I'm travelling into a new way of working, a new country, a new language, and a new hobby which I'm passionate about. Come with me for some of the journey...

Monday 3 September 2012

Musical Notes

Hello all - so happy and grateful you stopped by.

I've been quite a busy bee recently creating things for other people for weddings and birthdays and so on.  So on Sunday morning I decided I was going to make something just for me... and here it is, a music book...

I've been so enjoying working with Tim Holtz's Kraft Resist techniques, and absolutely love the results.  There's one particular 12x12 paper that has always attracted me, but I've never known quite what to do with it.  On this particular morning, it suddenly became blindingly clear to me - cover a music book with it... so I did.

Since I'm entering this in the Compendium of Curiosities Challenge I can't go into details about how I treated the paper... you can find it all on page 41 of the book or you can check out the man himself in action by clicking the video link in my previous entry for the challenge.

However, even a 12x12 wasn't large enough for this book, and I didn't want to use up two sheets of my stash on one book, so on the back I created my own version of the Kraft Resist paper... and I think it's probably within the letter of the law to tell you a bit about how I did that.

I absolutely adore resist technique - something so relatively simple achieves really gorgeous results.  Essentially you create a resistance to ink, allowing you to blend and stamp as much as you want, and you can always get back to whatever you've resisted with.

I'm very happy with my bluebird... he's on the paper anyway, but I had a lovely time getting the colours right, and embossing his face.

Love his shiny beak and beady eyes!

A resist can be anything non-porous - you can use clear embossing, multi-medium or other glues, acrylic paint (once dry).  As long as it's non-porous, ink won't soak into it - that's to say it will resist the ink, and remain untouched.

Well, not necessarily untouched, but protected enough that if you wipe over afterwards with a damp cloth, the resist will be revealed again shining through whatever you've been doing over the top.

I used an embossing resist for my paper.  I stamped various images in black archival onto some kraft cardstock.  Then, I stamped my Kaisercraft manuscript music in Versamark Watermark, a clear embossing ink, and embossed using Ranger Clear embossing powder.  That provided my resist on my homemade Kraft Resist, and from there, I'm going to have to let you use your imaginations or I'll be breaking the other set of rules!

I cut down the edge of Tim's paper with some decorative scissors so as to have the boundary between the two papers be less straight and brutal.

I used Multi Medium to stick my papers to the book covers, and then used tissue tape to give the whole thing a 'finished' look.  I love tissue tape, so I was determined to have it on this "me" project!

And since I'm a WordPlayer, I had to have some wordplay on the cover, so this book will be for notes about music, songs and lyrics, but also possibly for some notation - some actual musical notes - so the title covers it both ways.

It's stamped onto some music torn out of an already-falling-apart songbook, and inked with - guess what - Vintage Photo Distress Ink... well, I wasn't going to leave that off a project that's for me!

The treble clef is the Memory Box die which I've embossed with some Vintage Photo Distress embossing powder for a rusted look.

I'm absolutely thrilled with the outcome - it not only pleases me visually, but it has lovely texture too when you hold it (another benefit of resist technique).

One of the many things I love about it is that you get very different effects at different angles of light - but that's quite hard to get over in photographs, but I hope these show you something of what I mean...

And I'm happy I made the effort to really get the papers down into the ridges either side of the spine... it wasn't easy to get it to stay put, but definitely worth it in the end.

Thanks for dropping in to Words and Pictures today.  It's always a pleasure to have some company on the journey, and your lovely comments honestly make my day.  See you again soon, I hope!

I'm entering this for the following:
Simon Says Stamp and Show are asking us to Read All About It
Our Creative Corner are daring us to Resist the Resist - I can't - and to add some Wings
Lovely Linda Ledbetter extended the Kraft Resist challenge for another week over at Studio L3
And for a hatrick on the Resist challenges, I'd like to add this to Frilly and Funkie's one too!
Crafty Cardmakers are having a challenge calling for Winged Things
Even though I forgot the 'before' picture, I'd like to enter this for the Alter It challenge at The Stampman
Gingerloft are having a challenge called Birds of a Feather for this fortnight
And I 'd like to make another entry for new challenge Anything But A Card and their Anything Goes

No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings.
William Blake

Be like the bird who, pausing in her flight awhile on boughs too slight, feels them give way beneath her, and yet sings, knowing she hath wings.
Victor Hugo


mark gould said...

fantastic stuff, that bird is beautiful, and I love how you have made your own craft resist paper x

Claudia N. said...

What a lovely cover for your musical treasures, Alison!

Your bluebird is just gorgeous and I can hear him sing the tunes from the musical notes from the inside of the book. You did right to do this wonderful "you" project!!!!

Love it so much!

die amelie xxx

Zoechaos said...

