
Saturday 1 November 2014

Butterflies for me!

Hello all and welcome back to the second post of the day.  Yes, it's the first of the month and it's challenge time!  If you're looking for my Christmas is Coming offering for Artistic Stamper, just click to visit it.

But now it's over to the new theme over at Country View Challenges.  This month we're looking for  Bugs, Bees and Butterflies.  You can use any or all of them on your project… no prizes for guessing which way I decided to go!

For this tag, I reached for something old, something new and something blue.  If there's anything borrowed, then I'm afraid the owner can't have it back!

The blue obviously is there in the colour palette - blues and browns, probably my all time favourite combination, though one can always ring the changes with the precise shades used.

The "something old" is one of the tag backgrounds I made using Tim's June tag technique.  At the time I made four or five different colour variations as I was having such fun with the technique.  It was finally time for this one to take centre stage.

The "something new" are the French Flight Framelits butterflies… my first time of using the stamp-and-cut die set.

I love the inky stencilled print effect on the watercolour paper, but since you can read all about the background technique in the words of the master himself, I'll just fill you in on a couple of the additional details.

For the butterflies, I inked up a separate piece of card and stamped them in a combination of Cornflower Blue and Aquamarine Archival inks, blended the inks on the stamp.

When you cut them, you lose the labels and the antennae, so before gluing them down, I also stamped them directly onto my lettering background in Cobalt Archival.

So once they were stuck down, they had their bits and pieces back in place!

I edged the wings with Florentine Treasure Gold, as the metallic glow was becoming a bit of a feature elsewhere…

Here, for instance, in the couple of pen nibs attached as embellishments.

And on the altered Muse Token at the top of the tag… just a touch of Treasure Gold can really zhuzh something up!

I used some Chitchat Stickers to create my sentiment, outlining with a fine PITT pen to bed them into the background.

And because I stuck down the watercolour panel a bit too high up the tag, it needed something extra at the bottom.

I used some Idea-ology Long Fasteners to create a row of studs.  A burnishing of Treasure Gold to make them tone in, and we're pretty much there.

Oh, not forgetting the Distress Ink-dyed ribbons of the topping, of course!

So there are my first Bugs, Bees and Butterflies.  Do hop over to Country View Challenges and see what my fantastic team-mates have been up to, and don't forget there's ongoing inspiration there throughout the month.

I'll be here in a few days with my second Bugs, Bees and Butterflies offering, but I'm off to the theatre again now.  As well as new challenge day, the 1st November is also our first Preview, so today we find out how the show goes down with an audience… fingers crossed.

Thanks so much for stopping by.  I've just over a week left in New York now, so I should be able to visit Craftyblogland more regularly again soon.  Happy crafting all.

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.
Marcel Proust

If you're after seasonal inspiration do check out the new Artistic Stamper challenge too.  Christmas doesn't usually start this early at Words and Pictures!


  1. Wow, what a stunning Tag. Love the colours Alison, and the flutterbies look so pretty. Enjoy your weekend. Hugs Rita xxx

  2. Fantastic 'words' today Alison and so true.

    Love the tag with its beautiful fresh colours and images- Such a change from all the Autumn colours and a promise of Spring to come

    Love Chrissie x

  3. A glorious piece Alison and my all time fav Timmy stamp set.

    Hope you have a good weekend.

    B x

  4. Traumhaft und fantastisch.
    Mir fehlen jedes Mal die Worte bei deinen wunderschönen Werken.

    Sophie xx

  5. Beautiful summery blue butterflies, Alison. Amd very apt. Don't know what the weather's like in NYC but we've just had the hottest Halloween on record.

  6. I adore your tag, Alison! Huge good luck with the show!!

    Lucy x

  7. Beautiful tag Alison. Hugs Annette x

  8. love it, Alison! I've barely used my butterfly die set either..

  9. A butterfly classic - so gorgeous Alison and love how you have embellished it. Nikki x

  10. So pretty and it's refreshing to see something not fall colors. Those Archival colors are two of my favorites. Lovely tag.

  11. A gorgeous tag Alison, the colour is lovely.
    xxx Hazel.

  12. This is just gorgeous,love the

  13. This tag us so so beautiful...
    I love it!

  14. Gorgeous, in blue and brown and a fantastic background, dear Alison!!
    I -like you,. love butterflies and these seems to have landed in a very beautiful universe !!

