
Thursday 13 November 2014

A Wonderful Day with Andy Skinner

Hello all!  Thanks for your lovely comments on my pocket watch tag - as always I'm so deeply appreciative of your generous feedback.  As I mentioned, I've no follow up New York post for you I'm afraid, thanks to the collapse of my laptop while I was over there - no photos!

So instead here's a little look at the altered book I made at a brilliant Andy Skinner workshop at Crafting Time in Cambridgeshire during the quick flit back to the UK I had in the middle of my New York trip.  I was so thrilled that the workshop (which had been postponed from July) fitted so perfectly into the time... and even more thrilled by the end of it.  I had a ball and here's what we made.

It started out as one of those bog standard black hardback notebooks, but thanks to Andy's fantastic painty techniques and great teaching, it's ended up being one of my favourite makes ever.

I'm not going to spill all the how-to beans - they're Andy's to spill - but here are some close-ups.

Within the techniques, we had some flexibility to choose our colour palettes - no surprises that I ended up with blues and rusty browns!

We were using lots of the new DecoArt Media products (hence the postponement earlier in the year, when there were supply issues) - including texture pastes and lots of fabulous fluid paints...

... as well as good old embossed card to create other textures.

From the start, the chipboard compass lying on the craft mat had probably been working its way into my subconscious... 

(Yes, it's plain old chipboard under that apparently rusty surface.)

So when it came to painting the textured panel, it was almost inevitable that it would start to turn into ocean waves - with a froth of dry-brushed white dancing on the tips of the waves.

I just love how Andy's techniques enabled us to create the fabulous burnished rusty look on the pegs...

... and, of course, around the edges of the cover.

As for how he did the back cover - words fail me!

It's actually a fairly straightforward process, but what a brilliant effect.

And lots of these stencils have gone on my Christmas list.

I'm afraid I succumbed to quite a few of the DecoArt products we'd played with, but thanks to my immediate departure to Heathrow the next morning I haven't yet had a chance to play with them.  I'm looking forward to some time at the craft table soon.

As for whether I'd recommend an Andy Skinner workshop... well, shall we just say I immediately booked myself on the next weekend with him - so I'll be back in Cambridgeshire this Saturday and Sunday for more.  Can't wait!

Ocean is more ancient than the mountains and freighted with the memories and the dreams of Time.
H.P. Lovecraft


  1. what a great book! enjoy this weekends classes too.

  2. I just recently spent a weekend shopping online for as many of those supplies as my little gift card would hold... :)
    I'm so immensely intrigued by your book makeover. The barnishing and rusting and waves affect is truly mesmerizing. It's no doubt a favorite of yours as the entire theme radiates nautical and that centerpiece is just perfect.
    I'm like McDonalds...I'm lovin' it!
    Lisa x

  3. Looks fabulous Alison! I did this class in the Summer :)

  4. OMG! Your book looks fabulous I wish I could stroke Enjoy your next class, one day I will get to a class.....soon I hope.


  5. Fabulous with brilliant paint effects. Both the front and back look wonderful! Lucky you being able to do yet nother class, - enjoy!

  6. Great that you managed to fit in this workshop Alison and what a stunning make.Such textures and layers-I wanted to reach out and touch it.

    Love Chrissie x

  7. Totally agree about Andy's workshops-this is fabulous! Enjoy your weekend! Hugs, Chrisx

  8. Andy his workshops are great (I even attended one in the Netherlands)...and so is your artwork Alison. Stunning makes!
    Greetings, Alie :-)

  9. Absolutely glorious in its faux rustiness! I would love to take an Andy Skinner workshop.

  10. Another project I just want to reach out and touch, the texture and colours are amazing, the rust and touches of white..the back cover...I could go on and on but will just say it's gorgeous!! And you've just made me want to attend one of his workshops even more now! Ruth xx

  11. Wow! Alison, was für eine tolle Arbeit.
    Der Kompass sieht richtig echt aus.
    Alt und verrostet...
    Was für eine grandiose Idee.

    Sophie xx

  12. That looks wonderful...would love to do one of those workshops....but...but...there is something about one ever comes here to do any workshops!!! lol
    xoxo Sioux

  13. Hello Miss Alison, first I love Andy Skinner, I knew you and Mr Andy would be an EXPLOSIVE combination.
    SQUAWKKKK, it is ***THE BOMB***, I see every one want to touch it, me too, oh boy I have to FB this, those DecoArts are fantastic, I entered the give away I'm praying to win thanks so much for sharing the OUTSTANDING creation, have a wonderful week, can't wait for your next post, ((( BIG HUGS )))

  14. Andy is an enabler isn't he, gives you confidence and lets you get on with your creations. Met him on a demo day and just waiting for him to return to my neck of the woods so i can book onto one of his courses.

