Yes, Wednesday means it's time to show you What's On My Workdesk... and you can hop over to the Stamping Ground for this week's nose around more craftdesks around the world, hosted by the lovely Julia Dunnit.
I've got a very messy desk - the wastes left over after struggling mightily with one of my DT themes this week (more of that on Friday, maybe)...
The canvas board in the foreground is one failed attempt.
The cat pictures are Steinlen illustrations - from more failed attempts, although one of these did form the basis of what I've eventually gone with (still not happy with it).
The tag with all the painstakingly stamped words from a very long cat quote is another fail. Epic.
I'd far rather just show you a few pictures of some of my favourite ornaments on my tree... the one up in my attic room (bedroom, living room and craft room), which is all silver, white, blue and wood - suiting the frosty temperatures up there! Don't worry, I like to live cold...

Yes, that's better... hope you're all having a wonderful time this Christmastide! And happy WOYWW...

Hi Alison, happy Xmas/boxing day. Do love your ornaments, my tree is the same all ornaments I have collected over the years and are my favs. Re failed canvas, me I just paint over and start agin. Hugs Francesca #28
We are melting today as it is the middle of summer here in South those decorations. Enjoy your Christmas today.
Remember, some of your failures end up as your triumphs... just keep going and layer.
I love special ornaments which bring memories rather than "designer" decorated trees. You have some treasures there.
Love jo x
What gorgeous tree decs - I love them all! Happy Boxing Day and Happy Wednesday, too.:o)
Sue x (MiniOwner@34)
I really like the ornaments. Wishing you a wonderful 2013
Failed projects, we all have a tonne of them. I tell yield I've learnt from them all, but mostly I just get depressed by them. At least your tree demos are fabulous.
Have a wonderful new year,
Rachel, #26
Beautiful ornaments! Happy WOYWW!
Glenda #21
and of course Happy New Year too!!
I have one of those on my tree, bought when we were over in the USA!
small world!
Gorgeous ornaments!!! And your desk looks quite busy! And your "failure" can be cut apart and reused into great projects! Happy Christmas! Thanks for visiting!
Carol N #38
Beautiful ornaments for your Christmas tree Alison.
Greetngs Janny
Merry Christmas Alison. I cannot believe you have failures and I am sure they will turn into beauties!
Love your decs especially the wooden ones and my tree and lounge are full of those and straw decorations from Prague!
Merry christmas today!
please don't dismiss your 'failures' too quickly often they can be transformed into something else.
happy crafting in 2013
janet #8
I do so love those brave peeps that will show their failures... I just designate them to the UFO box and hope that one day some light bulb will go off in my head and I can save them!!
Love your tree decs, I too have collected them over many years from different countries I have spent Christmas in... which lends to a pretty mixed up tree in the end!!
I can not see where your canvas board has reached a "failed" atempt yet. I know you can take an other look at it a little later and find a master piece there. Your ornaments are jsut beautiful. I am an ornament junkie and my tree shows it ...LOL
Happy WOYWW the last one for this year!
Krisha #48
Well they look good to me so I am sure you can keep on playing and rescuing them until you like them! I love your decorations too. Thanks for visiting me.
Wow, your Christmas oranaments are fantastic, the look really great.
Those ornaments are stunning.
Happy Boxing Day love from the bears. X
Thanks for visiting me today, super decs there, have a great New Year BJ#15
Happy Christmas Alison! Hope today has been super for you all. Your decorations are lovely, glad you've got a tree in your craft space, very special!!
Gorgeous baubles, missus...and the trees not bad either, lol!!!! I've got some favourites too and I enjoy seeing them come out every Christmas! Walk away from your crafting then return tomorrow, all will be well :)
Hugs, LLJ 16 xxxxx
Happy new year Alison!
Adorable new pieces below and at all... I love love love your ART!
xxx Susi
Just got back from the sales at a certain store (phew, never again will I go the first day) - well, got back a while ago but been asleep, those prodding elbows that surrounded me whacked me out!
Hope you are having a lovely time with the children, am sure you are. Have a wonderful evening now and then a very very Happy New Year to you Alison.
