
Thursday 21 April 2016

Trash to Industrial Treasure

Hello all!  I hope you had a good time wandering around Central Park with me - the blossom and leaves are even better now, so I'll have to get some more photos at some point.  But now on to a new project...  I'm excited and very honoured to be a guest over at Stamps and Stencils today.  I'm a huge fan of the challenge and the brilliant Design Team there, and I was thrilled when they picked my Flourishing Florals as their Splatter, Spritz and Smoosh winner.

That piece was about as "girly" as I get - full of flowers and flourishes.  It wasn't a conscious decision, but my guest creation for Autumn's wonderful Trash to Treasure theme ended up going in almost completely the opposite direction, with a masculine industrial look.

There are some basic making-of details over at Stamps and Stencils, so I won't bore you with those all over again.  Let me just take you on a quick tour of the Philbric Electric Company.  Oh, and I will let you in on the secrets of the trash which I've turned to (I hope) treasure.

It started with me grabbing some things from my "bound-to-come-in-useful-bits-and-bobs" basket, where I stash old containers and packaging and other bits and bobs which I haven't been able to bring myself to throw out.

On this occasion, I pulled out the lid of a wooden Camembert box and some used lightbulbs.  I laid them onto a 6x6 canvas and let my imagination go wandering.

I figured the cheese lid would make a good frame for a photo, and I quite quickly decided that it would be more fun with the lid the other way up. Plus it gave me lots of fun surfaces to play on.

With the lightbulbs to guide me, I selected one of the Found Relatives who seemed to have good industrial magnate credentials.

He's Jeremiah Philbric, the founder of the Philbric Electric Company - one of those canny individuals who spotted the immense potential of this new source of power, and invested early.

In the early days he was a hands-on industrialist, driving the company forward and working hard to persuade the public that there was no danger in electrification, showing them how their lives would change if they allowed electric light into their houses.  He became an expert in the art of persuasion and advertisement.

Once electricity had become an accepted part of people's lives, the company diversified... the advertisement puffs off the all the gadgets and contraptions you didn't even know you needed!

But the invention which remains at the heart of the transformation wrought by the development of electricity is the lightbulb... casting light and casting out the shadows.

Jeremiah still remembers his first time watching an electric bulb lighting up - and that excitement means he wants to keep up with all the latest developments.  These days he still keeps an eye on activities in his factories and warehouses...

... but most of the work is now left to his loyal and capable staff.  The whole operation works like clockwork.

That's an electrically powered clock, though, obviously, not an old-fashioned key-wound one!

Jeremiah turned his own life around from humble beginnings to become a respected captain of industry... a sort of turning of "trash to treasure", an echo of the challenge theme which kicked the whole thing off.

I had an absolute ball creating this recycled canvas - and my thanks go to Sue and the team at Stamps and Stencils for inviting me along to play this month.

I hope this has added to the inspiration the DT offered up earlier this month.  If you didn't see them, do check out their amazing projects here.  And don't forget if you want to know more about how I made this, you can find that out over at Stamps and Stencils too.

For now, I'll leave you to rummage in your own bits-and-bobs baskets and maybe you'll be turning some trash to treasure soon.  Happy Crafting all!

Electricity is really just organised lightning.
George Carlin

Soon now, the faint tinkling of a broken filament will become another sound of another century.
From Brilliant: The Evolution of Artificial Light by Jane Brox

I'd like to enter this at Mixed Media Mojo, where they're looking for Recycling with a Twist of Metal
And at Mixed Media World the theme is Get in Gear - plenty of gears here!
And for a mixed media hatrick - the Mixed Media Monthly challenge is Dimension, so I'd like to play along there too
Over at Frilly and Funkie they are celebrating Earth Day with a recycling challenge - It's Not Easy Being Green


  1. Fabulous up cycled art Alison! xxx

  2. First of all, "this is right up my street" - a gorgeous assemblage of artefacts. I love the idea of the camembert lid to begin your project. Fabulous!
    Hugs, Neet xx

  3. Fabulous Inspiration! I don't know how you bring all these things together and make them looks so incredible! X

  4. Absolutely wonderful the light bulbs and key and such a great photo and an educational post too..never too old to learn something..really enjoyed your post and fabulous creativity..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  5. This canvas is amazing. Everything fits perfectly.
    Your a bussy ladie. I love your art.

