage Shabby paper stash, and cut and folded and glued away.

It was a bit fiddly, but I can see that it'll get faster with practice, and since Lord Tim uses a hot glue gun when he's making them, I expect that would be easier than the Glossy Accents I was using too.

Not to worry, it's worth it for the finished effect!  I edged it with some Chipped Sapphire DI, and stamped the tiniest snowflake onto the centre piece with Archival Cobalt before adding some glue and Dry Glitter.

For the ribbon, I took plain white satin ribbon and blended Chipped Sapphire DI onto it, before stamping the tiny snowflake again, in Cobalt Archival ink.

I heat set it, just to make sure the ink wouldn't run, or get all over my fingers while I was tying the bow.

I added a strip of frayed cheesecloth round the neck of the jar first, and then tied the ribbon over the top of that.

So that's my altered jar.

I hope you like it, and are maybe inspired to try something similar... there's nothing like candlelight at Christmas!

Have a wonderful week, and I hope to see you again soon.
I'm entering this in the following:
Frilly & Funkie's challenge A Light in the Darkness

Artistic Outpost's December Referral which is Anything Goes, using an AO stamp

At Anything But A Card the theme is Celebrating the Light or Seasonal Holiday

At Simon Says Stamp this week Simon says Snowflakes

Top Tip Tuesday are having a Christmas challenge, and I'm offering a tip: Make a unique embellishment by stamping plain ribbon with Archival ink, and inking it with Distress inks

How far that little candle throws his beams; 
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
Portia, The Merchant of Venice,
William Shakespeare

My candle burns at both ends
It will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends -
It gives a lovely light.
Edna St.Vincent Millay

Begin doing what you want to do now.  We are not living in eternity.  We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand, and melting like a snowflake.
Francis Bacon


mark gould said...

I love how the Alcohol inks look on the glass, I just picked up a jar in Brighton today to have ago at this as well.
the subtle colours of the alcohol inks work so well for your base and the snow flakes look right at home, I envy your patience. I would have got 3rd degree burns ;)
The large snow flake on top finishes the whole thing off brilliantly.
thanks for joining us at Anything But A Card

froebelsternchen said...

this looks wonderful.. an I adore your "Golden memories of home"

wonderful artwork Alison!

pearshapedcrafting said...

Lovely Alison! I thought your HOME tag was lovely but your mojo is definitely back to the job with this - I just happened to have emptied a coffee jar today so if time allows I might just have a play! Chrisx

Astrid Maclean said...

Wow, looks amazing, with the light inside it looks absolutely magical, fabulous, I'll never look at my gherkin jars in the same way again lol! Brilliant photos too I have to say, not easy to capture those kind of pics at all!

Cestina said...

Oh dear, those gherkin jars are never going to make it to the Czech Republic for the pickled cabbage are they?

It's simply lovely - and the Francis Bacon quote is inspired.....

Craft Addicts - Tracy Evans said...

I din't like gherkins but I could be tempted when I see a transformation like this. Live your stamped snowflakes and the snowflake rosette s gorgeous. Must try some of the dry litter too. Beautiful Alison. Tracy x

Inkypinkycraft said...

Alison this is another wonderful make..thanks for the outing of my umm little...addiction with the old dry glitter...
Glad you agree it is fab in a non glitter blingy way...and just yummy!!! You will be shocked to know I have made a few thing without it lately!!!!!
I love your make lv trace x
Ps I am sure a few things will fall in it soon too!!!!xx

Lunch Lady Jan said...

That is sooooo pretty - what a fab idea!!

The House of Bears said...

We love repurposing, and the idea of turning something that held gherkins into something so beautiful is a wonderful idea. This is just the sort of creation to come home to on a cold night. It makes us feel all warm and cosy just to look at it.

Wonderful work as usual.

Jenny Marples said...

You really tested your stamping skills with this one. Sorry Alison's mum, I think its lovely without cabbage in it! This would look great in the garden on a summers evening as well as at this time of year. Such a beautiful make that perfectly fits those challenges. Well done you. Hugs, Jenny x

Anonymous said...

Oh my Life this is awesome what a great idea! I Need more hours in a day!! I love love love this Alison! stupendous! xx

catherine said...

Looks wonderful Alison and great job with the stamping
x catherine

Cathy L. Calamas said...

So pretty! I have acabinet of jars just waiting for some beautifying. This is perfect.

Alie Hoogenboezem-de Vries said...

What a super alteration Alison! The effect with the light inside is so great...Lovely in total!

greetings, Alie :-)

http://blog.timetocreate.com.au/ said...

