I'm travelling into a new way of working, a new country, a new language, and a new hobby which I'm passionate about. Come with me for some of the journey...

Friday 5 August 2016

Lost and Found

Hello all!  I seem to be constantly under time pressure these days, and I know I'm missing lots of amazing work all over Craftyblogland.  My apologies...

But there are still deadlines to meet, and today it's time for a new challenge over at A Vintage Journey.  The wonderful Amanda would like us to Stencil It.

It's a rare project here at Words and Pictures which doesn't include the use of a stencil so this was a lovely theme for me.

And though the stencilling here is in the background, I've tried to leave as much of it visible as possible.  And the title of the tag - Lost and Found - is also taken from the stencilled text.

I'm squeezing the writing of this post in just a couple of hours before the deadline, though I'm writing about a tag I actually made over a month ago - the last time I was at home with my craft supplies.  Given I don't remember too much about the making, I'll stick mainly to the lost-and-found story bubbling up from within.

As with the Carte Postale, the story was triggered by the Photobooth photo, though this one took me in a less cheerful direction.  If you'd prefer simply to look at the pictures, do feel free!

I was riveted by this little boy's gaze, and the look in his eyes - somewhere between bewilderment and determination.

Coupled with the crackled lost and found wording, and with the sombre colour combination, he became for me one of the Kindertransport children, rescued in the nick of time before war broke out across Europe.

But although he found his way to safety, he also lost so much on the way...

The first Kindertransport rescued 196 children from a Berlin Jewish orphanage burned down by the Nazis in November 1938.

But thousands more followed, and many of these were children whose parents leapt at the chance to get at least their children out of harm's way.

The children were separated from their families, the vast majority of whom went on to die in the concentration camps.

They were brought to Britain by train and boat, usually with only a few precious belongings in a single bag, and were welcomed in to British foster homes, hostels, schools and farms.

It's hard to be exact about numbers, but around 10,000 predominantly Jewish children from Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland made the difficult journeys away from family and friends into the unknown, but also away from almost certain death to a new life.

Not all of them made it... some were still in Holland and Belgium when those countries were invaded, and were unable to make the further escape across the channel.

And, of course, after the war it took great efforts to ascertain whether there were any family members left with whom to reunite the displaced child refugees.

For most, the answer was a tragic no, and many remained in Britain, some going on to achieve great things, others simply living long and happy lives and building new generations of children and grandchildren.

None of that would have been possible without the extraordinary efforts of individuals like Nicholas Winton and Rabbi Solomon Schonfeld...

But it's also well worth noting that the British government of the day passed legislation to allow for the immigration of unaccompanied minors, as well as simplifying the immigration process in order to help the rescuers and the refugees.

Out of the horror of persecution and war come these stories of courage and compassion... Children fleeing for their lives, children who had lost their homes and their families, found new homes and a welcome from new families - lost and found.

It makes my heart ache that you see this same look in the eyes of all too many children in photos in our newspapers today... bewilderment at the changes they are undergoing, a desperate determination not to howl in despair, a quiet strength and dignity beyond their years.

I hope we can find the compassion and courage needed now that there are thousands more children displaced by war and terror, so that they too can find their way to a new home.  I refuse to believe that we have lost those qualities.

Thank you for stopping by today.  Even if you've skipped the words, I hope the pictures will inspire you to have a play with your stencils.  You'll find lots more inspiration from my fabulous team-mates over at A Vintage Journey, so do come and Stencil It with us this month.

Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
George Santayana


Anne (cornucopia) said...

This tag is fantastic. I like all of the layers and details in this. Great artwork.

DVArtist said...

A fabulous way to represent a part of history that didn't all end in a happy situation. Lovey art work.

Susan said...

What a story to accompany your amazing artwork...thank you for sharing.

SewPaperPaint said...

Oh my gosh Alison, I just adore this in all its white crackled goodness! Absolutely stunning project! I am in love with this! Hope you are well. Hugs, Autumn

Julia Aston said...

Thank you for your wonderful history lesson/story depicted in your gorgeous tag - you are the queen of blues and browns with white splatter! Love the background stencil you used and all your various layered ephemera Alison - Don't know how you keep up with everything in your interesting/busy life!! Julia xx

Etsuko said...

Wonderful tag, great background and letters crackles, love the kid's face too!! xx

Helen said...

A beautiful tag, Alison. The words are never skipped and as always you give us something to make us think.

Lauren Hatwell said...

Gorgeous! So lovely to see you, albeit briefly. Hope it won't be too long before you're back with another fabulous post. Lx

Flo Langley said...

Very thought provoking Alison. TFS. Wonderful project.
Flo xx

Jenny Marples said...

Just the stencilling and words alone conjured up a story for that little boy. Superb stencilling as ever and of course wonderful composition make for yet another winner from you Alison xx

www.deeadamsart.blogspot.co.uk said...

Fantastic and your analogy of the little boy was enlightening, a brilliant project as always. x

Redanne said...

