
Thursday 11 April 2019

Love, Friends and Flying with the Paper Dolls

Hello all, and welcome.  Thank you so much for your lovely comments on my Neutral Zone tag - they made me very happy.  Today we're back into a more colourful world - the colour-coded samples I created for my three new stamp sets launched with PaperArtsy back in February.  You've already seen the "red collection" for EAB09 The Love Edition, along with the samples for all three sets created with the Zinski characters in Love, Friends and Flying with the Zinskis.  Today I'm here with a snapshot of the "green collection" for EAB10 Friends & Friendship...

I love them all laid out together like that.  It reminds me of the fun I had putting them all together.  For the remainder of this post, we'll take a closer look at how the Idea-ology Paper Dolls fall in love, make friends and take flight!

I love combining these quotations with the Paper Dolls - as I'm playing, they quite often "speak" to me, and let me know the kinds of things they want to say.  So in each of my colour-coded collections, there had to be some Paper Dolls.

In fact, this first tag was the one which kicked off the whole shebang as far as these samples went.  Leandra needed something eye-catching early on, just one project, and I thought that a nice vivid red heart would be striking, and would also capture the essence of The Love Edition stamp set in one go.

But it was a tight deadline and, if I'm creating in a hurry, then vintage neutrals are my go-to choice.  I combined the two ideas - the red heart, the vintage neutrals - and off we went...

I used some Tim Holtz paper in the background and to create the collage strips and panels.

And what could be better than a wedding as simple shorthand to get the idea behind the love-themed stamp set across.  So choosing these two as the focal point was a no-brainer.

The Thoreau quote is stamped and embossed in Wow Earthtone Pepper - the perfect colour to tone with the beige-greys of the papers, while giving that extra touch of texture.

Once I'd created that tag, I knew I could create the rest of the samples with neutrals too, making my life easier in my comfort zone.  But I didn't want to be stuck with red for absolutely all of them (it's not a colour I find very easy).

I suddenly realised I could stick with my neutrals but shift my accent colour for each stamp set, making it easy to see which quotes came from which sets.  Perfect!  

And because I already had this wonderful Coleridge quote floating in my head, it was pretty clear that green would be the Friends & Friendship colour.

The mother and daughter friendship pairs are sheltering beneath the lovely tree from the Urban Snapshots Nature 1 set, embossed in black over a sponged background of Granny Smith and Magic Moss Fresco paints.

I love the texture you can get with a natural sponge, and it's so easy to do.

The quote itself is very simply stamped in black, to match the tree and the washi tape "ground" they are all standing on.

A little metal accent, and some off-white seam binding - to match the ribbon on the wedding tag - and we're done.

This fabulous flapper pair are on a tag made in exactly the same way as the wedding tag was.  Some TH design paper as background and collage elements...

... and then the other matching elements to tie things together across the collections - the Idea-ology token, the white ribbon, the tangled thread...

... and of course the quote, embossed in Earthtone Pepper again.  Plautus may have been writing two hundred years B.C., but he knew what he was talking about!

These two get some extra greenery in the shape of some die-cut wildflower stems.  The card they're cut from was painted with the same Granny Smith and Magic Moss combination - and it's the same stuff the quote is matted onto as well.

Finally, we head to EAB11 Wings & Flight.  And you'll remember that we're taking flight into the wild blue yonder... otherwise known as the Smurf and China Fresco paint colours.

(You'll get a shot of the whole "blue collection" in the next samples post, whenever I manage to get that written!)

Here I used pretty much the tiniest of the Paper Dolls to create a pair of ATCs, using the same method as for two of the tags above...

Tim's paper again forms the background as well as some (very small) strips and panels of collaging.  

Rather than die-cutting, the little bird and the butterfly are done with the TH punches, out of card painted with a combination of the two blue paints.

These two quotes are the shortest on the plate, so they work beautifully for smaller projects.

But they're not small thoughts, far from it...  In fact, they are huge ideas, full of longing and dreams.

That's one of the things I love about language, that in just a few short words you can open up the mind to whole universes.  That's why words so often inspire me to create visually, I think - to explore the ideas they trigger in me.  It really is about "words and pictures" feeding one another.

I hope you've enjoyed seeing these samples in a little more detail.  There's one more batch to come but, before that appears, I've got something new for you using some words from one of these new sets.  I hope to be back with that some time this weekend.

In the meantime, thank you so much for stopping by, and I hope you have a lovely rest-of-the-week.  See you again soon!

