
Sunday 24 April 2016

Encore - I am...

Encore Posts
Projects which made their first appearances elsewhere for Design Team duties or Guest Designer opportunities, but which only had a sneak peek here, are being gathered together in the pages of my virtual scrapbook while I'm away.  Please don't feel that you have to comment all over again!

Okay, I said we had lots of new things in a row - I'm glad you enjoyed my Trash to Treasure guest spot for Stamps & Stencils, and there is another new project up next - but I decided to squeeze in an extra Encore for fun.  As the page says, "I am..."

Well, "I am..." celebrating my birthday today in New York - and I've had a wonderful time visiting the Brooklyn Botanic Garden where the Cherry Blossoms were just hitting their peak.

There's also a huge collection of lilacs, which have always been my birthday flower, so I was pretty much in heaven - and here are just a couple of quick glimpses for you.

There's just a week left to go in my stay here, so it seemed appropriate to share this page which began its life in New York when I was working here in 2014.  Here's what I wrote when I posted it at the Artistic Stamper Creative Blog in November of that year...

Hello all, Alison (butterfly) here with a journal page for you today.

This one started a while back when I was in New York with only limited supplies.  I got as far as having all the texture in place and a sharp monochromatic look.  But then it got a bit stuck, wondering where to go next.

Then the new Distress Stain Sprays appeared, and suddenly the game was on!  Faded Jeans and Vintage Photo and we're away.  I'll show you some close-ups of my favourite bits as I let you in on the steps I took to get here.

I started with strips of tissue tape across the page and added crackle paste in various areas.

I spread it quite thinly so that the crackle would be very fine.

The large heart was created with a hand-torn stencil shape, through which I first spread texture paste and then added a coat of crackle once that was dry.  I wanted a really thick, dimensional look, and that's what I got.

I embedded the pen nibs before the crackle heart had set, so no need for glue.

This was the point at which things ground to a halt.  However, once I knew there was spraying in the offing I gave the whole thing a wash of Fresco paint in Chalk.  It's part of one of the JOFY Limited Edition sets.  As well as muting the tape, it gives a lovely warm base colour.

In order to really add depth to the crackles of the heart, I splodged Black Soot Distress Stain over it, then wiped it back, leaving it just in the cracks.  Then I let loose with the two chosen Distress Stain Sprays.  It's such a delight finally to have sprays in the Distress colours without having to tip my Distress Stains into spritzers.  Perfectly possible, yes, but fiddly and always with the risk I'd knock the lidless stain over and lose it all!!

I added some of the fabulous Katy Leitch splodges and blots from the Messy Art plate, stamped in Coffee Archival.

And I used the I am... stamp from the Journalling Words #5 set on a Chalk-washed tag also stamped in Coffee Archival.

It wasn't quite popping enough, so I drew around the edges with a PITT pen and used an embossing ink pen to fill in the letters, followed by clear embossing powder to give it a hint of shine.

As you can see, I also used Treasure Gold to add a touch of warmth and glamour.  It also helps to highlight all that texture.

So there you have it.  I am... rather happy with this one.  It pleases me, and I'm looking forward to lots more Distress spritzing!

Thanks so much for stopping by today.  It's always lovely to hear what you think.

I hope you're having a lovely Sunday, whatever you're up to, and I wish you all a wonderful week.  I'm happy to say I should have plenty of spare time to enjoy my last week in New York - many things on my to-do list, and I'm looking forward to them all.  See you soon!

I am happy being what I am.
Paul Theroux


  1. Happy Birthday! Hope New York is celebrating with you today. xx Great to see this page again.

  2. Happy Birthday Alison and what a wonderful place to celebrate, I hope you have a lovely day and thank you for reminding us of this super piece of artwork.

    B x

  3. Happy Birthday, dear Alison, I hope you are celebrated in the big city of New York xx.
    Your amazing piece from 2014, is so gorgeous, the texture and crackles, and the "fat" heart , I love it all.
    Enjoy your last week there, and safe travel home .

  4. Happy birthday. Enjoy and have fun. I really love this page.
    It's always so nice Reading your story. You let me look at
    your work in your way. And then al the suplies you have used to creat
    your art work. Thank you so much, Anneke

  5. Happy Birthday Alison. I hope it all went well

    Great to see this page and how it was made. I love the textures you created.

