Well, it seems we really are all about the women here at Words and Pictures at the moment. After yesterday's Anonymous Women (please take a look if you missed it - I'm very proud of it!), I'm back with some incredibly well-known ones today...
And it's all because of the new challenge at Fun With ATCs, which is Classic Films. You'll find all the challenge details by clicking the link, as well as lots more inspiration from my fabulous team-mates, and then it's over to you. How will you interpret the Classic Films theme on your 2.5 x 3.5 inch ATC?
Here's where it took me...
... photograph heaven - my goddesses of the silver screen. And I kept it simple - because I really don't think they need my help to look incredible...

I stuck to "Golden Age" stars, or further back in time, in order to fit the "Classic" theme, and also because the b&w photography thrills me - so much more flattering.

I'll freely admit that it's a very personal list of favourites; I'd love to know how your lists would have panned out...
Apart from the whittling, the hardest part about making this was working out the sizes I needed the pictures to be in order to fit on the ATC.

I needed to find pictures that were all in approximately the correct ratio, as I didn't want to end up distorting the faces by elongating or widening the photos to fit.
And that was all after I'd done my conversion from the centimetres in which my computer very helpfully measures everything to the inches I needed for the ATC!

Enough with the maths already...
Once the photos were safely printed out, I spent some time arranging and re-arranging them to get a satisfactory look to the angles of the heads and the variations in lighting quality of the various pictures.

Then for the silver element: I unscrewed the lid of my embossing ink dabber and dipped a paint brush into it so that I could apply the embossing ink with reasonable accuracy along the gridlines. Then I added Frantage Aged Silver embossing enamel and heated carefully.

Despite all my care and attention, you can see some places where the embossing ink caused the printer ink to "separate" and turn a bit purple.
Not only that, but for all my careful brushing, some of the fine black powder from the Frantage managed to escape, and added some rather eighteenth century beauty spots to some of my goddesses. Ah, well... "embrace imperfection" as someone somewhere once said!

I thought about getting you to name the stars as a sort of quiz, but then decided it was a) too complicated to organise and b) probably too easy.
But I've refrained from mentioning any names so far, in case you want to test yourselves... Be warned: the answers are now coming up below!

Thanks so much for visiting today. I hope I haven't caused mortal insult by leaving out your personal favourites. Let me know...
I'm betting there are going to be some Audrey Hepburn regrets out there - but, in my experience, people fall into either one or the other Hepburn fan-camp, and I'm a firm K rather than A. You can always restore the balance by offering A up on an ATC and coming to play along in our Classic Films challenge this fortnight! See you soon.
Screen Goddesses:
Top row, left to right:
Ava Gardner - shamefully, I'm not sure I've even seen a film with her in - she makes it on those exotic looks alone, the most fatale of femmes
Katherine Hepburn - where do I even start?! For as long as I can remember, one of my absolute idols, on and off screen. If I had to whittle to only one - she'd win, hands down
Lilian Gish - seeing, with live orchestra, her performance in The Wind as a woman slowly going mad, alone in a windswept cabin (having murdered, and buried outside, the man who attempted to rape her), remains one of the most extraordinary experiences of my life
Middle row, left to right:
Marlene Dietrich - another love that goes so far back, I can't locate its source: those cheekbones, that accent, the ever-so-slightly-off-key-but-brilliantly-dramatic singing... and maybe partly because she reminds me of my grandmother
Judy Garland - the voice with the sound of a broken heart; an extraordinary strength combined with such vulnerability (and - at the risk of further offence - any film rather than Wizard of Oz please)
Clara Bow - as much for the roles as herself; she defined a whole new no-holds-barred, independent female character type, leading to the fabulous roles for women in the thirties and forties
Bottom row, left to right:
Lauren Bacall - when sexy was about more than raunch - sheer class. I saw her in a London street about 15 years ago... utterly sleek and elegant in a navy silk trouser suit, and she could still stop traffic with her sheer charisma
Mary Pickford - not just for her acting, but as one of the most powerful women in film history - right up there with any of the men at the birth of the Hollywood studio system
Elizabeth Taylor - it's not about the acting - though I do love her in Father of the Bride - but that extraordinary face, and the whole on/off love affair tendency (with which I have some empathy)

My regrets to: Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, Rita Hayworth, Ginger Rogers, Gloria Swanson, Hedy Lamarr, Lena Horne, Greta Garbo, Deborah Kerr, Kathryn Grayson... do you know what? - we could be here a while.
I foresee a few more ATCs - and I haven't even started on the men yet!
If you obey all of the rules, you miss all of the fun.
I have not lived as a woman. I have lived as a man. I've just done what I damn well wanted to, and I've made enough money to support myself, and ain't afraid of being alone.
I never lose sight of the fact that just being is fun.
You can’t change the music of your soul.
All quotes by Katherine Hepburn
As it's Tuesday, I'm also over at Artistic Outpost today, in case you're interested - with something a little out of the ordinary for me colour-wise...
Happy Crafting all!

