
Sunday 23 July 2023

A very special Fodder School - PaperArtsy - Words & Pictures collaboration

I'm so thrilled to show you in detail the results of a very special collaboration between Fodder School, PaperArtsy and Words & Pictures.  If you take another look at the Fodder School 3 project I will be teaching, you may be able to guess at some of what's coming up!

I am absolutely delighted to have had the chance to design a brand new, original stamp set especially for my Fodder School 3 project - the Fodder Berry Edition.  The plate has beautiful berry variations with complementary quotes and small ephemera for background detailing.

Plus I've curated three sets of their fabulous Fresco Finish Chalk Acrylic paints, combining colours specifically geared around this project, for the backgrounds and for painting botanical imagery, but of course they will be great for that whether you're making this project or not! The sets are: Botanical Basics, Berrylicious Brights, and Background Blues.

Botanical Basics - Three primaries (chosen to create my signature "cool" palette),
a dark (my much-loved French Roast) and a light (Snowflake - well, of course!).  
This set is designed to create a palette for botanical painting...
... and you also get a glaze - for extra-shiny berries!

Berrylicious Brights - a fabulous berry bright palette, perfect for mixing berry or floral colours.
 It will also take you through the berry seasons from summer into autumn. 
A great way to augment the Botanical Basics.

Background Blues - steely cool blues along with a cool grey and a warm grey, 
designed to create subtle layered backgrounds to let bright botanicals pop over the top.

It's absolutely not required to buy any of them in order to do my class - Fodder School actively encourages you to use what you have already in your stash.  Not all of the berries you see on the houses are stamped... one element of the classes I'll be teaching is about sketching them for yourselves!  Obviously, the stamps make life so much easier, so they are there for those who would like to add them to their stamp collection!  You can find more details here on the PaperArtsy website and your local independent PaperArtsy stockists (worldwide) should be able to help you out if you'd like to get your hands on them.

And of course you don't have to be signed up to Fodder School to play with these new designs, but you might want to think about coming on what I have no doubt will be an incredible year-long creative journey.  If you've seen any of the Fodder Challenge inspiration on offer, you already know what an amazing opportunity this is going to be. 

The Early Bird Pricing offer is $207.00 USD plus tax for the year. As a lump sum, it feels a lot, but that’s an entirely new mixed media art course each month for $17.25 USD + tax per month - that's just over €15, or around £13.50 at current exchange rates.   (This deal will last for five days only from 21st - 25th July so grab it while you can.)

There are loads more details about all that in my previous post, so I won't repeat it all here.  I really just wanted to share my excitement about having these new PaperArtsy toys to play with.  You can see more of the houses on the move in my own little personal Fodder School 3 video (the full trailer was in the previous post)... see below or simply click here

I'm really excited about the whole Fodder School adventure, and about these lovely new PaperArtsy/Fodder products, and so grateful for the collaboration that has brought them to life. I hope you will be too.

Happy Sunday, all!

Better than any argument is to rise at dawn and pick dew-wet red berries in a cup.
Wendell Berry (!)

On the motionless branches of some trees, autumn berries hung like clusters of coral beads, as in those fabled orchards where the fruits were jewels...
Charles Dickens


  1. Congratulations on all this excitement! Much hard work behind the scenes, no doubt, with beautiful results.
    (In case Blooger won't let me be me, this is Andrea!)

  2. Cool new stamps Alison. I ordered a set, but haven't had time yet to use them. Hope you're having fun teaching your class. hugs-Erika

  3. the little houses are all so beautiful ♥ what an amazing course it will be xx

  4. Wooohoooo and we are SUPER excited for you!! Its a stunning stamp set and I just know your month of classes is going to be absolutely enthralling and an eye opener for many! I 100% encourage people to sign up for FS3, and learn from the master herself! Alison is such a gifted teacher, and the way she expresses her joy in being creative so many ways is pure fabulousness!!
    Leandra (Mrs PaperArtsy)


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