  6. As always lovely work Alisons and such an inspiration, thank you for sharing.


  7. Superb! Alison . I totally LOVE your canvas and how you have turned your trash to treasure- it really is just that!
    The narrative as always brings this fabulous canvas to life .
    Congratulations on your Guest Design spot and for the inspiration .
    Gonna have to scroll back again to admire again before I head over to Stamps and Stencils .
    Wishing you continued happy travels
    take care
    hugs x

  8. What a 'brilliant' project! I love your story of Jeremiah and the way he has been 'highlighted' here! A truly wonderful way to turn your trash into treasure! Hugs, Chrisx

  9. This is absolutely brilliant, Alison!
    Love your transformation of the Camembert box into this highly textural mixed media beauty!

    Claudia x

  10. Terrific project and no one would have guessed the things that yourself to create it Alison

    Looking forward to more photographs

    Love Chrissie xx

  11. Wonderful transformation! Love the vintage look!

  12. This is so beautiful, Alison. I must remember to save all those bits and bobs!
    Corrie x

  13. Absolutely brilliant. I love every little bit of it. Lx

  14. Alison, what a joy to read this tale and be enraptured with this story, so beautifully wrought with the fine details of this work of art. You never cease to amaze me and I am ever so grateful to have found you in this wide, wide world! Thanks so much for bringing real light to this challenge theme. Hugs, Autumn

  15. Brilliantly created with fabulous detailing. Love this
    Amanda x

  16. Wow! Amazing creation Alison! Such fabulous depth and beautifully vintage in style.
    Fliss xx

  17. Fabulous project and super recycling, It has awesome details.
    Yvonne xx

  18. Alison, your project is stunning! I really love how you recycled the Camembert box - I will never look at one in the same light again! Congratulations on your GDT spot too. Anne xx

  19. Fabulous masculine piece, beautifully put together and what great re cycling! And of course congrats on you GDT spot!

  20. Wonderful post and creation Alison. It's upcycling at its very best. Superb transformation of all ingredients into such an enlightening project! Nicola x

  21. What a fun project!! Will definitely be hopping over to see the "how did she do that?" details - but must say now that it is a fest of wonderful eye-catching detail and (as always) fascinating stories..... who would think lightbulbs could be so inspirational!! xxx Lynn

  22. Alison, it's a breathtakingly beautiful piece of art, as all as you do in crafting! Fabulous masculine industrial project perfectly designed! Thank you so much for the inspiration! I absolutely love this! Big hugs! Branka xx

  23. Fantastic project Alison! Love all the texture and details! All the bits and baubles add such interest! Thanks for joining along with the MMMC :)

  24. Fabulous project! Love the idea of recycling the Camembert box - very clever indeed! The final result is amazing!! Thank you for sharing it with us at Mixed Media World! Ingrid x

  25. Hi Alison, love how you used done of your trash on this piece and totally transformed it. The circular piece is just a fantastic addition. I love the handsome gent and the vintage feel to your piece . Tracy x

  26. Alison this is very cool! I love how you re-cycled the pieces and they all look like they belong together. Fabulous! Thanks for playing along with us at Frilly and Funkie Challenge!

  27. Beautiful recycling project, Alison! Your story that goes along with it was a fabulous read, too! You do have such an amazing skill with both words and pictures! Your canvas is just delightful, and looks as if every piece was meant to be exactly where it is! Lovely! Hugs!

  28. stunning recycling Project,
    you put so much detail into this piece!