I'll freely admit that it's a very personal list of favourites; I'd love to know how your lists would have panned out...
Apart from the whittling, the hardest part about making this was working out the sizes I needed the pictures to be in order to fit on the ATC.

I needed to find pictures that were all in approximately the correct ratio, as I didn't want to end up distorting the faces by elongating or widening the photos to fit.
And that was all after I'd done my conversion from the centimetres in which my computer very helpfully measures everything to the inches I needed for the ATC!
Enough with the maths already...
Once the photos were safely printed out, I spent some time arranging and re-arranging them to get a satisfactory look to the angles of the heads and the variations in lighting quality of the various pictures.

Then for the silver element: I unscrewed the lid of my embossing ink dabber and dipped a paint brush into it so that I could apply the embossing ink with reasonable accuracy along the gridlines. Then I added Frantage Aged Silver embossing enamel and heated carefully.

Despite all my care and attention, you can see some places where the embossing ink caused the printer ink to "separate" and turn a bit purple.
Not only that, but for all my careful brushing, some of the fine black powder from the Frantage managed to escape, and added some rather eighteenth century beauty spots to some of my goddesses. Ah, well... "embrace imperfection" as someone somewhere once said!

I thought about getting you to name the stars as a sort of quiz, but then decided it was a) too complicated to organise and b) probably too easy.
But I've refrained from mentioning any names so far, in case you want to test yourselves... Be warned: the answers are now coming up below!

