
Saturday 9 February 2019

Follow Your Path

By the time you read this I'll probably be in the air, bound for New York for another working trip; or perhaps I'll even already arrived (depending on when you arrive here at Words and Pictures).  I'm all for following your path, as this journal page recommends, but my path does seem to involve a lot of travelling, one way or another!

We've been dabbling in green and even yellow (!) for several of the past few posts (mostly obsessed with the new Organic Thinlits die - see it in action in on a tag or a journalling page), and there are some more of those colours to come.  But I'm taking a diversion back into my favourite blues and browns for this page, working in the France Papillon altered book again.

I started by gessoing the pages and then scraping on some old crackle paste just before bedtime.  It was fairly hard and uncooperative, so I wasn't at all sure it would work.

But the next morning there were some really cool crackled parts, which I spritzed with Distress Spray.

I can't remember now whether it was Faded Jeans or Stormy Sky, but so far at this point, it's all only one colour.

I love that where I heated the pages to dry the Distress Spray, the crackle and gesso have all interacted to create these fabulous bubbles of extra texture.

The next step was fiddling with the composition of lots of metal elements to go on the page.  And I also had a pretty clear idea about which word stickers I wanted to use.

I seem to be in a floral frame of mind at the moment, because I was driven to the next step almost without realising it was happening.

I stamped these gorgeous trailing tendrils (from a Rubber Dance set called Weed Love) in Sepia and Coffee Archival here and there - well, almost everywhere, really.

I'd also added some splatters of a slightly more vivid blue by this point - the Cosmos Blue Colorex ink, much beloved in my Winter Journal pages - and some script stamping done in Watering Can Archival.

I realised that the weight of all that metal might be too much for the book pages - even though they were already glued back to back for extra strength.  So I glued on some reinforcing kraft card panels behind where the cogs and clocks were going to go.

Then I got alcohol inky with my metal embellishments.

All of them got a splash of either Ginger, Rust or Espresso...

... or sometimes a combination of more than one of them.

Now to the word stickers, from Finnabair's Art Daily collection.  As a text & voice coach, the first phrase leapt straight out at me.

It's very important not to hurry things, especially with big changes afoot.

This sticker put in an appearance on my What you seek spread too, in one of its other colourways, so it's definitely calling to me at the moment.

And this one's pretty self-explanatory.  Gut instinct has played a big part in my life decisions, and when you follow those instinctive prompts, you have to go head first and full on.

Above all... never give up.  My junior school (elementary school to the Americans) motto was "Persevere!", so this idea has been with me for a long time.

There's lots about this page spread which makes me very happy.  The colours, of course, but also the fairly spare composition, even though the textures and layers are complex and detailed.

There's a simplicity to the circular shapes of cogs and clocks, with the twining tendrils providing a more organic contrast, and the word stickers giving us the only straight lines and corners.

Ah yes, those tendrils - that really was the step that lifted this page into something special for me.

And I honestly don't remember the conscious decision to do it.  I just found myself there with the ink and the stamp ready to go!

I always love my crackle, of course (I've put two different kinds in my travelling stash for NYC, which is probably excessive, but there you go).  And for a last minute touch I highlighted the crackle with some gilding wax.

There are touches of the gilding just brushed onto the metal pieces and even the edges of the word stickers in places.  It's a lovely extra touch of light.

Brown, blue, crackle, book text and words... what more could a woman want?  Well, maybe just a little more time...

I'm going to take my time settling in to the swing of rehearsals in New York, but some time soon I'll share what's in my travelling stash with you, if you're interested.  And there's another journalling page heading your way shortly, done before I left the UK, with some more of Tim's new Thinlits in action (and some more yellow!!).

Before that, though, I'll be back in a few days with a very exciting post - in the evening on the 13th, in fact... unlucky for some, but I don't think it applies in this case - at least, I really hope not!  I do hope you'll be able to join me then for some big news.

In the meantime, thanks so much for stopping by today, and I hope you'll all be following your paths passionately this weekend.  Happy crafting all!

