I'm travelling into a new way of working, a new country, a new language, and a new hobby which I'm passionate about. Come with me for some of the journey...

Wednesday 27 March 2013


Hello all... Yes, I know, I've been missing the WOYWW action for too many weeks, but I really, really wanted to make it along to share my current workdesk situation now that it's set up!  If the letters WOYWW mean nothing to you then hop along here for a taste of the best and nosiest bloghop around, hosted by the lovely Julia Dunnit at the Stamping Ground.

I'm back in the Czech Republic (where this whole Craftyblogland madness began for me), so longtime WOYWWers may remember the set up in my room in my mother's beautifully renovated farmhouse here... a plastic garden table (huge working area - so cool!)...

... and then my "shelves" made up of just some of the boxes which I used to transport my travelling stash (and no the sprays are not free, I'm afraid, and no, you can't help yourself - very sorry).

My paints live on the windowsill - pictures of them next time around perhaps.

As to what's on this workdesk... well, lots of tags, basically: experiments with Distress Paints, some playing with inks, some leftovers, a canvas for re-working, some mess.

But what I really want to show you is my other workdesk!!  And that's over in the museum...  The museum?  Yes, the museum!

I had to come with lots of boxes as I'm here for 10 weeks helping my mother (known to some of you as Cestina - and she's making her WOYWW debut today) prepare her large collection of dollshouses to open as a small museum here.  Many of them had been stored in the garage in the UK for over a decade, so you can imagine there's urgent work needed to make them fit for public consumption.

First, though, we had to create some kind of order out of the chaos of packing boxes, and there was much sorting of boxes of fairly haphazard collections of dollshouse paraphernalia, as well as all the random bits of assorted flotsam and jetsam awaiting transformation into some miniature accessory or piece of furniture.  Crafters - especially the alterers amongst you - will know exactly the kind of junk I mean!

(For a more detailed version of the whole journey, check out Cestina's blog - especially this post for the chaos!)

And now, I'm happy to say, not only is the vast majority of all that sorting done, but we also have two beautiful work stations set up, and a room divider with all the paints and tools we need to share sitting in between.  I had an absolute ball setting it all up!!

The double desk under the window is my area, and you can see Cestina's trestle table beyond the dividing shelves.

We each have our own sets of really vital tools on our own workdesks, so there'll be no fighting over craftknives, lollypop sticks, toothpicks and glue sticks.

And here's what's on the workdesk now - a dollshouse wall, being repapered (much easier when they come apart like this - sadly not the case with most of them - there's some fiddly work to come)...

... and 7 Gypsies fans might just recognise the papers being used!

That's not the final dado rail - just a piece so that I can judge how the proportions are going to look.

So a slightly long return post - apologies, Julia - but it is all about workdesks...

Hope to make it round to visit lots of you - it's been too long... but for now I'll wish you a very happy WOYWW!

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.


Sandy said...

oh look at the wonderful room you both have to work in how lovely and so organised.. Good luck with it all.
Sandy :) #7

Neet said...

Oh y goodness Alison, you are going to be busy and a different look to you too. What a fantastic crafter you are. Now a doll's house renovator too.
Thanks for showing us the wonderful room you have transformed, hope you have many happy hours there with Cestina in the coming weeks but hope we get some of your artwork inbetween times.
Thanks for stopping by and Happy WOYWW/Easter/
renovating to you
Hugs, Neet xx 1

Cestina said...

And my goodness am I grateful to have you with me! Just imagine the chaos I would still be in were you elsewhere...

Amanda said...

Hi Alison, your space looks well sorted now. I can appreciate the work you have ahead of you as I have made, decorated and renovated dolls houses previously, very intricate but satisfying. Good luck to you both with your dolls house venture.
Amanda x

Bridget Larsen said...

Wow I like your craft area and love how you and your mum craft together, wish I could with mine and yes each of my scissors have specific purposes lol
Bridget #46

Claudia N. said...

Uh oh, huge craft-room-envy over here, Alison!

This looks so very inspiring with the wonderful workdesks and shelves and well organized tools!


Claudia x

Ann B said...

Wow, all that space, I'm so jealous. Good to see you back, and welcome your Mum. Wish my doll's house had come apart when I decorated it, ended up with paper all over where it shouldn't be, fun though.
Thanks for visiting.
Ann B

Lucy said...

Wow! You have been busy! Cripes that's a lot of room you've got there, jealous much:) It's great that you're helping out your mum with her dollhouses, I hope it all goes to plan for you both. Thanks for popping by, have a great week - Lucy #37 x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Ah, now that's the sort of craft room I love...making good use of boxes etc..and they work really well as does the garden table! You really are going to have your work cut out for the museum, but Good Luck. I hope the preparations go smoothly and without any hitches!
Hugs, LLJ 59 xxxx

Redanne said...

