
Tuesday 18 November 2014

Nicely does it...

Hello all... I'm not really here today.  That's to say it's a only sneak peek here at Words and Pictures.  You can find me in full flow over at Our Creative Corner turning the spotlight on our sponsor this month, Nicecrane Designs.

For this Nicecrane Sponsor Spotlight I've played with the fabulous printable images in several different ways, trying to throw some light on how they can fit into mixed media work, not just scrapbooking or card-making.  Take a look here at what I came up with. WARNING: there's pink involved!!

I hope you'll pop over to Our Creative Corner, and that it will inspire you to explore Nicecrane's amazing range of pictures and images, all available at incredibly reasonable prices.  

I'll be back tomorrow, but for now I'll love you and leave you, and wish you happy crafting!

There are two kinds of light: the glow that illumines and the glare that obscures.
James Thurber

Oh, and anyone who's interested... you can check out some photos from Tamburlaine, the show I worked on in New York, on Pinterest.  There are rehearsal photos, and production photos, as well as photos about some of the blood effects.  You have been warned... it's gory!


  1. Off to have a peek Alison, Pink's certainly not a usual one for you.

    Apols I've been a bad visitor but been under the weather.

    B x

  2. Great work with digi images Alison. As usual adore your colours and design. Have a good day! Nxxx

  3. Been to visit Alison, your tag is gorgeous! xxx

  4. Great cards Alison , and I love that stamps set!! really gorgious!!!


  5. Looks beautiful, will pop over for a peep, Elizabeth oxoxo

  6. SQUAWK WOW, WOW, WOW, Miss Alison you are a genius, it is so creative, flipping GORGEOUS, I'll have to go over later and have another good look, oh boy I LOVE it ALL, your ***THE BOMB***, thanks for sharing hope you have a wonderful week, ((( BIG HUGS )))...

  7. Some great tips Alison, thank you for a great post:-) xxx

  8. Fantastic work- love them both !!
    Thank you for your how to do !!

  9. Oh Alison!! Sooo gorgeous and delicate! both pieces are scrumptious! Thank you so much for sharing! xo

  10. I'm off to have a peek too, that's certainly very interesting to see how you have integrated such lovely images in a mixed media project.. and in pink!!! I will also look at the photos asap (still at work for the moment taking a short break, so I hesitate to take much more time to go on Pinterest too hahaha). Hugs, Coco xxx

  11. Wow Alison, I love the techniques you used with Ignacio's wonderful images, your designs are wonderful and I do love your colour choices. Beautiful work, as ever! Anne xx

  12. Left a comment on OCC, beautiful (of course!) results, quite impressed with the digi images. Fabulous results! Ruth x

  13. Just been to look - and left a comment. I love those orangey-pinks.

  14. I have been to the other blog site to see your lovely cards Alison. As always, your work is absolutely stunning. Those birds are gorgeous. I wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such nice comments. I have been pretty AWOL from commenting. Lots of "life" going on and taking priority. I hope all is we with you!!! <3 Candy

  15. You using pink on a project is more of a shock than seeing all those 'blood'-soaked photos from Tamburlaine. ;-) Gorgeous project & thanks for sharing the fantastic photos from the play.

  16. Mmmm the sneak peek looks gorgeous, must see more.
    hugs Brenda xxx

  17. Really lovely Alison, I really like these digi designs xx


Thank so much for taking the time to stop by. It's lovely to hear what you think - every comment is so much appreciated.