The crackled stencilling is beautiful, along with the muted tones that you are so well known for - they are so appropriate to go along with the story that you tell. There is a certain sadness in the boy's eyes, he could easily have been one of those children... The quote is so very true too - I hope we never forget the past... Despite the sadness of the story, the tag is truly beautiful Alison.

I hope you are managing to get a little 'me' time.

Hugs, Anne xx

Paper Profusion said...

Beautifully eloquent post and fantabulous tag Alison. The rise and success of some is rather frightening to put it mildly. Here's hoping (fervently) that the majority of decision makers are better enlightened. Hope all is going very well for you. Have a lovely weekend. Nicola x

Nikki Acton said...

Your tags are complete works of art with amazing techniques and stunning composition xxx

Inky and Quirky Designs said...

Another amazing tag Alison, once again beautifully created and atmospheric too
Donna xx

Gitte said...

Great Tag.

rachel said...

Amazing tag alison. That crackle paste looks brilliant. An amazing vollection fused together with love to make wonderful art xx

Astrid Maclean said...

Wonderful tag in your favourite colour scheme! Great looking crackle and super use of stencils and collage!

Juliz Design Post said...

Fantastic tag Alison with amazing crackle and vintage feel, love it.
Julie x

Dorthe said...

Dear Alison,
Such a very sad periode in the world, and never ending it seems!!! Again and again children from so many different countries are involved in war and terror, and their lives taken from them. Also so unwanted in many countries now a days, because of fear. Lets hope as you write , we will only redo the good from the World war 2 in helping all those, of today, not guilty children, to a safe life !!!
I of course LOVE your beautiful tag, the wonderful crackle ,giving those words double meaning , and the boy with the little bird of hope. Gorgeous colors ,too.
Hugs from Dorthe

sarascloset said...

So well written, your bit of sad history...it seems that history DOES repeat itself and we should learn from it. Your tag is simple lovely, in spite of the true story behind it. Love the crackle and your gorgeous composition! I certainly understand your inability to get around to all the blogs you would like, but I am so happy to be able to visit with you after such a long time. Hugs!

Amanda said...

love this tag the crackle stencilling is brilliant, fabulous make Alison
Amanda x

Hazel Agnew said...

I didn't skip a word, as usual, so we'll expressed. Wonderful interpretation of a sad theme and in its own way, has hope. Love this piece Alison. Xx

Chrissy said...

Fabulous background Alison and what a cute little boy..love the added details and colours with the splatters of white..fabulous.


A Pink said...

Alison I don't know where to begin but before I do i must apologise for not sharing in your eloquence. Your tag is stunning - it won my heart as soon as I saw it. It has both visual and creative appeal which you have raised even more giving it greater depth and meaning with your emotive narrative.
Thank you so much for sharing your 'words and pictures'- I wouldn't have wanted to miss seeing or reading either.
Thanks too for joining in the challenge despite your busy schedule . Much appreciated .
take care

Meggymay said...

A thoughtful and moving post today. Something that we should all remember did happen and in its way is happening now. Loved your awesome tag as well.
Yvonne xx

Brenda Brown said...

A poignant post Alison to go with your beautiful tag and love how you put together wonderful projects using all of your creative talents that encompass the words and pictures of life. So glad you had time to make this fabulous tag and hope you are enjoying your own rich tapestry of work and travels. Huge hugs xxx

Cocofolies said...

Oooh Alison...
I finally found the time to read your post in detail this morning only, and I don't regret.
I didn't know this story.. what the UK government has done bravely and generously to help so many Jewish children...
Beyond the real beauty of your tag, what a wonderful story, thank you so much for taking the time to tell us and your wonderful words. xxxx

Lucy Edmondson said...

I love this beautiful tag with that gorgeous crackle through the stencil Alison but most of all I love your words and bit of history. Even before you got to the end I was feeling that not everyone is being so welcoming to immigrants or people fleeing terrible situations at this point in our history. Makes me very sad,

Lucy x

Pamellia said...

Wow Alison, absolutely love this tag! Not only because it is beautiful but also because of what it represents and honours. Love the crackle background, great stencil choice!! hugs :)

S@ndy Diller said...

Great tag Alison - you never disappoint!! Love all the details. Hugs, S@ndy

Unknown said...

Loving that crackle background and what a great tag! xx

froebelsternchen said...

This is such an AMAZING tag Alison! I am thrilled about it!
Happy weekend!
oxo Susi

sally said...

So topical Alison....it's so tragic that mankind just never seems to learn from the tragedies of the past! This little boy certainly does remind one of the poor lost children.

Sally xx

Evelyn Walter said...

I´m far behind my commenting again, dear Alison, excuse me.
Your tag is wonderful as usual, I love the crackled stencil words and anything else on it!
Your story behind is so touching, it is a very dark chapter of German history. We all can´t even imagine, how it must have been to the children and their families!
Thank you for telling!
Have a nice sunday!
xxx Evelyn

hazel said...