    WONDERFUL altered book Alison, it's great to have you back :-) xxx

  15. Lucky you Alison! taking a class with Mr. Skinner in real life- I'm so green!! heehee
    Your book came out fabulous!! Absolutely grungy ,rusty, delishous!! Love it- every detail about it! xoxo

  16. How fun and what a great day it must have been! LOVE the gorgeous texture and rust!

  17. This screams of Andy's techniques and I love what you've done - thank goodness your schedule allowed you to fit in the class. Jenny x

  18. Wow! This is gorgeous! Looking forward to seeing it for real :-)
    Andrea x

  19. Can see how you enjoyed the workshop. Its an awesome book cover, fabulous textures and aging.

  20. Wow that's fabulous I'd love to do one of classes, fingers crossed one day! Elizabeth xxx

  21. Oh Alison,
    this is more that amazing, wow, what tecniques, you have learned, and so brilliantly used on your book. It is a stunning piece- and you are more than lucky, to be able to go once again this weekend!!

  22. Gorgeous book Alison! Love the textures and the rust effects are amazing! Andy Skinner class is definitely on my list! Sue C x

  23. Fabulous book Alison - gorgeous textures and colours. An Andy Skinner workshop is definitely on my wish list !! x

  24. WOW!! Fantastic all the crunchy texture and awesome the compass and lettering...brilliant.

    luv CHRISSYxx

  25. How AMAZING -- wow!
    Lucky Alison- being able to learn from the master Skinner - enjoy!

  26. This is the most wonderful!!! I love everything about it! I am also a little jealous (in a nice way :)... a day with Andy Skinner crafting! Oh, brilliant! xxx

  27. That looks incredible! I'm very envious of you, I really hope I can take one of Andy's classes next year. Have a great weekend

  28. I can see why it is a favourite Alison, it is stunning! How lovely to have been able to fit in a class with THE Andy too! Anne xx

  29. Wow!!!fabulous make Alison and I love the wonderful details. Apologies for my lack of visits, work and life hectic at the moment.

    TFS and hugs Annie x

  30. Wow, stunning ! I did one of Andy's workshops recently and really enjoyed it too. He is a very good teacher !
    Corrie x

  31. This is stunning. Absolutely love the texture on this .... WOW.

  32. Gorgeous Alison, love the rusted elements and the fantastic texture . So pleased you has a good time . Tracy x

  33. Now you know why we love him so much Alison! A stunning project of course and you've clearly had great fun with Andy's techniques and the DecoArt products. Look forward to seeing you tomorrow in Cambridge!
    Julia x

  34. This is just wonderful, Alison; something to treasure! So glad you managed to get home for it,

    Lucy x

  35. What a fabulous make Alison, I really love this. I have to admit an Andy Skinner workshop is on my wish list for next year. In fact my resolution is to stop buying the stash and to attending workshops to learn how to use what I've got already lol xx

  36. Wonderful work Alison, fabulous texture and I have to agree with you about that bold stencilling on the back. I'd love to do one of Andy's workshops some day! Hope life is good with you !
    Best wishes Toni x

  37. Wow wow wooow...!!! I'm Jealous Alison hahaha!!! Lucky girl... ;) Well, YOUR BOOK is absolutely fantastic, just perfect in your favourite shades of blue and rust :) Hugs, Coco xxx

  38. OoooOhhh, this is amazing. Loving the texture and distress effect. xx

  39. This is fabulous, Allison! I loved the online class I took from Andy and wish I could take a real life class.

  40. What a fabulous altered book, Alison! The texture is just to die for! Andy Skinner does seem a very inspiring teacher! I would treasure a 'make' like this! xxx

  41. Wow Alison! What a fabulous project! Love all the depth and detail!

  42. I loved doing this workshop too, a great book cover.
    hugs Brenda xxx

  43. I can honestly see why you love this. I think I would too. I do in fact!
    I have missed a few things on here...must keep looking!

  44. Gorgeous - I want to see this beauty in person!

  45. I so wish to join Andy`s class one day…and hope I will meet you there, too…gorgeous book!

  46. wow wow wow awesome book, I bet he was a brilliant teacher. I have just started an online class and his techniques are truly amazing. Kezzy :-) xxx


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