When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful.
Malala Yousafzai

I'd like to make this my third and final entry for this month at the Creative Artiste Mixed Media Challenge where, as always Anything Mixed Media Goes
Anything Creative Mixed Media Goes also over at the Love 2 Create Mixed Media Challenge so I'm playing along there too 


  1. I hope the wind is a little less in NY than it is here in New Hampshire. The city can be so cold in the wind when it whips down between the buildings. I love the addition of gears as well as the delicate branches. What a great contrast. Hope it's a good trip and not all business. Hugs-Erika

  2. This journal page spread is beautiful, and I like the blue colors you used. Where are you going in New York? Wherever it is, try to stay warm. It's still Brrr cold in the Northeast.

  3. Wow - what an amazing spread Alison!Those textures and the blue makes it so specially beautiful! Hope you enjoy your trip and there is not just much work for you! Stay warm!

    Big hugs, Susi

  4. Hope you've arrived safely. . LOVE this page, the crackle, the colour, the texture. and the words (of course!) looking forward to seeing the thinlets in action!

  5. Beautiful journal pages. Enjoy your time in New York. Valerie

  6. Oh Alison, your page is absolutely exquisite! I just love the crackle, the blue, the stamping ... everything. I do hope you have arrived safely and I also hope that you get a little free time to craft whilst you are there! Anne xx

  7. It is a gorgeous journal spread Alison, wonderful crackle effects on the pages and the blue shades are a lovely.
    I hope you had a good journey and arrived safely.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Wonderful layout and love the way the crackle, the sprays and heating added extra texture and bubbles. The rubber dance stamp set is so useful and I use it often as it's wispy and so pretty. Fabulous cogs and the addition of the wax looks so pretty over the crackle. Inspirational pages with lovely quotes x. Hope your time away goes well? x.

  9. Oh, what a beautiful diary! I also love cracks and bubbles that appeared on the surface. It looks wonderful, Alison

  10. Beautiful Pages I love that behind the simplicity of the look lies many hidden layers and techniques. Enjoy NY
    Amanda x

  11. Loving all the crackle and well, everything else too. Can hardly wait to hear your big news and to see the next post with Tim's dies and the travels...

  12. By now, I'm sure you are in New York. I'm sure the news you will share will be wonderus and something that adds even MORE interest on your blog.

    What can I say about this spread that you haven't already said. Simplicity is key, yet there are many elements you created with such great ease of composition. I've found when paint or gesso are heated before they are completely dry, they bubble nicely. Yours was superb.

    Have a super time in NY and I hope you get to see a few of the sights as well as attending to your work schedule.

  13. From such delicate and delightful tendrils to the heavier metallic cogs you have created a wonderful spread Alison that has voice and spirit. The gorgeous textures in the background are the perfect backdrop for the elements and words which really speak to me.
    Safe travels my friend and enjoy your time in New York. Huge hugs xxx

  14. I do like blue and brown too, and crackle... Plus the Weed love set is one of my favourite, so delicate!
    Have fun in New York, if it wasn't for the cold weather I'd be envious! xx

  15. Love the contrast of the solid gears and delicate tendrils, the crackle and colouring are perfect too!!

    Hope you arrived safely and will have a super time in New York, - will you catch up with Marjie?
    Look forward to hearing your news on the 13th! ....

  16. Ah, again your beautiful blues with browns!!! Take care in New York and have fun!!!

  17. i always love blue. the texture is superb and i like the contrast between the delicate weed and the "heavy metal":) enjoy NY!

  18. Fantastic spread Alison! The lovely rusty bits remind me of that France Papillon class we did that time :-)
    Alison xx

  19. How I wish I could meet you in NYC... I think the weather is good up there right now so you're in luck. Gorgeous pages with all that paste and oh those famous you blues. Gorgeous. Safe and fun travels.

  20. I hope you landed well in New York Alison, and that your Sunday has been wonderful.
    The spread speaks of lovely wintery days , with the beautiful stamp of dried branches , and rusted pieces left out in nature , lol- Love your gorgeous texture and subtle stamped sentences .
    Have a great stay - Hugs, Dorthe

  21. Wondrful journal page the blue and crackle,love the tendrils [great stamp] then the gears and quote.Travel and gears, clever..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  22. A fabulous spread Alison, colour and textures along with the delicate stamping are a wonderful contrast to the rusty pieces.
    Hope you had a good journey and look forward to your news on 13th.
    Avril xx

  23. Beautiful spread as usual Alison. Love it! Have fun in NYC, but bundle up!

  24. I love the way the plants are clambering across all the crackle on the pages. Beautiful spread. and words. x

  25. What stunning pages Alison, I also love the colours, and the text, and the crackle, and if you ever solve how to have more time plese let me know! Have fun in New York, we are there too next month, so I'm sure we'll bump into each other 'cos it's only a small place isn't it lol. Have a very happy week, and I'm looking forward to hearing your news. Sue xx

  26. A wonderful spread that has all things Alison on it. Such a great idea to add the extra card in between the pages-I never would have thought of that for sure.

