I'm travelling into a new way of working, a new country, a new language, and a new hobby which I'm passionate about. Come with me for some of the journey...

Sunday 23 September 2012

Tape It Up

Hello and welcome to all, and a happy Sunday!  Hope you find some time to play today...  I've been playing overnight, and am here with the first of two posts - two entries to Simon Says Stamp and Show's challenge to Tape It Up (the other's here)... both of which have to be posted today, as I'm cutting it fine with the deadline!

I love using tissue tape (or washi tape as it also seems to be called - pretty sure they're the same thing), and that is what's on the other project, but I wanted to have a play around to see if I could come up with something a bit different.

So I started messing around with humble old masking tape and some alcohol inks - and when I say messing, I really mean it! And after some tag-experimentation, I ended up with this little altered notebook, which I have to admit I'm quite pleased with...

One of the things I really like about it is the sense of movement and texture... I'm still learning what alcohol inks can do, so this (and the tags which preceded it - one of which you may get to see some time) was a fantastic project of discovery.

It started out as just a plain kraft notebook, about 10x10cm.  I used one in my Oriental gift set not long ago.

I started by covering it with strips of masking tape - quite long ones at first to get coverage, and then shorter and shorter so as to have plenty of edges, both torn and smooth.

Then I started inking it up... not sure I can give you a comprehensive list of the alcohol ink colours I used, but I know Denim, Pesto, Mushroom, Lake Mist and the Gold Mixative were all in the mix at some point!  

Then came the fun (and really messy) bit - ruching up the edges of the tape to create the lovely waves and wrinkles, as well of course as the little highlights of paler colour underneath.  

I'm not sure my fingernails will ever recover!!

I used a combination of the same alcohol inks to alter some of the Tim Holtz Idea-ology foliage as an embellishment. 

I started with a layer of Snowcap White so as to get opaque colours rather than translucent, then layered Denim, Pesto and Gold until I was happy with the look.  
Finally I sanded it away again in places, for a slightly weathered look.

The letters are tiny gold beads, and both they and the long attacher I used for the centre of the flower also got a dab or two of the Gold Mixative alcohol ink, just so they would tone in better.  

The embellishments are mounted on a thin, delicate ribbon, to set them off against the background.  


As with the notebook I altered for Full of Eastern Promise, I wanted to lift the inner pages too, so they got a quick brush of Chipped Sapphire DI to bring them to life.   

So that's it for this one... I'd love to know what you make of it.  Your comments and feedback are so much appreciated, and - as I can't craft but can come blog visiting for the next few days - I will do my absolute best to pay a return visit if I know you've been here!  

If you're in the mind for some more taping, there'll be another post along shortly (just like buses at the moment, aren't they?).  For now, have a great day, whatever it is you're up to!

I'm entering this in the following:
Simon Says Stamp and Show and their Tape It Up challenge
Anything But A Card are looking for some Texture this time around 

He listens well who takes notes.
Dante Alighieri

If you wish to forget anything on the spot, make a note that this thing is to be remembered.
Edgar Allan Poe


Anonymous said...

Alison this is a beautiful transformation. Altering notebooks is such a favourite of mine (since a child I've always loved notebooks, etc).

Cestina said...

When you showed it to me earlier today, you should have asked me to guess what it was transformed with, rather than telling me.

I should never have guessed that it was cheap old masking tape creating such a lovely object.....

Andrea Small said...

How very clever of you - it looks lovely. And so inviting!

sam21ski said...

Great technique Alison and now you have a stunning notebook.

Sam xxx

Anonymous said...

This is a very nice notebook with a...for me ;)...new and interessant technique. I think, I will try it too!

Lg siljan

Marjie Kemper said...

What a beautiful cover! The texture is amazing.

Anna-Karin said...

This turned out so cool! Love the texture you got with the tape and the flowers are so pretty. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp and Show!

Craft Addicts - Tracy Evans said...