  15. Gorgeous design on a favorite technique! LOVE the blue butterflies! Just a beautiful tag!

  16. This so pretty, love the colours used. Another beautiful creation xx

  17. I DO love butterflies & this is such a beautiful collection of them on your tag :-)


  18. A classic Alison piece, lovely.
    Amanda x

  19. A gorgeous tag. Lots of luck for tonight.

  20. Such a lovely detailed tag Alison!
    Have a nice weekend, Alie :-)

  21. Great use of those gorgeous butterflies!

  22. Wonderful tag Alison, I also love this Tim Holz's set of butterflies!! So gorgeous in blue on your vintage background. Finger crossed for you for the first 'Preview' show oh! Hugs, Coco xx

  23. Beautiful, simply beautiful Alison, I love those wonderful butterflies! Anne xx

  24. The prettiest of butterflies all in a row - a sweet and beautiful tag.
    I am sure the show will be well received and no need for crossing of any fingers.
    Take Care
    Lynne x

  25. Beautiful tag. One of my favorite color combination the bluebwith brouw. Thanks for showing very inspiring Anneke.

  26. Amazing make , Alison! The butterflies look like real, ready to fly! :-)

  27. Wow wow wow truly awesome tag, I can't wait to have a go at this challenge as I have some TH stamps I haven't used yet so I neeeeed to get them inked lol. Really love the background and the blue and browns look amazing. Happy Creating, Kezzy :-) xxx

  28. Really a stunning tag again, Alison! You are really the queen of this color combo! I love the quote!
    I hope, you´ll tell us about the success of the show.
    xxx Evelyn

  29. You’ve done a great job with the butterflies and the background and embellishments are wonderful. Stunning tag, dear Alison!

  30. Absolutely love this tag Alison these colours just work so well together and the images are lovely. Have a great weekend and happy crafting, Angela x

  31. soooo Gorgeous Alison!! love the blues!! I'm off to check out your other work! Happy Sunday! xo

  32. A stunning tag, butterflies always look beautiful.
    p.s. love the Seasonal tags in your previous post as well.

  33. Wow Miss Alison you do make me weak and then my heart sings, love the splotchy background , the torn edge. I love how you stamped the butterfly then used the gorgeous cut outs on top, brilliant that was, Not a mistake you put it too high, the fasteners belong on the bottom, and the nibs, always the perfect topping, SQUAWK, I flipping love it. No luck needed Missy it going to be a huge hit. Can't wait for the next tag. Have a wonderful week, ((( BIG HUGS )))..

  34. It's always like taking a mini vacation to a magical wonderland when visiting your blog. I was in a trance with the photos. The descriptions were wonderful reads and I love that I learned a new word..."zhuzh." So happy you're having fun at the theater but what a treat to still enjoy your makes. off to see what I've missed.
    hugs to you Alison,
    Lisa x

  35. So beautiful tag! Love the background :) I have got a soft spot for these butterflies :) Hugs!

  36. WOW WOW WOW Alison, I love your tag, absolutely stunning, so lovely. Fantastic work !!!


  37. What a fabulous tag, Alison. I love that background and the butterfly combo of stamp and die-cut are just gorgeous. I really like that finishing touch of the Idealogy along the bottom too. I really hope you've been enjoying your time in New York. xxx

  38. Ooops! Meant to say - PS Hope the audience enjoyed the Preview too! xx

  39. This looks fabulous Alison - love your using the gold - adds wonderful warmth. Hope there are standing ovations for every performance! Nicola x

  40. Wow! This is gorgeous, I love that colour combination - anywhere - but here with your fabulous butterflies and the brilliant quote it make the perfect tag! Chris

  41. Such a beautiful tag, and I think this is one of my favourite stamp sets too xx

  42. Gorgeous tag, Alison! Love those butterflies. Hugs!

  43. Oh, lucky--you got the French Flight Framelits!! I've had that set in my hands, but have put it down thinking I wouldn't use it--I think I need to reconsider!! LOL :) I love the blue butterflies against the natural brown tones of your background, Alison--two of my fav color combos, too :) Love those little brads down at the bottom, too! Fabulous tag!! XOXO-Shari

  44. So pretty, love butterfly's and these are fab!
    Just ordered this die set, eagerly awaiting delivery
    Gorgeous colours and detail as always

    Jools x

  45. Just perfect Alison! Adore the blue butterflies and the florentine gold is a perfect compliment. LOVE this! Ruth xx

  46. Stunning project Alison! The butterfiles are so beautiful!BARbarayaya

  47. I am soaking up all the beauty I missed on your blog! Oh your style is stunning! This tag is beautiful and soft, I love it! Love the vintage Christmas tags prior and now I see your Pinterest sign, so of course I am going to indulge myself with your creations on Pinterest. Have a beautiful day!
    Hugs Kelly

  48. A great way to display those butterflies. Love the touches of gilding wax too. Jenny x


Thank so much for taking the time to stop by. It's lovely to hear what you think - every comment is so much appreciated.