Neet xx 3
Left it too late to join in but couldn't resist taking a peek! Sorry to hear of your struggles but those ornaments are gorgeous - I don't often go for just silver, blues and whites but this year left all the other colours in the box! Hope you had a lovely day -our family "Christmas day" is tomorrow! Chrisx
Love your ornaments, very pretty! Stay warm! Waving hi from the rainy, but wishing it was snowing hills of North Carolina for the last WOYWW of 2012!!
great looking desk but I love the ornaments on the tree. My family says that we no longer have a Christmas tree that it has morphed into an brightly light Snowman tree and now I have a huuuuuuggggeee collection of Snowmen and women! Love it. Hope your having a fun holiday week and enjoying time with family and friends. Thanks for taking the time to visit my desk this week. Vickie #4
I love living vicariously through your ornaments. Those are wonderful!! :D
Lisa xx
Thanks for your visit, and I have to say that we all have failures from time to time it's just that some don't own up ha ha.
Have a great new year.
Elaine #10
Gorgeous tree n ornaments! It's a real tree!! Haven't had one of those in eons. It's surprising yet comforting to know that a talented person such as yourself struggles at times with design n such. Makes me feel more normal. :) Can't wait to see what you came up'll be amazing I'm sure! Thanks for the visit today. Happy New Year! Nan 44
Thanks for coming by to visit the Playhouse, Alison! I'm sorry you were struggling with your crafting. It's so hard this time of year with all the distractions.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful ornaments! I'm sure it must all be so lovely in person!
Have a great week! Darnell #53
I am pretty sure none of those are such epic fails as you make them out to be. Isn't it funny how we can sometimes start something a million times and it just won't look like we want it to? I more often than not go back to the first idea a few days later and all just falls into place.
Happy WOYWW and may the New Year bring you lots of happiness, good health and blessings.
Tertia #6
Hubby has had to pop into work for a few hours this morning so I'm managing a bit of catching up with my blogging friends :-) We had our family celebrations yesterday too :-) Hope you had a wonderful time and hope you have a really creative New Year.
A x
Hello what beautiful decorations. I have many that I've had for years and they are used each year as well. We will be celebrating Christmas again at the weekend when we will see our eldest son and his wife and our grandsons- can't wait. Happy New Year. Anne x #54
Thanks for popping to see me.
Oooh what gorgeous decorations! And don't worry about the "failures" on your craft desk... as they say, "creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes, art is knowing which ones to keep". :)
I hope your christmas have been wonderful, dear Alison? I`m home after 4 happy dayes with my little family.
I love your table, which don`t look messy at all compared with mine! And your frosty ornaments are looking lovely on the green tree.
See you soon, and enjoy your holydayes,like I do mine :-)
Hugs from Dorthe
Lovely ornaments! I am sure your "failures" aren't epic! We are always so hard on ourselves..thanks for coming my way! Best and warmest wishes..Sandi #36
Wow Alison those ornaments are beautiful. Lots to see on your desk, it's so frustrating when you have a DT deadline and your brain won't communicate with your inner creative side lol. Hope you manage to finish your DT piece. Enjoy the festivities, Happy Woyww :-) Kerry xxx
Your Ornaments are really beautiful and I am sure your tree was perfect this year.
Belated Christmas Greetings and Happy New Year
Eliza #63
Hi, Alison, sorry I'm a bit late returning your visit. I'm sorry you've had a discouraging time with your projects. It's hard to see the silver lining when you've spent time seemingly for naught . . . but you've perhaps learned something about how your supplies work? Perhaps there are bits that could be salvaged and used for something else? Your ornaments are just lovely. Wishing you a very happy WOYWW and 2013! ~ Laura #39
I always love looking at pictures of your work space! There is such a feeling of 'What if?" when I see all of your goodies spread out! As far as failures, sometimes we just need to walk away for a while and then view it with new eyes.
Love your beautiful frosty ornaments!
sorry im so late been a busy week thanks for visiting and hope your christmas meal was a success and lovely occasion love your decorations and you cant beat a blue Santa he is wishes for the New Year x Andrea#20
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