I'm travelling into a new way of working, a new country, a new language, and a new hobby which I'm passionate about. Come with me for some of the journey...

Wednesday 16 January 2013


Oh boy... the weeks really do whizz by, and yet again it's Wednesday!  Time to share What's On Your Workdesk with the fabulous crafty hop hosted at the Stamping Ground by lovely Julia Dunnit.

I'm going to be speedy again today, as Julia prefers, because I've got a bloghop to participate in - part of my new and exciting duties as a member of the Artistic Outpost Design Team.  So if you're not all hopped out by the end of the day, I'd love it if you had time to pop along.

Anyway, here's my current chaos - an attempted DT project underway... As you may be able to see, this poor trio of papier-mâché frames is already on it's third attempted alteration.

I keep painting over the top of versions I don't like, in search of something better, and finally I've succumbed to the texture paste.  We'll see where it goes from here.

There's also a tag where I've been playing with Leandra from PaperArtsy's stencil "bumping" technique - spot the song inspiration, anyone?

There's more to do on this one, and I'm not sure it's really doing the trick for me, so it will probably go on the back burner...

And then various other half-finished bits and leftovers from previous projects.  Looking forward to seeing your chaos craftdesk when I come hopping later...  Happy WOYWW everybody!

Beginnings are always messy.
John Galsworthy


Yvonne Garner said...

Hi Alison! Thanks for sharing. By the way, your craft mat looks huge compared to mine. Do they come in more than one size?. Have a great day!

Jenny Marples said...

The windmills of your mind are definitely painted turquoise!! Glad I'm not the only one redoing stuff several times over. Happy WOYWW, hugs Jenny x

jill said...

Great crafting desk with a fun looking project going on. I'm another one that repiants stuff because i don't like the first colour i used . Happy woyww jill #40

Helen said...

yes, the windmills of your mind or is it my mind? Looking good, anyhow! Can't beat a bit of bumping! Hope you get your DT piece done, I hate it when you (I!) have to keep changing tack cos it doesn't feel right!!!
Helen 10

Redanne said...

Hi Alison, my mind is all windmills today! I am so glad that you have to re-do things from time to time, it gives me hope......always love seeing your work-space and it looks very creative as ever. Liking the three circle frames, look forward to seeing those completed. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #35

okienurse said...

great looking desk. Redo's make perfect! Have a great week. Vickie #43

RosA said...

Texture paste is wonderful! You can do so many things with it! I think your frames will be great. Thanks for stopping by and happy WOYWW!

Ann B said...

Overpainting is definitely something I'm guilty of, so much so that if it's a box or something then I often can't close the lid and am forced to get out the sandpaper.
I love texture paste - have three lots on the go - and the colours of your tag are just perfect.
Thanks for calling in earlier and for your comments - always appreciated.
Have a great week.
Ann B

Claudia N. said...

Love to see all these "befores" on your workdesk, Alison!

And all those snippets ready for use.... that's creative chaos as I like it best! (Mr. Mojo is hiding in there, I believe).


Claudia xx

MrsC.x said...

your tag is gorgeous hope your frames co operate soon and do as you want

Happy WOYWW Mrs.C #46 {i think?!}

MrsC.x said...

your tag is gorgeous hope your frames co operate soon and do as you want

Happy WOYWW Mrs.C #46 {i think?!}

Annie said...

Think we all have times when things don't please us when finished but I have to say I love that you just start again and alter things like that....mine would just end up in the bin :-)
A x #50

The House of Bears said...

Never mind the desk, we want to come and rummage through that interesting box of stamps to the left, can we? ;)

Hugs from the bears @#86 this week

SueH said...

Well, you certainly have a very messy, sorry I mean creative desk this morning. I really love the way the way your tag has turned out and I’m sure you’ll hit upon the perfect finish for your frames.
Happy Crafting!
Sue @79

Francesca said...

Hi alison, your desk looks busy busy busy. where do you find the time. Have a good day. Love francesca #75

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Definitely a blue phase going on on your desk, but it really suits that windmill stamp. Good luck with those frames. Thank you for your visit today. xx Maggie #37

Glenda said...

Great space! Lots of blue. Thanks for sharing!
Glenda #97

Lunch Lady Jan said...

You obviously have resilience in spades!! I am very bad at persevering when things don't go my way....so well done you! Love the tags as well :)
Hugs, LLJ 38 xxx

Joynana said...

Good morning, you were my first visitor this morning, You have been really busy creating. I really like the tag at the bottom. Thanks for stopping by. #99

Cardarian said...

I think your project is coming along just fine, and I think the Artistic outpost project is stunning! Really enjoyed the snoop! Thank you for sharing!
Lots of hugs,

Tina´s PicStory said...

very busy! :)

Di said...

Wow - I adore the turquoise - some great stuff going on there!

Happy WOYWW, hugs, Di xx

Krisha said...

Busy desk this week. I get so frustrated when I know what I want and cannot get it to come out right. Hang in there I think you frames will be smashing!
Krisha #122

lisa said...

It's so frustrating when a project just refuses to come together isn't it? Your frames will look gorgeous when you've finished them I'm sure.
Love the windmills take, that background is gorgeous.
Hugs Lisax #70

ria gall said...

I am so glad that I am not the only person that keeps painting over and over an item, my last canvas had more coats of paint than I know what to do with. Each time I didn't like the colour. I will be interested to see the finished projects.
Ria #114

toni said...