Hi Alison, it is wonderful to have a peep into your 'other' space. You and your Mum must have worked like trojans to get this far but it is looking wonderful. It did make me smile that you have separate work trays... no doubt you will achieve great things together. Hope you have a happy Easter. Hugs, Anne x #33

Helen said...

Good to see you here and your fab desk(s) the museum workdesk looks amazing. Will be sure to stop by your mother in law too... Thanks for already visiting.Helen 12

Tracy said...

What a fabulous work space!
Tracy #70

BJ said...

WOW what a great project to be involved in and super workstations to boot. Brilliant. Thanks for visiting me. BJ#67

Andrea said...

what a fab workspace an great that you can both have your own work spaces and still be together good luck sounds like a mammoth task ahead and will be watching progress hugs Andrea #64

Francesca said...

Hi Alison, I jealous of all that space and I see painted in your favourite colour. Great space. Hugs Francesca #79

Andrea Small said...

2 for 1 workdesks - excellent value!
Andrea xx

Eliza said...

Goodness gracious you have been working like a Trojan getting that wonderful space set up, it looks amazing. I have already been over and welcomed your mum on board wow she sure does have some toys to play with literally

Happy Easter and WOYWW
Eliza no 8

Heathers Inspiration said...

What a wonderful adventure with so much happening for you and your Mum.
hope that it is all going to work out brilliantly for you x
Happy WOYWW heather #86

The House of Bears said...

Ooh we like both your work spaces, we're wondering if you drew straws to see who snaffled the window view though. Have fun hopping between your desks, and no stamping those dolls houses by mistake now!

Hugs from the bears and thanks for visiting us already, oh, and it's great to see you back at WOYWW.

pearshapedcrafting said...

Love your side by side space, obviously lots going to be done there-look forward to seeing it all come together! Great makeshift shelvesbtw! Chrisx

Kelly said...

Great work stations for you and your mom, I will stop by her blog too. I can hardly wait to see what you create with those tags, love the colors.
Hugs Kelly

MiniOwner said...

Oh what a fab place to work ... and with your mum, too. Love those tags. Thank you for visiting my blog earlier. Happy Wedenesday, :o)
Sue x (Miniowner@29)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful room and I'm jealous that your back in the Czech Republic again! Glad you clarified that the sprays actually were NOT free, you'd have had a queue forming at your door if they were! I don't find knitting that intuitive and I have to concentrate on what I'm doing or I'll make mistakes, but it is fun to see a pattern emerging!

Brenda 110

ria gall said...

oh my goodness I can't believe how busy both you and your mum have been. Your hard work has paid off because it is all looking amazing. I don't need to say enjoy your time there as I can already see you are having soooo much fun.
Have a really great WOYWW day, and Happy Easter to you and yours
Ria #94

Lisa Minckler said...

You know, my rates are very cheap and I'm house broken if you ever need a chef or housemaid :D Just saying...what a hoot to watch you and your mom masterfully craft in such a fabulous craft room!!!
Thanks so much for sharing this and what great organizational skills you possess. :D

Belinda said...

Hello! I am just sitting down to snoop and thought I would peek at you first since you popped on by my desk already.

First, I am thinking those cabinets match my mini album I just made and so they need to be mine!

Your final desks look amazing. Isn't it funny how excited we get over our workspaces? I love it.

I am thinking I need to head on over to Target and pick up a utensil organizer to use in my craft room. I keep seeing people do it and thinkin' it could work for me.

Well I am glad you are back after a few weeks break. Take care and have a blessed day!

Belinda (104)

Anonymous said...

Totally COOL! you are such a good daughter - bet your Mom is loving having yo thee to help. Must check out the dollhouses. I made one for D (yes, DS, not DD) when he was very small, from a big old box, and with stuff made up from rubbish around the house - you know,m tables from old thread spools, a rug from an old placemat, that sort of thing. We had a blast working on it but it went in the bin the last time we moved countries.

Have fun - and I like a long post. :)

MA (5)

Alie Hoogenboezem-de Vries said...

What a great space to share Alison..
I guess it will be very inspiring overthere!

kind regards, Alie :-)

Unknown said...

Alison, thanks so much for visiting me! Welcome back! I love your crafty space in your mother's wonderful farmhouse--and by the way, I was so excited about your mother's blogging about dollhouses. I love dollhouses, and I always have one set up. Your distress inks are really looking gorgeous too. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #28

Laura said...