Thanks so much for visiting today. I hope I haven't caused mortal insult by leaving out your personal favourites. Let me know...
I'm betting there are going to be some Audrey Hepburn regrets out there - but, in my experience, people fall into either one or the other Hepburn fan-camp, and I'm a firm K rather than A. You can always restore the balance by offering A up on an ATC and coming to play along in our Classic Films challenge this fortnight! See you soon.
Screen Goddesses:
Top row, left to right:
Ava Gardner - shamefully, I'm not sure I've even seen a film with her in - she makes it on those exotic looks alone, the most fatale of femmes
Katherine Hepburn - where do I even start?! For as long as I can remember, one of my absolute idols, on and off screen. If I had to whittle to only one - she'd win, hands down
Lilian Gish - seeing, with live orchestra, her performance in The Wind as a woman slowly going mad, alone in a windswept cabin (having murdered, and buried outside, the man who attempted to rape her), remains one of the most extraordinary experiences of my life
Middle row, left to right:
Marlene Dietrich - another love that goes so far back, I can't locate its source: those cheekbones, that accent, the ever-so-slightly-off-key-but-brilliantly-dramatic singing... and maybe partly because she reminds me of my grandmother
Judy Garland - the voice with the sound of a broken heart; an extraordinary strength combined with such vulnerability (and - at the risk of further offence - any film rather than Wizard of Oz please)
Clara Bow - as much for the roles as herself; she defined a whole new no-holds-barred, independent female character type, leading to the fabulous roles for women in the thirties and forties
Bottom row, left to right:
Lauren Bacall - when sexy was about more than raunch - sheer class. I saw her in a London street about 15 years ago... utterly sleek and elegant in a navy silk trouser suit, and she could still stop traffic with her sheer charisma
Mary Pickford - not just for her acting, but as one of the most powerful women in film history - right up there with any of the men at the birth of the Hollywood studio system
Elizabeth Taylor - it's not about the acting - though I do love her in Father of the Bride - but that extraordinary face, and the whole on/off love affair tendency (with which I have some empathy)
My regrets to: Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, Rita Hayworth, Ginger Rogers, Gloria Swanson, Hedy Lamarr, Lena Horne, Greta Garbo, Deborah Kerr, Kathryn Grayson... do you know what? - we could be here a while.
I foresee a few more ATCs - and I haven't even started on the men yet!
If you obey all of the rules, you miss all of the fun.
I have not lived as a woman. I have lived as a man. I've just done what I damn well wanted to, and I've made enough money to support myself, and ain't afraid of being alone.
I never lose sight of the fact that just being is fun.
You can’t change the music of your soul.
All quotes by Katherine Hepburn
As it's Tuesday, I'm also over at Artistic Outpost today, in case you're interested - with something a little out of the ordinary for me colour-wise...
Happy Crafting all!
Beautiful piece , simple but really "vintage", i love all the stars you "used" but Katherine Hepurn is my fav! BArbarayaya
Love, love, love this Alison. So Hollywood. Best, Yvonne
What a great ATC !! I love the old Glories!!
How incredible putting all these lovely ladies together like this. Love it. Great idea for the Coventry day, I think there is an hour and a half break at lunchtime in which we can get together. That would be fabulous.
hugs {brenda} x0x
great set of atc's!
Good Morning Alison. What a fabulous creation. Beautiful women they were too, and you have certainly done them justice with this one. Have a Good Day. Hugs Rita xxx
This is so gorgeous, Alison. Awesome pics, love each end everyone of them, and I love the grid. Suzanne
I can't believe you got all of the faces on an ATC--it is wonderful. Now I am thinking who would be on my list. Mmmm- you have chosen most of them lol.
Love Chrissie x
Fantastic make Alison. Love the silver frantage, which I have not used before. Hard to imagine such detail on an ATC. Now off to view your other post . Do you ever sleep !!
Crafty hugs Annie x
As others have said, I am amazed how you managed to get all of these lovely ladies on one tiny ATC, it certainly is different! I have never used frantage (and am still not totally sure what it actually is) but it certainly looks effective here.
Fantastic piece Alison and just fantastic images too. Must pop over to the blog and have a look
x catherine
Oh this is simply fabulous! Is it small enough to feature in a dolls house? Maybe it needs its very own roombox? A silver screen memory box?
Puts thinking hat on.....
What a clever ATC, it amazes me what you manage to do with them. Love this theme, fabulous! Chris xxx
Oh I do like this Alison - love all the pics and the story you've added in your post. But I'm going to have to redress the omission of Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's with an ATC of my own! Thanks for the inspiration, Love, Margie x
Stunning mix of screen beauties :)
Von ♥
Amazing...but you always amaze me with your art! These are ladies that should inspire us all, not the ones in today's lime light. They were strong, talented and beautiful. So enjoyed this and look forward to more---can't wait to see the men!
So happy to be back and visiting.
Beautiful, I love those magnificent movie stars, they are so beautiful and glamorous.
Love it! All of the little "oops" just adds to the vintage-ness of the piece. Great selection of classic women. My fave being K!
A fabulous make Alison - and I love your Mum's idea for it too. Anne x
Love the grid pattern you created with the embossing powder-just gorgeous.
Oh glamour goodness! These ladies certainly are gorgeous, but that embossed framing is incredible! What a great effect! Hope you are having a wonderful week! Hugs!
It definitely was all they needed and I have to say, those images are to my mind what glamour stands for. Old style silver screen glamour - truly the best.
Totally gorrrrgeous Alison!!
Popped on over to tell you how much I love your tag over at Artistic Outpost..beautiful in every way and love the colors!
Wishing you a happy week.
You certainly have stirred up memories for me. AS a child, I collected movie star pictures and you could send off for an autograph glossy for something like 25 cents. Mostly I would buy the movie star magazines and cut their pictures out of that. My favorite - Esther Williams. As always, wonderfully created!
Loving your Silver Screen Goddesses Alison and so pleased to see Katherine Hepburn there, she is my all time favourite, loved her voice and strength of character. Hugs Annette x