Absolutely fantastic Alison, I love using masking tape in my projects and you have used it beautifully here. The sense of movement is fantastic, wonderful texture too. Love your choice of colours on this piece. Thanks so much for entering this beauty into Simon Says Stamp and Show Challenge. Tracy x

Sandra said...

ohhhh this is so pretty! What a really awesome technique! Perfect for a book cover! Really pretty colors too! Stunning job! Thank you so much for joining us at Simon Says Stamp and Show. Hugs, Sandra

May said...

What a fabulous Technique.. Gorgeous book cover Alison, the colours are perfect! Brilliant work... Hugs May x x x

Brenda Brown said...

Beautifully transformed. Love your note book Alison.
Hope you have had a good weekend.
hugs {brenda} xox

Nan G said...

Cool so cool!! Such texture from masking tape. I have a piece of MDF that I'm going to try this on...I see a wall hanging in the works. :)

Chrissy said...

I used to love covering note books and schools books too....with wallpaper....not as magnificant as this...fantastic work Alison.


chrissie said...

Brilliant technique you have used to cover this book. It looks amazing

Love Chrissie xx

cbee said...

wow, that looks really beautiful! great technique!!
Thank you for your nice comment on my blog - just wanted to give you a quick tip: put the masking tape on your trousers before putting it on your paper so it won't rip off your paper ;)

Silvia(Barnie) said...

How cool is this ?! The texture is just FANTASTIC - I also love the colors.

Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

UBER COOL!!!! I love this...best use yet!

Gio said...

WOW, such texture you got!! And the colours...very metallic. Love it, Alison!

Carol Q said...

fab texture Alison!

Kezzy said...

Alison this is gorgeous, I love the way masking tape can make such gorgeous backgrounds, I have one I'm in the middle of (a few weeks ago, tape on and some background). I learnt this technique when Sue Wilson did it on Create and Craft last year. I love how you have done the ruching it really looks like waves. Beautiful. Hugs Kerry xxx

The House of Bears said...

You're quite pleased with it? Delighted would be more like it. It's really fab. We need to play with some masking tape methinks.

Words and Pictures said...

Thank you, bears... I am delighted, but still not quite in the swing of saying so out loud - so even "quite pleased" feels weird to say!
Alison x

Fallingladies said...

The texture on this is so great!

Christy said...

This is seriously inspiring. I love the texture you were able to put into this project!! Thanks for joining us at ABAC this week :) :)

Mrs.B said...

Just catching up on your recent creations. This looks wonderful, love the texture and the colours with the AIs - certainly wouldn't think it was masking tape! Must try this.
Avril xx

Mary said...

WOW this is fantastic!!! I love how this notebook turned out...fantastic job :)


Princess Judy Palmer said...

This is great! I have a little binder/notebook that I covered with little pieces of masking tape all over and painted with acrylic paint. I like the look but yours is way cooler. My friend used to cover candles like this and buff shoe polish on. It makes it look like cork.

Bärbel said...

Mit der wunderbaren Beschreibung lässt sich jeder Arbeitsschritt perfekt nachvollziehen, vielen Dank, Alison. Das Notizbuch ist etwas ganz Besonderes geworden!

Astrid Maclean said...

What an amazing technique you have created here!! The colours are yummy, the texture is amazing and I adore this colour combination!!!! Brilliant all round!

Julia S-W said...

Firstly, I love your quotes. I'm constantly having to makes lists and yes, I do forget things even then!

On to your absolutely stunning little book. The effect you have created with the masking tape is the best I have seen - anywhere! I can't get over how rich and sumptuous it looks. I love the gold mixative and it works brilliantly here with the colours that you've chosen. Who would have thought the humble masking tape could look like this? I've tried making my own washi type tape but not succeeded - I love what you've done here far more!
I'm glad you've joined in again at ABAC - your work is inspirational.

mytawnyinspirations said...

This is delightful Alison! Love the technique you have used and your great explanation on how to do it. You have given me an Aha! moment.

Kim x said...

This is just stunning, I love the colours and texture.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving all of your lovely comments.
hugs Kimx

Lisa Minckler said...

FANTASTIC!!! Texturally tempting and pleasing. Sensational job.