
Saturday 29 June 2019

Around the Fireplace at PaperArtsy

Hello all!  I've got a little (and I mean really miniature!) sneak peek to tempt you over to PaperArtsy this evening.  I've been playing with the Tiled Patterns theme going on there this fortnight.  Well, if you mention tiles to me, the chances are my brain will head towards the dollshouse world, and that's exactly what happened.

A simple idea led me on from one thing to the next until, before I knew it, I had some full-on miniatures work going on.  I hope you'll be able to pop over to PaperArtsy to see all the details.  And then get busy doing some tiling yourselves!  Oh and just to let you know, if you are one of those who enjoys the miniatures side of things, there's a new post over at Cestina's Dollshouses to enjoy too.  Have a great weekend all.

I am a product of long corridors, empty sunlit rooms, upstairs indoor silences, attics explored in solitude, distant noises of gurgling cisterns and pipes, and the noise of wind under the tiles. Also, of endless books.
C.S. Lewis

If you don't mind hopping over to PaperArtsy to see the full project...

I'd like to play along at Frilly and Funkie where the theme is Home Sweet Home - the warmth of the fireside, the belongings which matter to you, and having beautiful surroundings, all an important part of what home means to me
At the Bleeding Art Challenge they'd like us to Add Cardboard to a project - well, it's there as the foundation of the tiles, and the recycled packaging which forms the hearth, and also creating the mantlepiece shelf, so I hope that will fit the bill


  1. ooh.. off to read - both posts!

  2. Have commented on the Paper Artsy site but just wanted to say thank you for the heads up to Cestina's Dollshouses. Though it's not a brand new post from me there - I can t manage as many posts as you! Xx

  3. Brilliant work in miniature a stunning piece
    Amanda x

  4. Wow! I thought that was a life-sized scene - brilliant! Definitely off to see Paper Artsy for more details - some of my favorite colors here, and the detail is fascinating! That shell, for instance.... wow again! xxx Lynn

  5. I have never worked in miniature, and not sure I ever could. But I love what you have done. The less obvious additions are the stirrer sticks. I like how you painted them. And that thimble is PERFECT. FOOLED me!!! You have made it all look easy and beautiful. I love it ALL. Great example of miniatures, Alison.

  6. Absolutely genius Alison! Idea, creativity, execution ... out of the top drawer! Xx

  7. Wonderful miniature art as always Alison! xx

  8. Nikki took the words right out of my mouth , Alison. Absolutely incredible ! 👌 👏 ❤️ x

  9. I had to check this out immediately... Fabulous and miniature too, no end of talent Alison! xx

  10. When I first saw the photo here, I thought 'what a beautiful fireplace Alison has', never thinking it was a miniature. Alison, you have created a mini masterpiece, every detail is incredible! Anne xx

  11. Absolutely freakin’ amazing!

  12. Beautiful project. Thank you for joining us at Bleeding Art this Month.
    Linda xxx
    Bleeding Art DT

  13. Stunning and so unique. Lots of hard work and so much patience and so worth it.....Amazing x. I so enjoyed reading the post over at PaperArtsy and thank you for the fabulous step by steps and inspiration x.

  14. Oh my Alison. I have just seen your post at PA and wow what an incredibly creative post it is. Your ideas have come together beautifully with some incredibly intricate work and amazing design features, I am in awe of your thought processes and and patience! Huge hugs Brenda xxx

  15. Living in this miniature world would be perfect for me just now!
    What extraordinary powers of imagination you have Alison. the tiles are just perfect and compliment the interior so well. xx

  16. Unbelievable ---- this is simply wonderful dear Alison.... You put so much love and masterful techniques in all the details...what an artist! I am so proud to have you as a friend !

    Big hugs, Susi

  17. Absolutely stunning, so creative and the attention to detail is superb not just in the fireplace but the whole scene.
    Avril xx

  18. Oh i want to live there!!! Love the blue and white details...oh that fireplace!!!

  19. Beautiful design! Thanks for joining us at Bleeding Art!

  20. Oh , you blew me away Alison, with this amazing art piece. So tiny details, I love- the tiles are amazing and looking so real, -the fireplace with the wood, and that beautiful lady on the wall, the watch and picture frames with their glasses , everything so beautiful and with the patina of high life and wealth !!Simply stunning!!!
    Thank you also for asking to me, I may have given up a little on blogging, not because I don`t like it anymore, but because I think so many are backing out , -not posting nor commenting- but I stay and watch what happens- Instagram is ok, but not as good as the blogs !! Hugs to you , Alison.

  21. When I saw your photo, I was sure there was a mistake, that you uploaded a photo of your beautiful home. But WOW! I just read and drooled over your post at PA, and I'm left speechless! Thank you so much for sharing your amazing creativity with us at Frilly and Funkie in the Home, Sweet Home challenge. Huge hugs! Sara Emily

  22. Who can resist - just popping ink to say I am popping over.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  23. Alison I have been, seen and adored your eye for detail what a lovely work in miniature. I loved my dolls house as a child but it was by no means as elaborate as this would be. Beautiful way of using those designs for the tiles and jars, so life like to delft. You did so well finding all those trinkets to help make those homely additions. As I said over at PA, it's now time to start on the full size :D
    AMAZING!! Hugs Tracey xx

  24. Wow Alison this is absolutely stunning. Well done on even thinking about all this let alone putting it all together. I love the wallpaper, and the thimble is genius! Have a very happy week, Sue xx

  25. I have to say I too thought that I was looking at your beautiful fireplace and was trying to figure out if you created lifesize tiles for your surround. :) This is so beautiful and ingenious! Thanks for sharing it with us at the Funkie Junkie Boutique Challenge!

  26. Having already seen your post over at the PaperArtsy blog I know just how much detail you went to in creating each and every part of this incredible piece of art. Those tiles are a triumph and the way you've added the fire surround, artwork and even a Wedgewood vase makes it all so realistic. Thank you for joining us with this at The Funkie Junkie Boutique Blog xx

  27. Well, color me gobsmacked! This is so delightfully whimsical, beautifully wrought and invitingly welcome that I want to pull up a chair by the fireplace and have a good read. Honestly, Alison...the details in this are amazing! I especially love the delft tile work. Clever you to figure out how to create those realistic looking tiles. Then the Wedgewood vases and portrait and little pot of flowers...magical! You are amazing! Thank you so much for sharing with us at the Funkie Junkie Boutique "Home Sweet Home" Challenge!

  28. This piece is just flat out amazing! Why I hadn't seen it before now, I don't know but better late that never. :) Such detail Alison, I couldn't believe it was a miniature piece at first. Those tile, truly amazing, I would love them in my fireplace. Excellent!!!

  29. Those tiles are amazing. I would never have guessed you made those using stamps nor that they were for a dollhouse. I love the look! Happy rest of your weekend. Hugs-Erika

  30. Beautiful and imaginative work, Alison! I loved reading about each step in your wonderful creative process! I have always loved dollhouses; have you seen the collection at the Chicago Art Institute? I just joined as one of your followers.

  31. Gorgeous fireplace tiles! The whole scene is very charming.


Thank so much for taking the time to stop by. It's lovely to hear what you think - every comment is so much appreciated.