The screen goddesses are amazing...I;m delighted that Betty Davies is there... Fabulous actress! Love it... Great idea!! Hugs May x x x
One of my fav themes. I just did a Moo card swap with this theme.The enameled embossing is wonderful and I love the happy accident of purple.:)
My list would be: Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Lauren Bacall, Grace Kelly and funny Doris Day. :))
A pity they don't make 'em like they used to (meaning movies and female stars) - bet those broads would sort out the Weinstein type guys!
The positioning and whatever editing you did is excellent - love the frantage too. Don't worry about any little flecks, Mr DeMille and his lighting guy are used to these little inconveniences!
Really fun idea of yours Alison - this is a brilliant make. Nicola x
Two wonderful projects.
So many of them I loved to watch when very young!!! :-)
How did you manage?? A wonderful acurate work, Alison, and it looks fantastic with that frantage !! Have to find out what that is !!
A beautiful silvery frame, with amazing actresses!
Another beauty Alison ! Love the embossed frame and such fabulous photos ! Sue C x
Wonderful frame of ATCS on the theme, and I love all these actresses too... Great work !! Coco x
Alison, I really like this card because I love a lot of these old actresses. The old hollywood films during this era were some of the greatest films made. I am an old movir buff. And your piece at AO is fabulously bright and fun!
This is delightful! What a wonderful selection of women. I am both a Katherine and Audrey Hepburn fan but there isn't anyone I would remove to add the latter. Love the grid format and the Frantage. The purple is actually quite cool looking...kind of like mercury glass.
I can't belive you got 9 gorgeous photos on a tiny ATC, just AMAZING. I think you can use any faces you choose your work my dear.The framing you did is stunning and I kind of like the mistakes you think happened but I believe it all came together like it was suppose to. Thanks for all this inspiration you're spreading around blog land, it's the best..
Amazing ATC. Love the framing and the inspiration. I can see that you may need to do a series to fit in all of your favourites. Such interesting stars. Cheers, Di
Wow, what a tribute Alison! I love your ATC's and can't wait to check out your project. Hope all is well with you, hugs. :)
I love that you told us their name and position...some I've forgotten! Women were just more beautiful back then to me! Their skin was just so perfect. Classiness and elegance were always expected...I just love that! I love how you've displayed them, embossed with speckled metallicy goodness! This is so wonderful and original! A FUN piece to display and start conversations with!
A georgeous ATC full of the most beautiful women, I love how you've framed them.
xxx Hazel.
How could you put so much beautiness in such a small space?!You did the macic, Alison!
love the whole tag , catching up but left comment now!! great ATc, love how you have captured the beauties within the embossing! sorry about lack of comments , playing catch up..trace x hugs x
This is fabulous Alison. Love your choice of women though I cannot believe you are not a fan of Wizard of Oz!!
I actually like the spits and splodges so don't worry about them!
Oz-wise... I knew and loved the book first - so lots of the film just seems plain wrong to me! Judy singing Over the Rainbow is, of course, a complete exception to the "not liking-ness"!!
Another jump into my youth. Is it possible, that you're an unknown sister? (:o)It's incredible. Today i can watch daily soaps and while watching part 3 i've forgotten what happend in part 1. But i can numerate at least 3 movies from every single woman on your atc. What a beautiful framing for those fantastic ladys (:o)
Very very beautiful ATC Aliosn.
Love the old glories.
Greetings Janny
Wow it's just sunk in that this is an ATC! Fabulous how did you fit all those lovely ladies on? great treatment around the edges of the pics, my list would certainly include Bette Davis, joan Crawford, barbra Stanwyk Catherine Hepburn Marlene Dietrich and several more x
Wow, this is a great piece!! I love the individual frames with the actresses in it. Your posting about them was fun to read. You surely hit some grand dams for that time! I would pick them but for some reason I will always like Lucille Ball but she doesn't quite fit with these ladies. lol
Have a great day,
Fantastic Alison...I love all these ladies,and remember them all too..from the movies of course..lol..gorgeous ATC..
No Audrey Hepburn or Doris Day but this is still a spectacular atc! Love the way that frantage sits! Chrisx
ps lunch in August sounds great!(noises off are groans from hubby!!)
Another stunning piece. I love the tribute to these iconic women and how you've displayed their beauty so well.
Im so glad you put a list of who's who ;)
I recognised a lot of them but could not name any of them :( Im rubbish lol.
I love the frantage frame for each pic. xx
As others have said, it's amazing that you got all of them on one ATC, what a fantastic feat and idea Alison. Some of my faves here too, I was always a K girl, she had a lot of fun in her I think. Love how the frantage looks too, elegant just like these goddesses! Hugs, Chris xx
Your attention to detail for the embossing on this is to be applauded. Love the way you have made something so small seem so grand. Hugs, Jenny x
A wonderful post Alison and I so enjoyed reading about your choices. I'm certainly with you on Lauren Bacall and Elizabeth Taylor. I loved Audrey Hepburn too just for those amazing cheekbones and classic beauty - I always wanted to be her when I was little (sadly, it was never to be!).
Wow those beauties are certainly well highlighted with your fabulous frame. And I've just popped over to AO -- love your tag! The blue/green treatment on the metal embellies goes so well with that lime soda cap. Love it!
I came back to look at this project a few times. It is inspired .... such a good idea. I love those Katherine Hepburn quotes too. x
Marvelous ATC!! I love the simplicity of the design with the b&w photos! This is a fabulous collection of talent too!I must be one of the few who truly enjoys both Hepburns. I love K's sass and A's quirkiness.
Love these collage Alison,,,and what a pretty women,,,,,,OMG, love this idea-
Wow wow wow I can't believe you managed to fit all the famous women on an ATC and then emboss like they were in frames, absolutely amazing and gorgeous. I love working with embossing powders, but yet again my heat gun keeps overheating. This is the second one since Christmas when I got the new ranger one. I'm hoping the shop will swap it again eek. So now I'm back to using an old one I had which I managed to melt so it's slightly temperamental lol. Mind you I have had it for 7years lol. Happy Crafting :-) hugs Kezzy xxx
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