
About Me

My name is Alison, and crafting is a relatively recent thing for me.  I only really started my exploration in March of 2012.   And I didn't discover Craftyblogland until the summer that year.  Although I've done bits and pieces most of my life (often to help out with my mother's dollshouse hobby), this whole world of stashes and challenges and talented, inspirational crafters blew me away.  

It's fair to say, though, that I'm now a full-blown addict - I couldn't stop if I tried.  I forget to eat.  I lose sleep.  I have to craft!

By day (although it's just as often 'by night') I'm a Text and Voice Coach, so I'm a passionate WordPlayer. I love words, and their endless capacity to inform, persuade, amuse, amaze, excite and inspire. And now, I also love trying to find images, collages or objects which will complement those words, and even express something themselves.  On this blog I'll be crafting my way around both words and pictures.

If you want to know more about my day job as a Voice and Text Coach, and also find out about workshops and classes (both theatre and craft workshops and classes available), please visit here.

And for more about favourite blogs, check out the Blogs I love.

I went freelance at the end of February 2012, and work in my line is either extremely full on or not there at all, so there are times when I have the luxury of being able to craft virtually full time, and other times when any crafting has to be done at the midnight hour to be fitted in. 

But this extraordinary and completely unexpected release of creativity is, I think, a good sign that getting out as a freelancer was the right decision (even in the current economic climate).  
And I could never have imagined that I would come this far in the crafting world in such a short time - to be serving on the Design Teams that I do is an incredible honour, and still feels slightly unreal!

I'm so thrilled and excited to have found a community with which to share my new joys and discoveries, where I'm learning so much from all the amazing crafters out there, and where there is such support and positivity.  It's utterly wonderful.

You can also now follow me on 

And I am on Instagram, where these days I post more regularly than here on the blog.
The art and craft work is here @w0rdsandp1ctures and you can see more of my new life in the Czech Republic here @b0hem1anh0me


  1. Hello Alison. Jumped over from Redanne's blog at her recommendation, and I'm so glad I did! Enjoyed reading about who you are. Sounds as though you have an extremely full & interesting life. I'm not sure what a Voice & text coach is, so I'll follow that link to find out! Looking forward to getting to know you and visit to see your wonderful projects. I looked for a place to join as a follower, but the one place I see, is not working for me to click it. So if you have time, perhaps you'll visit me too; it's always lovely to meet & get to know another crafter! TFS

  2. I have been delighted by your comments on my projects, they encourage me and make me smile. To visit your home for artsy crafty a true delight!! I've spent time looking through all of your amazing work, and I'm SO inspired. Thank you for connecting with me!! <3 ~Amy

  3. Cannot believe you have only been crafting since 2012 Alison!

    You have a gift which you use beautifully & share your enthusiasm with other like minded people.

    Thank you for following my blog, means a lot to me:-) xxx

  4. I found you only 2-3 months ago and have been going through a lot of the old posts. I read only today that you are a recent crafter?! Wow, you make stuff look like you were born with this (you are!) and have been doing it for ever. You are a naturally talented artist. I like your style a lot. I love the layers you create and the visual complexity and sophistication that your creations exude. Reading through the step by step is fascinating and inspiring. TFS!

  5. Alison, thanks so much for sharing your view of New York. I've been twice and only remember the busy streets and skyscrapers, so seeing a greener side and your wanderings through the older parts have renewed my interest. I've put NYC back on my list of places to visit!! Thanks again. Jean.x

  6. I just read your "About Me" write up. Clearly you have an innate talent for artwork, if you only started in 2012! And it's nice that you share the step by step process for creating your work, which allows other to learn.

  7. Hi Alison,
    thanks for leaving a comment on my project on the PA blog.
    You were also mentioning you couldn't leave a comment on my blog (Google+) etc. There was a time nobody could leave a comment, and if they did leave one, I did not get it in my email as it was supposed to. So I thought adding Google +, but have removed that again. Don't know what is going on, but I get messages like yours all the time : [eople saying they get an error when leaving a comment. So over the years I have a blog to which nobody, or nearly nobody adds a comment any more as they had previously had an error message. ALso, when I did a test lately, sometimes you can add a comment, but it does not appear on the blog. Don't know what is wrong, but it looks as if it works again now. Grrrr...


Thank so much for taking the time to stop by. It's lovely to hear what you think - every comment is so much appreciated.