What an awesome space to work in! Little bit jealous here!!
Thanks for stopping by

Unknown said...

What a fabulous craft are..You are so lucky to have your mum to craft with. Happy crafting #98

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

How exciting to be able to set up two fabulous crafting spaces for you and your Mum, and to be able to share your passions. Can't wait to see what you create in there between you. Thank you for your visit and lovely comments. We have been very lucky where we are with the snow. There are places around with up to 15 feet of snow and farmers losing so many of their livestock. Hope you enjoy your week in your new space. xx Maggie #17

Almo said...

Hi Alison, What a delight to read your post today and see all your hard work sorting out the museum. Thank you for sharing, and thanks for finding time to visit me earlier. Hugs Mo x

lisa said...

How lovely to see you again and you look as though you have already settled into your new crafty space. How brilliant to be setting up a Dollshouse Museum, that's something really special. Good Luck with it all.
Hugs Lisax #60

The Taming of the Glue said...

What a fantastic space to work in, so organised. Makes ne want to have a go at mine...nearly!
Looking forward to seeing the Dollshouse Museum. Happy WOYWW. Pam #21

Darnell said...

Welcome back! What a wonderful adventure reading through your return post! You've done an absolutely amazing job setting up the space and your mother must be over the moon to have you there to help her and as company. Blessings!!

I'm off to visit her site and give her a welcome! Thanks for coming by early to see me. Have a wonderful holiday and week! Darnell #43

Jill said...

What a beautiful workspace Alison! Thanks for your comment on my blog. Happy WOW day. Jill x

Anonymous said...

Such a fun space! Happy Wednesday. SueC#137

Keren Tamir said...

Wow amazing crafty space!! Love it amazing place for inspiration

Dorthe said...

Alison, you got yourself and your mother a practical and wonderful room to work in... wonderful place and so much work to do ,I can tell-
I wish you happy hours together, and succes for your mother and her museum!
Hugs Dorthe

Ali H said...

Oh wow such a fabulous craft room - green with envy - and your Mum to share the fun with you - how brilliant ! You have done a brilliant job too at getting it all set up so wonderfully ! Have a Happy Easter & some fab crafting time too ! Ali #159

fairy thoughts said...

My goodness not so much of a workdesk more like a wharehouse.... fanstastic space you have created. I'm off to see the dolls houses I have a small corner shop... sadly neglected of late... the builders have gone to another job LOL
janet #16

Marjie Kemper said...

Looks like you've made TONS of progress! Your set-up seems perfect and what fun it must be to work alongside one another. Good luck! Ten weeks seems a long time but it will probably fly by. Wishing you much success on readying the museum.

Carole Z said...

Wow, so many wonderful items in both rooms...looks like you will both be very busy! Happy WOYWW and Easter, Carole Z #116

Nan G said...

Oh you know us too well, butterfly! We'd of made off with the sprays for sure. :) Happy Easter and Happy WOYWW! Nan #115

Pallavi said...

Could you please come over and sort my room out! It's amazing how nice you organized everything! Happy woyww

Lisa'sLettersandLace said...

wow that all pulled together beautifully and the furniture colors are great. Super projects, thanks for visiting me through WOYWW. I'm going snoop around your blog a bit more, cheers.

Kelly said...

What lovely space you have to work with. And to share it with your Mom is just the best! Welcome back with Creative Blessings! Kelly #158

Claire Grantham said...

Hi, Thanks for swinging by my blog yesterday. The new space is amazing! You must be so delighted, can't wait to see the dolls houses. You are quite right about the chaos that we are in due to the move, but we have been planning and planning and planning, so we are ready - just not packed :)
Cx #135

Meihsia Liu said...

Woooooo... Alison, your work space is just full of fun stuff. It's so great to share and play with antoher crafter/artist especially that one is mom... Have a great day ^_^

Margaret said...

What? The paints aren't free?? hee!hee! I always enjoy seeing your posts for this, but this is really amazing! I really liked seeing the staging for the dollhouse work area and the new work stations you created!

Alison Scott said...

Great working space for you and your mum.
Thnks for your visit. I am very late visiting for WOYWW this week.

Alison Scott said...

Great working space for you and your mum.
Thnks for your visit. I am very late visiting for WOYWW this week.

KatzElbows said...

What an incredible room, totally worth all the hard work. Here's to all the fun you'll have in there. In fact, I think I'm going to invite myself over so I can come and play too.

Thank you for visiting and have a great Sunday.
Cheers, Rachel

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a great room for working!
Are you moved completly to Tschechien?
Good luch for the museum!