
Monday 10 November 2014

I'm late, I'm late...

Hello all!  I'm afraid I'm a little late with this post… It should have arrived at midnight but because of another computer crash in New York, I wasn't able to access my photos until I arrived home tonight - and then it took ages to copy the back up hard drive over to my rescued laptop.

I'm happy to say that you can now hop over to Artistic Stamper to see what I've been up to for them after my little theatrical sabbatical.

Sadly, the one thing lost forever in the replacing of the hard drive was my later batch of New York photographs, so there won't be another NY post for now.

But I'm thrilled that they're already looking at ways to get me involved again at Theatre for a New Audience, so I'll have the chance to go and re-take at least some of them at some point in the future.

For now, though, I'm back in the UK, and looking forward to catching up with some sleep, some crafting and some visiting in Craftyblogland, as well as prepping for a whole new Text and Voice challenge which is about to kick off.  Life is very exciting at the moment!

I'd love it if you have time to "look at the time" over at The Artistic Stamper Creative Team Blog.  And I hope I'll have the time to come and repay some long overdue visits very soon.

The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.
Albert Einstein
(Physics is letting me down at the moment… everything feels as though it is happening at once!)


  1. Oh Alison what a lovely piece. Great texture and I love the texture on the pocket watch too. I will be visiting Artistic Stamper to get a better look. Glad you got everything running with your computer. Karen.x

  2. Love the tag and the A.E. quote. Beautiful background and I love the pocket watch!

  3. Just been over to Artistic Stamper and viewed this fantastic tag. Full of exciting texture and colour. Welcome Back Alison. Hugs Rita xxx

  4. Lovely to have you back Alison though I am sure you are tired and ready for a rest now.

    The tag is fantastic with a great message

    Love Chrissie x

  5. I started with the full tag at Artistic Stamper, it's gorgeous (of course) Glad to have you back with us for a while anyway, and that you've enjoyed your adventure - shame about the NY photos as judging by the first lot, they'd have been wonderful. Never mind, it's good to see YOU!

  6. Great to have you back in the UK Alison and even greater news you will be returning to New York so you can replace your lost photos!

    Enjoy a good rest, a good craft and have a relaxing catch up:-) xxx

  7. Welcome back! This looks fab, off to check out the details. Nikki x

  8. Your tag is scrumptious Alison!
    Less than 2 weeks till our little excursion now, can't wait! :) xxx

  9. Welcome back!! Good to see you in crafty blogland again, but make sure to have a good rest first!

  10. Looked on AS first and loVe your tag! So sorry you lost your photos, I know how I would feel if it was me - hope you are able to go back and take more! Meanwhile hope you have some TIME to yourself! Hugs, Chrisx

  11. Welcome back Alison! Delighted to see your beautiful creations. This pocket watch is fabulous, it reminds me of my grandfather's one i kept from him.

  12. Lovely combination of blue and platinum and such a striking font make for a beautiful tag. Lovely to have you back! Ruth x

  13. Oh you poor sweet thing, how awful you to have lost the photos and great news for the future, you must be exhausted, the tag looks gorgeous of course, I'm flying over right now to see the big picture, sooooo glad your back, get some rest, ((( BIG HUGS )))

  14. Wow! Alison, die Uhr schaut richtig echt aus, sehr antik und kostbar.
    Eine tolle Arbeit.

    Liebe Grüße

  15. Stunning Alison!!
    So sorry about your photos :( I looked forward to your view of the big city!! You need to get some good security software!! ")
    Glad to hear you are home safe and sound and I look forward to whatever you may share! xoxo

  16. Welcome back Alison, off to see the whole picture, it looks awesome so far.

  17. Welcome back home dear Alison,- wonderful that you had such a great time, and that you already ,now, knows you will be back another time.
    Your time-piece looks wonderful, and I will go have a look !!!
    Hugs from Dorthe

  18. Hi dear Alison, nice to have you back! But keep calm and try to "come home" first!
    Your time tag is really beautiful as all your art is. I mostly love the cover of your pocket watch.
    xxx Evelyn

  19. Welcome back Alison! That's sad news indeed for your laptop.. I hope you will be able to go back to NY as you wish a bit later, to take another set of new photos that you can share with us!
    I'm off now to see your lovely make I'm sure.. ^^ Hugs, have a good week in UK! Coco xxx

  20. Welcome back Alison..fabulous tag.I love the embossing and colours and the watch is awesome..what a shame about your photos.

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  21. Fabulous tag Alison, your pocket watch is stunning! What a shame about your photo's that's annoying.
    Amanda x

  22. Gorgeous tag Alison, Love the pocket watch....sorry about the photos...Hugs May x x

  23. a beautiful 'Alison' piece !
    Corrie x

  24. Gorgeous tag - love the background texture.
    Alison, it is so lovely to read that life is being kind to you and brimming over with good times.

  25. Sure better late than never Alison and welcome back! That's brilliant that TFANA will want you back - way to go!!! (in every sense!). Sorry you have lost photos but glad you can retake. The new challenge sounds utterfly perfect for you. Popping over to AS. Nicola x

  26. Oh poo! so sorry to hear about the loss of your wonderful pictures, but I'm so glad you're back safely and had a wonderful time. Your life is certainly leading you into fabulous moments and it's so much fun that you share that journey with us. Off to see your project.
    Lisa x

  27. Welcome back to Blighty! Cold and wet Blighty it is too!
    Your tag looks gorgeous. I love all the colours and depth of layers. Well done.
    Such a shame about your pictures, but they will always stay in your long as you don't lose that!

  28. Welcome back! Hope you've caught up on some sleep. What a shame about your NYC photos, but it sounds like you'll get to go back in the future, so you can retake them. ;) Your AS tag looks wonderful, I'm off to their blog to take a look.......

  29. Welcome Home, Alison!! YAY!! Those darn computers!! But I'm glad you didn't lose the pictures of your crafty genius :)
    This tag is so classy, Alison :) Love the Gothic embossed background! This is a great design for a masculine card/tag! Oh, you've just given me an idea for my Dad's 75th birthday card!!! YAY! Thanks, Alison! XOXO-Shari

  30. Glad to hear you are safely home. I hope your trip was fabulous. Gorgeous tag!!

  31. Such a beautiful tag. So pleased your time in the Big Apple were so successful and how amazing to have the possibility of a return trip. Jenny x

  32. Welcome back, Alison! This tag looks amazing! I'm off to look more closely at AS. Before that, though, I'm so sorry to hear about the IT problems; but what wonderful news that you might have the opportunity to return to NY. Also that whole new text and voice challenge sounds interesting. I heard a Radio 4 show recently - just by chance, while I was crafting - where you were helping Maxine Peake with her Hamlet role! Absolutely fascinating! :) xx


Thank so much for taking the time to stop by. It's lovely to hear what you think - every comment is so much appreciated.