Oh My this is wonderfulButterfly. The colours and glittery bits all work so well. Might just have to try this myself. Thanks for sharing and visiting my blog too!

Anonymous said...

tehehhehee Doh! forgot to say thanks for joining us at Top Tip Tuesday too! thehehhehe :)

Marjie Kemper said...

What a stunning transformation, Alison! That jar looks stunning all lit up. What a great idea to carry the snowflakes off the glass and right up to the tie-on. Fabulous! Thanks so much for sharing it with us at Frilly and Funkie.

http://blog.timetocreate.com.au/ said...

Thank you for joining in over at our Anything But A Card Challenge.

Netty said...

Never has a gherkin jar looked so good. Great colourings and stamping, plus beautiful embellies. A fab make Alison and love it when its lit. Now you have got me singing Let it Snow, let it snow........let it snow...xx

Lin said...

Wow, what a lovely creation! Love the blues with the frosty snowflakes! Thanks so much for sharing this with us at the Simon Says Stamp challenge this week!

Redanne said...

Another gorgeous make Alison, love how you mixed the colours for the background, the stamping and embossing looks amazing and the snowflake looks wonderful covered in the Trace's favourite glitter! Love this, it will look beautiful lit up over the festive season. Hugs, Anne x

Hettie said...

If I send you some gerkins will you make me one please? Cannot stand the little green gremlins!
This jar is beautiful and what a wonderful idea. I have some dodgy Ikea jars which could be transformed into one of these.

Paper Profusion said...

Gorgeous crafting Alison. Light piece looks wonderful. Thanks for all the deets too! Nicola x

Nan G said...

So so pretty! Adding yet another item to my 'got to have' list...dry glitter!

craftimamma said...

What a beautiful creation Alison. I really must use my Dry Glitter more often because Trace is right, it's not 'in your face bling' just a nice subtle sparkle and added to your lovely blue shades of alcohol ink it looks absolutely perfect on your frosty jar. Love the pretty snowflakes and your rosette one is beautiful. It's sort of the crowning glory if you will!

Thank you for the mention Alison. I can't wait to try your way of covering with the alcohol inks because it looks fabulou with the light shining through. I find I'm looking at jars on the supermarket shelves in a different way now and if there are either/or's the prettiest shaped jar gets it, lol!

Lesley Xx

Kate Yetter said...

Wow, this is amazing! I can't tell you how much you have inspired me. I really want to make one! You are one talented lady, Alison!

Anonymous said...

this is so beautiful!!!! Seriously cool :)

Lisa Somerville said...

Stunning altered jar Alison! I'm not much of a glitter gal either but I love the way it looks here! Fabulous Christmas Decor! Thanks for your continued support of Artistic Outpost!

chrissie said...

Wonderful piece and it looks so amazing lit up. The flower is terrific.

Love Chrissie xx

Chrissy said...

I just love your project Alison, looks fantastic all lit up, the snowflakes and dry glitter look wonderful.Beautiful decoration on top..


sam21ski said...

OOOOhhhh absolutely fabulous xxxx

Cardarian said...

I am sooo late commenting but very glad I am as I might have missed all the lovely posts since the WOYWW one! You make sooo beutiful things - I love the Snowflake jar - sooo beautiful! I am so into making cards I haven't done anything else - except the angels for a swap! You have inspired me though!
Lots of hugs,

Silvia(Barnie) said...

That's a wonderful idea, love the jar.

craftytrog said...

Be still my beating heart!!! This is absolutely stunning Alison! Another piece of wonderful inspiration from you!
Alison xx

Candy C said...

Very cool idea, Alison. I love the alcohol inked jar and how the light from your "candle" reflects from it. Neat idea! <3 Candy

Gerrie Johnnic said...

Wow GF, never saw a pickle jar look so good....if they packed pickles in jars like this, they would sell more! lol

Sophie said...

Wunderschöne Kustwerke liebevoll gearbeitet.
Ich liebe es.

Gio said...

It's so suggestive and very winterish..Love it!

Charlotte Zweigoron said...

You do such cool stuff!! And this is just another one that I think is really great. Glad I subscribed...

Annie said...

So beautiful Alison. I have never used the alcohol inks on glass but this is gorgeous. What a fab gift x

Thank you so much for sharing and good luck in the challenges

Crafty hugs
Annie x

Princess Judy Palmer said...

So beautiful! And if you hadn't tattled on yourself then we wouldn't have known what the jar's former occupants were. Although, I wonder do you get a slight scent when lit? I think that might be nice, but I'm weird like that.