I love everything about this tag - it's fabulous.
xxx Hazel.

Fliss said...

I too am under time pressure at the moment Alison but so glad I took the time to browse your beautifully thoughtful and poignant post. The story behing your stunning tag is so moving and really touched me too.
Fliss xx

Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

Love every fab bit! The cutie just pops off of your gorgeous background! It's said about the grizzly parts of history, and even what's taking place now, but the fact that people like you bring forth the good, it makes it a much more beautiful place! Enjoy your day!

pearshapedcrafting said...

Oh Alison, here I am still catching up - I do so love this tag and the story alongside it! One of the friends we have have made here since we moved was one of those children - never to be in touch with her parents again.
I, like yourself, hope that some of those families will find the peace they need here, although again may have had to leave family behind!

Hugs, Chrisx

experiments in paper said...

Bravo, Alison, for once again linking your art to current issues, uncomfortable though they be. And as much as I love your beautiful tag, I am even more entranced by the story - and the resonance with the ongoing refugee crisis. I hope Britain and all democratic nations including my own will get out of the divisive and vile anti-immigrant rhetoric to recall that the vast majority of refugees are innocents looking for a new, safe place to land. Thank you for the reminder that despite Zika, Olympics, horrific natural and terrorist events that seem unending - there are still so many, many people seeking well-deserved sanctuary.... I need to renew my efforts here to stand up for them. xxx Lynn

Anke said...

WOW WOW WOW fabulous, Alison. I love your tag.


ellyscard creatief said...

Gorgeous creation Alison. Love the bird.

Sarah B said...

a wonderful tag, the little boy does looked troubled and bewildered - we must never forget the atrocities committed in the WWII and the on-going plight of so many in the current day too. xx

New Creations said...

Just Terrific! Love the clear textures and crackles with beautiful bird!

carol edwards said...

Beautiful tag Alison and your words describe the pain and suffering that went on and is still going on today.x

Diana Taylor said...

A beautiful and moving piece of work, and a very touching story to accompany it. I love how you bring your work alive with your story telling - just beautiful.

craftytrog said...

Love this fabulous tag Alison! xxx

Barbara said...

I'm speechless by the beauty of your work and the words of your post! thanks for reminding these events so sad, we must never forget them! I pinned your work to my boards "Masterpiece of all kinds "! Barbara

Anneke said...

You're words are so true. Painful!
I love this tag. Wonderful texture, beautiful design!
Thanks for showing very inspiring!

Mary Elizabeth said...

Extraordinary post. I'm so glad you couldn't really remember all the details of the tag that you made. The words that accompanied these gorgeous pictures were so amazing!! I keep going back and looking at this little one's eyes. Yes ... too many have that same look today. Love the texture and colors... stunning. True art that speaks to the heart.

Thanks for taking time to drop by my blog and for always encouraging me. I don't know how you do it my friend :) Hugs to you. -- Mary Elizabeth

Sue said...

Really lovely tag Alison, but also such a sad story. It's hard to believe that people do this to other people. Hope you get a chance to create again soon xx

Gio said...

Thank you for sharing this wonderful piece of art with us, always really inspiring. And to find the time to write about this touching story, one of the many we tend to forget, and sadly related to today's events.

Deb said...

I stopped by to say how much I loved your tag Alison and am now so very glad I did after reading about the inspiration behind it and your wishes and hopes for the refugee children of both yesterday and today. Thank you for your compassion and for remembering, Deb xo

toni said...

A wonderful layered tag Alison. Love the crackled stencilled background, with the layers of different textures on top, gorgeous colours too! Hope all is good with you, apologies for my lack of visiting I'm looking forward to a slower pace of life ahead ! With love Toni xx

Marjie Kemper said...

Another beautiful creation, Alison! Just love all the layering. Hope your August calms down a bit... it's a treadmill sometimes!

Suzanne C said...

Yummy crackle in the stencil and fabulous design! Wonderful composition and fabulous tag!

maria's knutselplezier said...

Such a sweet boy on your beautiful tag, I love the whole of it, great tag, great embelishments, everthing goes perfect together!!!


Princess Judy Palmer said...

Extraordinary post. I love that you always have stories to go with your pieces. This one may be shrouded in tragedy but it also has one of hope and perseverance.

Sandy said...

Your design work is a feast for the eyes and brings me much pleasure. This little boy is too cute to be lost -
Sandy xx

Sandy said...

It's the children who suffer the most I think - but you don't have to go to a war torn country to find misplaced and abused children.
Sandy xx

Jackie PN said...

The tag is just beautiful and your words are so heartbreaking and beautiful as well. As I was reading through , my mind kept thinking about all of today's children as well. You are right Alison. I am not sure why, but there seems to be less compassion today as there was years ago~let us hope for better tomorrows filled with open hearts,empathy and compassion.
Thank you for this <3
Jackie xx