  29. Wow, what an amazing project Alison! I just love the neutrals with the rusty bits and bobs! Love the use of the lightbulbs! A huge congratulations on your guest designer gig as well!! Thank you so much for joining us at Frilly and Funkie for our 'It's Not Easy Being Green' challenge! Hugs, Pamellia DT :)

  30. Oh Alison! You have the best sense of design - you always amaze me with your design work. As a rule, I am not drawn to the "industrial grunge" look. But I find this really beautiful - beautiful! So well balanced and so interesting. My eyes flit from here to there and back again. I love this piece!!
    sandy xx

  31. Oh Alison, I love you having a basket with all kind of things, normally to be thrown out, lol- I do such things, too :-)
    Also love the story of your mr.Jeremiah Philbric ,and his company. and how you used the many wonderful tecnique `s ,and fun pieces. It is gorgeous !!
    Dorthe, xoxo

  32. This is a wonderful piece, and I enjoyed your story about Jeremiah Philbric.

    Those "going to come in useful one day" bags just seem to grow on their own !

    Thank you for sharing your art with us at Mixed Media Mojo.

    Good luck in your challenges

  33. Love this style Alison, as always an amazing work, love how you have recycled the cheese package! It's stunning! barbara

  34. What an amazing project again dear Alison, every detail fits , what a great artist you are!!! I love your special Art!!!

    Have fun!!

  35. Totally fab!!! Love , love , love x

  36. A wonderful recycled piece Alison - great details and I love how you've put all the different elements together, thank you for sharing it with us at Mixed Media Mojo.
    xxx Hazel.

  37. Just amazing - I find it so difficult to do more masculine themed work - this is fantastic and I love all the elements you brought to it and your attention to detail - just fantastic.

  38. Love the cheesebox - it works so well on your project! And amazing detail and dimension - love it! Thank you so much for playing with us at The Mixed Media Monthly Challenge!

  39. What a fabulous and out of this world cool piece!! I also have those cheese containers I can't throw out either- clever use for them Alison!!
    I love the industrial look here- again- way cool !!xx

  40. Oh Alison, this is so wonderful! Amazing use of your bits and bobs and love the industrial turn of the century theme, I can just see Jeremiah promoting his new endeavour as he traveled about in his Model T! Thank you so much for joining us at Mixed Media Mojo this month, Deb xo

  41. oh this is just fabulous! I love it and all its grungy industrial glory! =) Thank you for sharing it with us at The Mixed Media Monthly challenge.

  42. Stunning alteration Alison! I love how you put all the things together to achieve such beautiful composition! Thanks for joining us at the fun over at Mixed Media Mojo.

  43. Wow wonderful project! Love all the bits and bobs you used! Great job and thanks so much for playing along with Mixed Media Mojo!

  44. oh my goodness that is one awesome piece of art! that vintage lightbulb is everything! Thank you so much for playing with the Mixed Media Monthly Challenge!


  45. This is STUNNING! Just STUNNING! I LOVE the recycled Camembert box lid and everything else about this is right up my street. It really is a work of art! <3

  46. This is amazing Alison, who could guess that it started life as a cheese lid lol. Those light bulbs fit in perfectly xx

  47. Love what you made, Alison! Amazing project!

  48. Wow. I love this. Fab peoject. Thank you for joining us at MMW

  49. Wow, Alison, this piece is just crammed full of vintage atmosphere! I also love the quote about electricity being 'organized lightning'! Your narrative and the canvas are a delight. How wonderfully you bring together the most unexpected elements (oops, sorry!) xxx

  50. Oh, Alison! You leave me breathless with delight! This is such a fabulous example of upcycling...and it's gorgeous art, to boot. Every detail lights up the imagination. (Sorry for the pun!) The composition is gorgeous, the color palette spot on, and then you told me a story too? I'm in love! Thanks so much for sharing with us at the Frilly and Funkie "It's Not Easy Being Green" Challenge!

  51. Who knew a cheese box and some old bulbs would lead to this incredible creation and such a wonderful story, both of which I enjoyed in equal measure. Thank you for joining us at Frilly and Funkie xx

  52. This is such an amazing project. Thanks for walking us through the life of Mr. Philbric.
    How many times I have held such a Camembert box in my hands thinking it would be a shame to throw it away but at the same time not knowing what to do with it. Thanks for making me realize its potential! I'll never look at it the same way again.

  53. Congratulations, Alison on winning at Frilly and Funkie! What an excellent choice they made! Hugs!

  54. Somehow I missed this! Great recycling and I love the story.


Thank so much for taking the time to stop by. It's lovely to hear what you think - every comment is so much appreciated.