    Have fun

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. Happy Birthday Alison, and such a great place to Celebrate it.
    This is a fabulous piece, great to see it again.
    Avril xx

  7. Happy Birthday Alison - have a fabulous birthday in NY!
    Such a fabulous page and I just love all those textures.

    Jennie xxx

  8. Hope you're having a fabulous birthday celebration in New York Alison!
    Beautiful journal pages & your photos are stunning :o)

  9. So much lovely texture & the gold sets it all off beautifully - I really live this one!

    Sally x

  10. Happy Birthday Allison, I hope you had a lovely day.
    Yvonne xx

  11. Happy birthday Alison...what a gorgeous page xxx

  12. This is just scrumeeee, so love it! Hope you have had a lovely birthday. Enjoy the rest of your stay in America, Angela x

  13. Happy Birthday Alison!!! I hope you had a wonderful day in New York.
    Your page is fabulous!
    Hugs, Mar

  14. Beautiful blossoms!!!
    Happy birthday Alison! xxx

  15. Many Happy Returns Alson....enjoy your day! Love the blossoms and your tag ain't bad either! Adoring the Scrummy textures, and the layers are intriguing too! Xx

  16. Happy Birthday Alison, thank you for sharing those beautiful blossom pictures, what wonderful surroundings to celebrate this special day. Mo x

  17. I love your page but I love it both with colour and just as much without colour too! The textures are fabulous and I love your use of the blue and sepia together - you always do that colour palette exquisitely.
    Happy Birthday too!

  18. Happy Birthday to you!!! Your photos are beautiful and I love your project! New York City is so much fun - haven't been there in many years but am hoping to go this Spring! Enjoy and thanks for sharing!!!

  19. Lovely page. Distress sprays were new in 2014! Wow, now it seems they've always been around.Happy Birthday to you. Enjoy your day and your last week in New York.

  20. Happy belated birthday, dear Alison!! I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday <3
    Your journal page is beautiful! Love all the cracks!

  21. Belated birthday wishes Alison. What a superb way to celebrate your day. This was a yummy spead with wonderful crackle effects. Have a wonderful last week in NYC! Lucky you! Nicola x

  22. I hope you enjoyed your birthday Alison, those blossoms are an absolute delight, how wonderful to be able to enjoy them on your birthday - they are not quite out here! It was lovely to see your beautiful page again too! Anne xx

  23. Happy belated Birthday dear Alison!! I do hope it was as beautiful and as special as you are!!
    Your encore piece is lovely and those blossoms you shared ,mmmm I can almost smell them!!
    Here's to a week of birthday wishes that make each day better than the last! huge hugs xx

  24. Hi dear Alison…not visiting as much I would like to, I spent some time here today….thank you for awesome inspiration, wonderful pieces, all in your unique style….and wonderful photos from your trip (I believe you had amazing time in New York)…
    Hugs and kisses from Slovenia

  25. Happy belated birthday Alison, hope you had a wonderful day celebrating YOU! Thank you for sharing your gorgeous journal page again, the colours and textures are so fabulous, a real feast for the eyes. Deb xo

  26. Belated Happy Birthday dear Alison!! So pleased to see you are enjoying The Spring flowers and it's great to see your encore page! Hugs, Chrisx

  27. Really lovely Alsion, the crackling is amazing xx

  28. Best wishes for You, Alison!

    Beautiful page!

  29. Your style continues to be so special, Alison. I'm sorry I am so behind with commenting. I'm having a feast of 'catching up' with posts right now! I so love that crackled heart and the amazing colour on this. What fabulous lilac blooms and what a great place to spend a birthday! Our lilac is just coming into bloom so New York is ahead of us! xx

  30. Belated birthday wishes Alison xxx........It's no surprise to me that you are a fellow Taurean !!! x What an amazing birthday too.....I so love NY and went there for my 40th.............quite a few years ago !!!
    No doubt you are enjoying Canal Street and other places of inspirational shopping x

    This project is wonderful and I love the layout and amazing texture/crackles

    Huge Hugs
    Annie xx

  31. Hi Alison - I always pop over to come and look at all the beautiful things you make because you know how much of a fan of your work I am. I sometimes dont have time to leave a comment but I had to leave a comment on this one because I absolutely adore it. You are so incredible when it comes to taking monochromatic and neutral tones and breathing life, excitement and vibrance into it. Much respect and artistry-awe as always. - Candice -


Thank so much for taking the time to stop by. It's lovely to hear what you think - every comment is so much appreciated.