Gorgeous beyond words, your bluebird is stunning XOXO Zoe

Inkypinkycraft said...

this is a really beautiful piece, soft colours, vintage feel and i just love the delicate way you have created this trace x

Craft Addicts - Tracy Evans said...

Gorgeous. The Kraft resist is so striking as are the colours, in fact favourites of mine. Love how,you have showcased the bird and a lovely idea. Thanks so much for joining in the Simon Says Stamp and Show Challenge. Tracy x

Alie Hoogenboezem-de Vries said...

You've used the time for yourself so wonderfull well! A great look, such nice details and colors...the bird is amazing! You're a great artist Alison!

greetings, Alie :-)

Kjersti said...

Fantastic! A gorgeous music book and the bluebird is amazing - I really love your project Alison, it's so beautiful! And I'm so glad I became a follower at your blog:)
Have a nice week!
Hugs Kjersti

Annie said...

Oh Alison this is stunning. I love the craft resist too and that page is certainly a favourite. Good luck in the challenge with this wonderful piece. x

The House of Bears said...

This is lovely. We still haven't used our kraft resist, so many projects, so little paws.

Chrissy said...

Beautiful Alison, the texture and colours on the bluebird looks stunning, and so does your own handmade back page paper..fabulous music book.


Terry said...

Thank you for sharing your fabulous project with the DT from the Bloghop Simon Says Stamp and Show, love your colors, papers that you have used and the birdie is fabulous wowwwzersss Thank you and good luck, hugs terry xxxx

MarcyK924 said...

Alison, this project is GORGEOUS! Your resist work is just brilliant, especially how you worked the bluebird! Truly artistic and inspirational! Thanks SO much for joining us again this week at Our Creative Corner! Hugs, Marcy

Bärbel said...

Ein wunderbar gestalteter Hintergrund und ein grandioses Ergebnis, mein Kompliment!

Julia S-W said...

This is a stunning project Alison. Your finished book is something to be treasured but also used. I love that particular paper but, like you, I haven't yet found a use for it. . .
I love how you explain so clearly how you have created your own resist paper and even small details like making sure the two papers 'blend and merge' rather than starkly join. I have really enjoyed reading your post and feel inspired by your beautiful blue bird.
I'm so happy you decided to show your wonderful work at ABAC's first challenge.

Michelle Webb said...

Alison this is exquisite! The colours and the bird is really beautiful. The stamping and all the techniques are truely inspiring. Thanks so much for sharing this. I love it. Michelle x

Candy C said...

Hi Alison. Yet another gorgeous project! Love it! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment!! That means the world to me. I hope that you will join in on the challenge. I always love seeing your "take" on a theme. Lots of possibilities to win prizes. Have a wonderful week! <3 Candy

Anonymous said...

Hi Alison
Okay, deep breath as this might be controversial and I might cause upset amongst TH devotees but I prefer your resist paper for it is so much more beautiful and it is unique. Out of my few pieces of TH I do own this resist paper and yikes .... I prefer the back. Am I in big trouble now?!!!
A gorgeous cover your created that sings of you and your talents.

Words and Pictures said...

Thank you Lynne... but do feel in the interests of not rousing the TH devotees (of which I'm definitely one!) that I should just make it clear that one third of the back cover IS the TH paper... but thank you - I'm definitely honoured!
Alison x

...the yorkshire fox... said...

...striking work Alison, the kraft resist paper is awesome and the fact you have made some of your own is commendable, I tell you what though, what you have done with the bird is just gorgeous I can't stop looking at it, you have totally beautified it...beautiful work Alison...Mel :)

Candy C said...

Alison...love your piece! I had posted earlier to thank you for your nice comment on my blog, not realizing that you'd already posted this to SSSS's challenge. Love it! And thanks for sharing your art with all of us at Simon Says Stamp and Show. <3 Candy

May said...

WOW!!! Fabulous work..I adore the bird it's quite AmAzing... the stamping is Gorgeous... love it all!! Simply Brilliant... Hugs May x x x

TAM said...

Fabulous piece of work - really stunning

Scrumplescrunch said...

Hello Alison
What you have achieved here is just so beautiful and so perfect for your Music Book.
You have given the Resist Technique a huge Wow, and many will be inspired with your results, it is a magical and like you I love it.
Thank you so much for joining us at OCC this week we are thrilled to see your work.

Suzanne C said...

Beautiful book! Love the gorgeous bird on the cover. Love your use of the resist techniques. Glad you joined us in the Simon Says Stamp and Show hop and the challenge this week!

Redanne said...

Hi Alison, not sure I can add muchmore than others have already said other than to say that this is stunningly gorgeous beyond words. I have never liked that one sheet of paper in the stack but I have now changed my mind - fabulous work! Crafty hugs, Anne x

Brenda Brown said...