    The words today will definitely apply to parts of your work when silence makes one word something we can't ignore.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  27. Stuning pages Alison and I just love the colours and wonderful florals yu used. Together with the words and cogs they are exquisite x
    Hope you arrived safely in New York and that you manage to have some crafty time whilst there x as well as having time for th flea markets too x
    Looking forward to hearing your news on the 13th February xx

    Best wishes and hugs
    Annie x

  28. At least I can visit you a little, my friend. So busy as you know, like you at work, but also at home. I'm finding very difficult this year to follow each and every blog I love, as much as I would like.
    I'm so sorry to have missed all your last blog posts, the past weeks.
    But tonight at least, I take the time.
    Your pages makes me happy too! I love your yummy texture put to save probably some old crackle paste initially... :)
    Great result, beautiful with the leaves and these words stickers!
    Hugs, Coco xxx

  29. Hoping you have a wonderful trip Alison - your pages are just delicate. The colours really are sublime. Hugs rachel xx

  30. Loving the journal pages and look forward to hearing the news. Have a great trip and a lovely crafty week, Angela xXx

  31. Hello Alison, where Ever you are! ; ) <3 Hope all is well.
    Before commenting on your gorgeous pages "Follow Your Path" I was wondering what you meant when you mentioned 'rehearsals' - did I miss some news? (or perhaps that's what's coming on the 13th?)
    Your pages are beautiful Alison, I like the look very much! The bits of splatter on the gears give a more realistic vintage style, and the crackle & highlight add the interest my eyes are looking for. Very intriguing. I can almost see a path emerging (on the right side) taking me into the pages. Lovely details! TFS Hugs to you, karen o

  32. Have a nice stay in New York, Alison, may you have time to go on creating these beautiful spreads. I love the contrast between the organic and the mechanics, and those subtile textures are delightful!

  33. Wow, a stunning journal spread! I love the bubbles from the heated gesso and the lovely blue of the background with that delicate floral stamp - beautiful 😁. The additions of the metal pieces with the lovely wording is gorgeous too! Happy travels and wishing you a wonderful week! J 😊 x

  34. Love the textures and the colours can’t go past some rust gorgeous
    Thank you for sharing at Creative Artiste Mixed Media Challenges x

  35. A beautiful spread Alison with such good advice!! Hope it isn't too cold in NY!! Hugs, Chrisx

  36. Well by now you will have surely arrived in New York, slippers on and your travelling creative equipment unpacked. I hope your time in NY is as memorable as before and I look forward to all that you share with us.
    Your page is a delight to delve into, when ever I see those blues together I always think of you... a fabulous signature and I love every crackle.
    Stay safe & creative Hugs Tracey xx

  37. Well, you definintely would have unpacked and settled into New York by now Alison. I hope you enjoy your time over there. Your Journal spread is stunning!! Love, the colour (blue being my fave) love the texture (the crackle is amazing) and especially love the delicate tracery of the floral stamp. Absolutely stunning work!! hugs xx

  38. Thank you for entering our Challenge, beautiful page you made Thank you for sharing and good luck Hugs Corry(DT) xxx

  39. Stunning pages, Alison! I love the crackle and how you've brought that out even more with the blues and touches of shimmer. I can almost see that tendril stamp inking itself and you unwilfully pouncing around the pages. I love it when that happens; the art comes from the heart and soul and just has to be let out. Thank you for sharing this delightful page spread! I'm hoping you are getting to enjoy the sights and sounds of NYC and by now enjoying some quality crafting time. Looking forward to seeing how you are inspired. Hugs!

  40. I absolutely can see why these pages make you happy. The quotes and colors are calming,and the metal parts add just enough whimsy!
    Beautiful spread Alison and looking forward to reading about your time in New York!
    huge hugs,Jackie xo


Thank so much for taking the time to stop by. It's lovely to hear what you think - every comment is so much appreciated.