I'm travelling into a new way of working, a new country, a new language, and a new hobby which I'm passionate about. Come with me for some of the journey...

Monday 11 December 2023

Sunday Swatching

Just popping in very quickly to say that I'm starting to build more regular content on my YouTube channel, Words and Pictures.  The first step is a new series called Sunday Swatching, and the first episode went live yesterday evening.  Watch it here!

I'll be swatching various mediums in various ways, often watercolours but not always.  Sometimes they'll be new ones, sometimes old favourites in new combinations.  I'm aiming to post at least once a month... on a Sunday (who could have guessed?!).

In this week's Sunday Swatching, I'm playing with some brand new (to me) Art to Basic handmade watercolour paints.  You can explore all their beautiful colours here on their website.   I ordered six of these paints, and one came as a bonus... I wonder if you can guess which one was unexpected!  All will become clear in the video. 

I hope you'll pop over to take a look at the first episode, and consider subscribing to the channel. I won't always be talking - sometimes it will just be pigment, water and some musical accompaniment!  And in the New Year I'm planning other new series and one-off videos, so do come and join the new journey.

Also just a heads-up that if you're after some last-minute gift tag or giftwrap inspiration, I shared some tips and tricks with my new PaperArtsy Minis and the fabulous new Just Walnut Infusions in a special Festive Friday Fun edition on the PaperArtsy People FB Group.  

You can catch up with all the festive fun here and watch these grungy gift tags come to life on the craft mat.  You shouldn't have to be a member of the group, I think, in order to watch...

Thanks so much for stopping by today - I hope your preparations for the festive season are in good order.  I'm way, way behind... it's all this filming!!  Have a great week everybody.

Create your own visual style... Let it be unique for yourself and yet identifiable to others. 
Orson Welles