I think my comment may have just disappeared! Any way it roughly says Love your busy desk and those little frames. You will know when you've 'got it' and the song ....windmills of Your Mind. I went to see the original Thomas Crown Affair with Steve McQueen at his peak, and that song really stuck in my head.

BJ said...

Love your desk today, and the stencil "bumping" technique looks cool, must try that. Looks like you do a darker colour, move the stencil slightly and then a lighter/opaque one on top. Thanks for visiting me BJ#55

Erika said...

Great creative desk today, I too love textured paste and look forwards to seeing the finished project.
Enjoy the rest of your Wednesday and thanks for the visit.
Hugs Erika.

Darnell said...

Wow. I love this whole world of WOYWWing. I get to see creativity I would never otherwise see in a strictly CAS cardmaking world. I'm so impressed with your creations, real art, and love that you just keep pushing through if something doesn't quite feel right!

Thank you so much, Alison, for visiting the Playhouse and for the anniversary wishes!!

Have a wonderful week! Darnell #64

pearshapedcrafting said...

Fabulous busy desk with some lovely yummy colours there again! Look forward to seeing your completed tag! Chrisxx

Andrea said...

Fab desk with lots going on I do love to see creations at the mid way stage and cant wait to see the finished articles..the tag colours and stamps used are fab haven't worked the song out but my music knowledge is poor to say the least ! have a fab week Andrea#22

SandeeNC said...

Sometimes I feel likeI'm painting myself into this hole, and then pop, I'm out and loving it!...or the alternative, trash can city! Hope your frames turn out well for you! ♥ waving hi from the soggy laden hills of North Carolina :)

Pam said...

Greatc crafty desk. Hugs Pam

Hettie said...

Gorgeous tag there and I will be going to the land of Windmills and clogs very soon so this tag is quite apt for me.
Love the look of the frames and looking forward to seeing it finished.
Glad you managed to find some tins. There are none to be had in my area and someone has asked me if I can get one! I will keep sending the Boy!!
Will be back to join the hop once I have got round some desks. Yours looks fab and I will view it in more detail now!

Kyla said...

ooh loving your busy desk...and especially an earlier post about a tin you altered. It looks fantastic and its amazing what you can do with fresco paint (without a primer I presume?)...think I need to purchase some of these!!

Thanks for visiting my desk
kyla #17

Julia Dunnit said...

I'm so impressed that you keep going with the frames...it's just the sort of lesson I need to learn. And I bet that they've looked really good before, we really are our own worst critics!

MaryH said...

Hi Alison, thanks for the comment at my WOYWW post today. Surfed over following your link, and I think your windmill looks very charming. The clock & dots background is very effective with the old-fashioned windmill. (kinda like the windmills of my mind! mixed media I mean)I'm looking forward to seeing how your textured circles turn out. I need to get adventurous enough to learn some of these techniques...they look so interesting, and I love anything that has a 'patina' look. Your desk looks a work in progress...verrryyy interesting! TFS & Happy WOYWW to you too. Hugs

fairy thoughts said...

Hi Alison
love the round frames they look like port holes have you thought of doing something nautical with them... good luck
janet #30

Robin said...

Hi Alison!

Busy as a bee! I am intrigued by your frames. Looks like once you are finished they will hang one above the other! I bet that going to be beautiful, once it starts listening to you!

Hey, have the very best week

Thank you for visiting,
robin#109 HA or 111

Nan G said...

Nice start to your tag. Love the circle frames! The background to the left and behind the paint is looking good. Is the gold spray can a top coat/sealant? Happy WOYWW! Nan 113

Unknown said...

You have a very cool looking desk.Love it all.

Nan G said...

Water spritzer....cool! :D Thanks for responding. It's a classy spritzer!

Eliza said...

Looks like you have been having oodles of fun and getting inky.

I have to try the bumping, not done it yet and I am playing with tags atm too.


Sandy said...

Look at your desk! You can tell your mind is all a flutter with wonderful ideas more more inspiration for us all!!

Queenie Jeannie said...

Don't fret! Some of my best work has been the result of many failed prior attempts!!! You'll get it right!

Jeannie #47

Lori said...

I love what you are doing so far. Don't beat yourself up. It will come together. Looking forward to seeing the finished projects.

Sorry I am a day late. Fighting the nasty flu.
Lori #84

Neet said...

Love the colour of that tag - Leandra's paints by any chance? Love the finish they have.
Mmmm interesting to see what you do with those frames - what a fab shape - very Victorian to me.
Take care and keep blogging (we love visiting you)
Hugs, Neet xx 7

Debbie Rock said...

Bit late getting back to my WOYWW visitors I'm afraid ... kept busy with those icing flowers (now all done and wired into sprays ready to go on the cake!) I LOVE your workdesk ... am never happier than when I am messing around with ink and stamps and tags and stuff ... just wish I were as creative as you and I must learn to experiment more! Love Debbie #48 xXx

Nicky said...

Great tag love the colours - hope you get the frames as you want – I have not shared my desk this week as am busy looking after my friends cattery but am enjoying looking at everyone else craftiness – Have a great week

Craftychris said...

Wow your desk is sooooo busy! I am loving the tag and I bet those frames will look fabulous when they are finished. Have a good weekend xx #126

Amy E said...

Oh Alison, your desk is looking like lots of fun this week! Love the frames and can't wait to see them finished. The song inspiration for the tag must have something to do with windmills through time?

Thanks for stopping by this week!

Amy E. #21

Elizabeth said...

Have been known to paint over projects too - eventually you will reach something you are pleased with. The tag is lovely - love the windmill idea. Elizabeth x #52