
Friday 12 May 2023

Swatched florals

Hello all, and happy Spring to you.  After three months working in the UK, I'm just in time for the (later) spring here in the Czech Republic, so it's all go in the garden, getting things pruned, cleared, planted and generally ready for the sunshine.  

I just thought I'd pop in and quickly share some watercolour florals with you - these are usually done in quick 20-minute bursts in the morning when I get up, adding layers day by day, and both pages have more space to fill yet.  But I hope you'll enjoy them.  

And here's one with a colour palette that you don't often see from me...

Here are just a couple of close-ups and process photos.  The initial pencil sketch for the first one was done in the almost-dark, as an exercise in trying to keep it loose.  I'm really happy with it - in fact, it might be my favourite stage of the painting!

Making a note of the colours I've used is a good discipline for me.  I'm still learning so much as I go.

There are so many exciting things going on behind the scenes at the moment, but I'm not allowed to share any of them with you yet!  It's shaping up to be a big year.  I know I've not been a very good blogger lately, but I hope you'll be able to come along for the ride with some of what's coming up.  

Thanks so much, as always, for your company on this creative journey.  Happy crafting, all!

Roses do not bloom hurriedly; for beauty, like any masterpiece, takes time to blossom.
Matshona Dhliwayo

Blossom by blossom, the spring begins.
Algernon Charles Swinburne


  1. These are really lovely Alison. And I'm curious to see what all those surprises are. hugs-Erika

  2. Sheer beauty dear Alison. Lovely to see the stages of your water colouring.
    Oooh - secret goings on! I think there is always exciting things where you are concerned! I'll be waiting! Hugs, Chris

  3. Spring begins! You ARE AMAZINGLY TALENTED!
    I am hoping that your talent will come through in stamps as I would love to paint like you!(very,very much a beginner!) Your color mixes on the artwork help me! Thanks. Maybe, in the future you might share photos of your garden? Happy Spring, Alison.

  4. Thank you so much, Mary - the plan is to have some online classes later in the year where I'll be sharing some of the things I've learned along the way.

    In the meantime, there are lots of my sketches to choose from in the botanical stamps I have released with PaperArtsy, so you can practise your painting without having to do the drawing bit. One of the classes will definitely be around watercolouring those stamped images. If you copy and paste this link - - you should find links to all the stamp launches.

    And then final offer... if you have access to Instagram there are lots of pictures of the garden on my second account there on @b0hem1anh0me while more regular art postings are there on @w0rdsandp1ctures but if that's no good for you, I'll try to share a few flowers here too soon!

    Thanks so much for stopping by and for your lovely comment.
    Alison x

  5. Thank you, Chris and Erika... yes, there's usually something exciting going on, but this really is shaping up as a big year! Thanks for your company and comments all these years.
    Alison x

  6. Wow! With the time difference between the Pacific Northwest and The Czech Republic I didn't really expect to see a response but there it is! As it turns out: I watched you live on your first introduction to your 'Shakespeare/rose/blackberry and acorn stamps' with PaperArtsy and immediately placed my order for all three of your sets through Donna at Topflight Stamps!!! I have just played around with them but haven't made any formal cards - yet! One of the fascinating (for me) parts of your stamp sets is the ephemera (Culpepper,Shakespeare and your German Aunt's (?) music review!) Your samples are so inspiring! Danke, Alison. I will look forward to the future offerings of watercolor classes as well as other stampsets.

  7. Hello again, Mary... that's so lovely to read. Thank you for watching and for ordering.

    If you would like to sign up to join my mailing list at my website you would be amongst the first to hear when classes become available (hopefully they will be bookable via that same website) and there will definitely be some to give you ideas about using those botanical stamps, including with watercolours. (I will also flag up those classes here on the blog once they are ready to go.)

    I'm so happy you like the ephemera too. Obviously, it all has a personal touch for me, but I've been really moved by how they seem to speak to other people too. I think maybe because it's nice to know the history behind something you're using, even if it's not your own history.

    Martha Pollack was actually Austrian, and my grandfather's first cousin - he was Czech, but his family were from Polish Galicia (under the Austro-Hungarian empire, now part of Ukraine, just outside Kyiv) - so I think that makes her my first cousin twice removed (?!?). It's all very complicated!

    Anyway, happy stamping for now, and I hope maybe to see you in a class or workshop somewhere down the road.
    Alison x

  8. Always a delight to see what you are doing. You are extremely creative and so very talented! Love all you do!!
    Sandy xx

  9. Thank you so much, Sandy - I hope you are doing well!

  10. WOW WOW WOW you are so talented, Alison. I love all your watercolour florals.



Thank so much for taking the time to stop by. It's lovely to hear what you think - every comment is so much appreciated.