Anonymous said...

There is something so satisfying when taking an ordinary item from the home and turning it into something beautiful and practical - doesn't that give such a thrill?
Gorgeous snowflakes and the AIs have transformed the jar so beautifully.

Anonymous said...

Amazeballs! Sorry if you find that offending but it's the only word I could think of to describe this! Thanks for dropping by at my blog.

May said...

Hi Alison, This is a Gorgeous festive creation... I love how the alcohol inks look on the glass... Gorgeous embossed snowflakes.. stunning design... Hugs May x x x

Unknown said...

I love that you recycled a pickle jar and turned it into a luminary. This is stunning Alison! Love the color scheme and those gorgeous snowflakes. Thanks for joining us at Top Tip Tuesday.

Linda Coughlin, the funkie junkie said...

This is totally fabulous. I loved the blues and how cool is it that when lit from inside, the colors totally change. The embossing on the glass is inspired. I have so many ideas that I want to try, and now you have given me another one. It's always an inspiration to visit your blog! Thanks for sharing with us over at Frilly and Funkie!


Unknown said...

I love all the encrusted glitter!!! I heading back to the store soon to get more jars and candles!

Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

EXTREMELY Gorgeous! I love that you altered this jar, and the candle looks fab through the blue! Gorgeous snowflakes! Thank you so much for playing along with us at Frilly & Funkie this fortnight!!!

maj. said...

Stunning work with beautiful details and colours!!!

Basement Stamper said...

Wow, this is absolutely stunning! Love the blue and the snowflakes.

Katherine said...

It's beautiful I love the colour and the snowflakes as well as the ribbon and paper decorations - just gorgeous :)

Nicecrane Designs said...

Absolutely soooo stunning creation,,,, OMG love it,,,,,,

Janny Jager said...

Very very beautiul Alison.
Great idea.
Greetings Janny

Michelle Webb said...

Wow Alison, this is brilliant! love what you have done, and I agree Trace is addicted to the dry glitter, and she does some amazing things with it, doesn't she. You've used it really well here too, I love that snowflake die, its scrummy. Michelle xxx

toni said...

This is lovely Alison it reminds me of some of the mercury glass candle holders i've seen in the shops, this is a much prettier and more personal aternative. Great work ! X

Unknown said...

WOW how gorgeous!!!! I love seeing it glowing!! Really really beautiful!!!

Neet said...

Tjat's beautiful Alison, but i thought it was going to be full of gherkins! Love the transformation and what a gorgeous colour.
Hugs, Neet xx

Shelby said...

Another gorgeous piece of work. Love the colors you've used and the snowflakes and rosette are perfect.


Kim said...

Beautiful Alison! I love your "note to self...eat more gerkins!" LOL! This is a great project!

Karen McAlpine said...

Great idea!! Love the way the alcohol inks look on the glass!! I may have to try this!! Your project turned out so pretty!

Andrea Small said...

How gorgeous - the "lit"photograph is fab. I love that ESVM quote :-)

Lisa Minckler said...

Be still my heart!!! MY GOSH I LOVE THIS!!! :D

Margaret said...

This is stunning! While it is ever so pretty with the inks, embossed snowflakes (brilliant, by the way!), and that gorgeous glittery snowflake, it is even more lovely lit up! Who would have thought a lowly pickle jar could transform into something so wonderful... Thanks so much for joining us again at Anything But a Card!!

Julia S-W said...

I'm back in the land of the living and attempting to catch up with some comments so please forgive my absence! I love this altered jar Alison. By using the alcohol inks you get a beautifully diffused light which looks wonderful. The finishing touches with Tim snowflake rosette is lovely. I'm not really a glitter girl but I have to agree with Trace and you - Tim's glitter is fab!
Thanks so much for sharing this at Anything But A Card and you've inspired me to dig a jar out of the cellar and have a go!

Bettina L. said...

Oh this altered jar looks absolutely spectacular. Love the design with the snowflakes, bow and cheesecloth. Thanks for playing at Top Tip Tuesday and good luck. Hope to see you back tuesday for another challenge. Bettina xx

Unknown said...

Wonderful piece of work! merry Xmas

Christy said...

Wow...this is quite stunning! I love the color and the frosted look...just awesome! :) Thanks for joining us at Anything But a Card this challenge!

MJ's Kraze said...

Wow. This is amazing. I am in love with it. Thanks for joining us over at ABAC.

SandeeNC said...

Congrats for being a featured artist over at Anything but a card, this snowflake jar rocks girl! I love everything about it! waving hi from the soggy hills of North Carolina :)