But words are things, and a small drop of ink,
Falling like dew, upon a thought, produces
That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.
George Gordon, Lord Byron

By words we learn thoughts, and by thoughts we learn life.
Jean Baptiste Girard


  1. Beautiful tags, those pops of colour really add something. Have a lovely day, hugs, Valerie

  2. What a lovely idea to use colour as an accent linking to words and to each collection. Now don't misunderstand me when I say I like the green ones the best, red comes second and blue last. I like them all but something about the green with the neutral speaks to me.
    If you were in a hurry creating your first tag nobody would know, it is perfectly executed as always and beautifully composed.
    Blue is perfect for the bird and butterfly and I love how you have used splatters on most of your creations.
    Another hugely successful post Alison. Your work is always beautiful.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  3. Everything is beautiful Alison! Just like Neet, I like the green ones the most. Green is my most favorite colour and I love the paperdolls and the tree!
    Love, Lenie x

  4. they make a fantastic collection all together like that! Wonderful to see them in more detail, too.

  5. Gorgeous collections of artwork in all the colours Alison! x

  6. Love how you've colour coded the different sets but still kept to your neutral shades. It's lovely to see all the paper doll creations grouped together.
    Avril xx

  7. This is such a lovely post Alison, the boldness of the red hearts just sings to me. I do love the neutral tones too but then you explore the turquoise and again, I am just in love with those beautiful touches of colour. I love all of the quotes too! Anne xx

  8. Another wonderful visit you have created for us on this post Alison~
    Your tags are beautiful! and paired with your quote stamps so brilliantly.
    Each set of stamps is inspiring; & causes me to stop and think - or feel. <3 Love all your layered, vintage, textured examples here! TFS
    I have to smile at the mother & daughter pairs, the girls have rolled socks! Now, I'm not quite from that era (not far though) but I too remember doing that. : ) Lovely work Alison and thanks making this visit so enjoyable! (now I must get back to work; reality:) Hugs to you, karen o

  9. It has been lovely seeing more of your samples altogether in this post.
    Your quotes go so well with the pieces you created and I love the way you added the pops of colour to the neutral shades you use.
    They all look fabulous.
    Yvonne x

  10. I do love all of them! I have been a fan of your work for a long time Alison and look forward each day to see what you have some up with. I do have a question, what die do you use to make your tags? or do you use a machine?
    I have been cutting mine out of cereal boxes by hand and it's really beginning to be a pain. Cutting a bunch to get started on making them and it's time consuming alright. :)
    Thanks for all your lovely art!
    hugs from Victoria, BC

  11. I would have been here earlier, but my life is not my own right now. I'm taking care of my friend's cat. I go to her house four times a day while she is gone and giving the cat an IV drip that takes about an hour each time. I'm feeling the pressure, but wanted to stop by and tell you how much I love these. The tags are marvelous and the ATCs are great. You have given me ideas for using some of these dolls I have. It's amazing how they come in three sizes and we can work with them in different genres.

    My favorite has to be the green. They are gorgeous and go so well with the neutrals, too. The quotes are wonderful and I love how you use your splatters. I can't seem to get that technique down, no matter what I try.

    These are all out of this world, Alison, and I am so impressed and inspired.

  12. These are super Alison! I really like how you went neutral except for a real pop of a single color. I like how they are are slightly different themed too. IT sure gives us something to look at, no matter what style you like. Happy weekend. Hugs-Erika

  13. What a glorious collection of samples to showcase your NR stamps aswell . I love them all and would be hard pushed to choose a favourite colour way, focal image or indeed quote.
    Thanks for sharing your quotes with us and so much inspiration .
    hugs x

  14. Hello Alison , I`m back from a tour to Copenhagen, --so lovely to see all these wonderful samples , all in their own color combinations, - I love the newer green ones, they stand so beautiful with the neutral tone - and the one with the embossed tree is amazing and my favorite :-)
    But they are all very beautiful, red, green and blue and so are all the quotes .
    Hugs Dorthe

  15. Such inspiring words and your designs bring them to life beautifully! I love your pops of colour and the paper dolls match the words perfectly too 😁. Thanks for the inspiration! Happy and creative wishes! J 😊 x

  16. Very interesting visual effect with the neutral with a pop of colour combo. You've also put in a lot of effort in designing the appropriate setting for your dolls, with just the right words!

  17. WOW! These are marvelous!! I love the groupings of the colors and I have to say those first two , the red, and that green tree especially, absolutely caught my eye!
    Gorgeous work as always,dear Alison!
    much love,Jackie xoxo

  18. I especially love the "green" tags, although all are wonderful. I don't think I am getting all your posts, for some reason. I only saw this one when looking at your newest one.

  19. Totally delightful collection & VERY you!

    Sally xx

  20. A wonderful collection of your beautiful art and fabulous quotes, such variety and creativity. Love them all xxx

  21. What a fabulous variety of ways to showcase your new stamps Alison! Chrisxx

  22. These are lovely card and tags with your new fabulous stamp sets. I love the way you have put paper dolls in your quote and it's stir my imagination. Love them!! xx


Thank so much for taking the time to stop by. It's lovely to hear what you think - every comment is so much appreciated.