Outstanding Alison, you have created and re-created wonderful papers and a fabulous book cover. I keep going back over you photos to pick our more details. Superb job well done.
hugs {brenda} xox

Jess said...

This is truly beautiful and stunning! Love the gorgeous techniques you used!

Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

Honestly...I thought this was Tim's paper! You are amazing! This resist is fantastic!!!

Margaret said...

This is such a stunning piece and the fact that you created it 'just for you' makes it even more special! You have also combined two of my favorite themes into one book-birds and music! The resist technique makes such a gorgeous background for your beautiful bird and I love the texture on the treble clef! Wishing you joy as you use this fantastic book and thanks so much for joining us at Anything But a Card Challenges!

MJ's Kraze said...

This was beautifully done. I looks poetic. I love the techniques you used. Thanks for joining us over at ABAC.

chrissie said...

Amazing work on this-so many wonderful colours and techniques.

Best wishes Chrissie xx

Martina said...

Beautifully created, Alison! Love this!

Unknown said...

This is such a beautiful project and it looks like you have put your heart and soul into it. Just fabulous. And I love your original approach to the challenge. Thank you so much for joining us this week at Our Creative Corner. Hope to see you again.

Elly said...

Stunning!! Love the vintage look. (:o)

Janny Jager said...

Wauwwwwwwwwww Alison what a beautiful Music box you made
I love every detail on it.

Greetngs Janny

Sarah said...

Your book cover is a beautiful study of color and texture and technique...absolutely gorgeous!

Barbara said...

An absolutely incredibly beautiful project.

Marjie Kemper said...

Wow! This is the best use of that page I have ever seen... I love the way you did your blue bird and all the other elements, too. Thanks so much for joining us at Frilly and Funkie!

Christy said...

Oh wow...stunning, just STUNNING!!! Thanks for joining us at ABAC :) :)

Silvia(Barnie) said...

Wow, that's a wonderful page.

Teresa Kline said...


Margaret said...

What a stunning card! Love your design and layout. Colors your chose are fabulous!

Andrea Small said...

This is VEERRRY lovely - is it full yet? x

Lisa Minckler said...

Okay, a little insight to why I chose this challenge to have wings. My nickname is Bird and I was hoping I'd see a few of them on projects this week and glory of glories...LOOKIE HERE! There is a giant, gorgeous, detailed and magnificent bird on yours. I'm overjoyed at your "just for me" project Alison. Your transformation of this music book is stupendous. The resist technique, what you could share, just shines!
Thank you so much for sharing your talent and creativity with us at Our Creative Corner. I'm truly inspired. ;)
Lisa xx

Mynn xx said...

This is absolutely STUNNING! GORGEOUS creation--your blue bird is fabulous! Thanks for joining us at CCM! :)

Shelby said...

Another over the top beautiful creation. love the rich earth tone colors and the bluebird is amazing and beautiful.


Sazzle said...

WOW this is gorgeous Alison - I love the soft colour of the bird and am curios as to how that was done!

xx Sazzle xx

coconut said...

Wooow this one is absolutely WONDERFUL and so BEAUTIFUL !!!!!!! Can not go away without telling it you... Have a good day, and good luck for all your weekly challenges !

http://blog.timetocreate.com.au/ said...

Each and every time you use this magical book I hope it gives you great pleasure Alison. It certainly gave me pleasure to read your lovely post and peruse your Me Art. Your bird truly is the Bluebird of Happiness . Delightful!
Thank you for joining us over at Anything But A Card Challenge.

Feebsy said...

Wow what a stunning creation, I love all the detail you've included. I especially like the bird and treble clef.

Thanks so much for sharing with us at Crafty Cardmakers.


Lili said...

Stunning project Alison! Great use of the technique, and although I can't touch your card I can tell that it has a nice texture. Amazing! Thanks for playing along with us at Our Creative Corner this week!

Alyna said...

this is just gorgeous. it must have taken u sometime to get done with it. love it to bits.
thank for joining us in gingeloft challenge :)

J said...

What a beautiful project!!! I love the effects you have achieved, and the detailed photographs.

Thank you for joining us this time at Crafty Cardmakers


Anna-Karin said...

i Love how you used that kraft resist paper here Alison. The bird looks wonderful. Love all the details. Gorgeous work as always.

Meihsia Liu said...

Such an awesome creation, Alison. Thank you for joining OCC this wwek and congratulations on winning our top talent award!!!! ... :)

Susan M. Brown {sbartist} said...

WOW!! I love your book cover and will be back to follow your step by step on emboss resisting your own paper. Thanks for sharing this fantastic project with everyone at ABAC! Look forward to seeing more of your work :)