I'm travelling into a new way of working, a new country, a new language, and a new hobby which I'm passionate about. Come with me for some of the journey...

Saturday 10 August 2013

Just a glimpse...

Hello all!  
First of all a big sorry for the lack of visits in the last few days.  My router decided to give up the ghost (apparently), then magically started to work again for a couple of hours at a time, and now it seems it's the phone line.  

So I'm now perched in Caffe Nero rapidly writing and scheduling all my deadline posts.  If I have some time, I shall hope to catch up around Craftyblogland too!  But it might be another few days before I'm back in action.

Other than that, I'm just here to give you a fleeting glimpse of today's project over at The Artistic Stamper.  If you've time to pop over and check it out, that would be lovely.

See you soon - technology willing!

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Arthur C. Clarke


Yvonne Garner said...

Computer issues can be so frustrating. Hang in there! I hope it is corrected soon. Off to check out your project! Hugs, Yvonne

Nan G said...

:) Seems like wifi/Internet/cable/routers etc troubles are a recent scourge felt 'round the world. Ain't technology grand. Good luck with your phone line/router issues. Hugs

barbarayaya62 said...

Beautiful work, I saw him entirely and is really wonderful! Good luck for your computer, now I think it is for everyone the easiest and fastest way to communicate! Hope you come back all right! thanks for your comments on my blog! Hugs BArbarayaya

Helen said...

What gorgeous colours!! Internet issues are the pits!! Hope you get yours sorted soon....

Inkypinkycraft said...

poor you with the internet we had troubles a while back and it is such a pain! take care hugs trace x
sorry for any comments missed having a few days off as Steve is home and a few days out hugs trace x

chrissie said...

Loved the hangings and the idea that the beautiful creatures are a basis for our belief in fairies. Our garden is filled with butterflies at the moment as there are two buddleia 'trees' that they love.

Poor you with Internet Problems but so pleased that you found somewhere to keep in touch.

Have a great weekend

Love Chrissie x

May said...

This sneek peek looks fabulous on my way over to have a closer look... Hope your internet is sorted soon... Hugs May x x x

Redanne said...

Sorry to hear you have been having internet problems too! Hope all is well with them soon.... off to have a look at your creation. Hugs, Anne x

Jennie Atkinson said...

Great peek - just off to have a look. Good luck with the connection - always a bit hit and miss up here too x

froebelsternchen said...


Hettie said...

I feel your pain Alison!
What you have shown here looks scrummy. Off to peek!

Kelly said...

I went over to Artistic Stamper and left you some love! These are gorgeous makes and I enjoy the poems also.
Hugs Kelly

Terry said...

Looking good and we all have been there with the computers! Happy Saturday!

Astrid Maclean said...

The hangers are fab Alison, fantastic backgrounds and finishing!

Cinderella Moments said...

I think we all know how maddening that can be. LOL! Hopefully, you can find the solution soon. I'm going to go look at your project right now.

catherine said...

This is fantastic Alison. love the colours. hope you get your internet working again soon before you become part of the furniture in the coffee shop!! Nice coffee though! Have a good weekend
x catherine

Anonymous said...

Sorry to read of your problems. Alison I always appreciate your visits but appreciate you visiting today considering all your problems.
Off to see it in full.

Meggymay said...

Gorgeous hangings, just been to see all the pictures. Hope the computer problems get sorted soon for you.
Yvonne x

Chris said...

Looks beautiful Alison, off to have a look and hope technology is behaving itself very soon. Chris xx

Cat Kerr said...

Oh there is just something about this color that makes me go crazy!! And look how beautifully you have used it!I'm off to check out the other post.Always inspired when I visit you.xo

Dorthe said...

Looks so very exiting Alison- but I have to see more !!!!

Jenny Marples said...

Hope you are back online again soon Alison! Hugs, Jenny x

Mikaela said...

beautiful projects!

Kjersti said...

It´s a gorgoeus project Alison! Beautiful colors, great design and the salt makes it so beautiful - love it! Hope you get the computer alive soon:)
Have a nice week!
Hugs Kjersti:)

Sandy said...

I did go over to the Artistic Stamper and forgot where I was and started commenting like I was on your blog. Did I tell you that fairies live in the woods around my house? They do!

toni said...

Just popped over to the AS to have a closer look at these gorgeous hangings so beautiful in every way x

Unknown said...

What a beautiful little sneak peek! Off to see the rest :) :)

Tincan Crafter said...

Urrghh I hate it when the net gives out - I feel for you. This project looks super intriguing - going over in abit to have a look. I am back in full swing at work and I have an intense load this semester so I Havent had much time to do all the crafty things that I would like to!

Shelby said...

Hope your phone line gets sorted soon


Anjas-Artefaktotum said...

Beautiful hangers, love the brilliant colors. Hope your problems get well soon.
Hugs Anja

Alexa said...

Ooh looks lovely - that splodgy green background with the white edge is yummy! Off to peak at the whole project ... xx

Unni A said...

I hope your internet connection will be back very soon! I get so frustrated when we loose our connection, I'm addicted! Now we are in our summer house and we have a very slow connection here, but better than nothing:)
I love your project! Amazing colors and beautiful quotes!
hugs, Unni

Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

FABULOUS color! Love the flying guys! Great design too!

Silvia(Barnie) said...

I've just taken a look, your hangings are wonderful.

Karen P said...

WOW! Love everything about this - really stunning, thank you for sharing how you made it too! hugs Karen

Julia said...

ooh .... love that ivory frantage! These are so pretty.

Kezzy said...

Wow I absolutely loved it, just popped over there to look and comment :-) Kezzy xxx

Marjie Kemper said...

Aaaah, blues and greens.... my computer screen is happy! So beautiful and LOVE that embossing.