
Friday 31 August 2018

Thy sweet love remembered...

Hello all!  It's that lovely time of month - a Tag Friday over at A Vintage Journey... a chance for the Creative Guides to come out and play with a tag, but with no other rules or constrictions.

I made use of a jumbo tag background made months ago - some Tim Holtz paper stuck onto a piece of recycled cardboard.

I probably had some plan in mind when I started it, but work got in the way, and it has sat there awaiting inspiration ever since.

As it's such a large tag (4 x 8.5inches), I was able to use one of the larger size Paper Dolls couples, and once they were in position everything else sort of gathered around them without too much conscious decision-making.

There was plenty of internal story-telling going on though... I'll leave you to make up your own romantic versions of it.

Here's the background before anything started happening.  I've a feeling it may have been way back in spring that I first stuck the paper onto the cardboard...

.... sanded around the edges, and gave it a few swipes of leftover gesso.

The couple themselves are mounted on a few little wooden alphabet dice, from a pound-store set, which gives them a lovely dimensionality.

(I used the Zs and Xs - I'm unlikely to want them for actual words on future projects.)

I needed the dice because I really wanted the pair of them to perch on this lovely bit of driftwood - always a touch of romance about driftwood, I find.  They're about 3/8 of an inch proud of the tag surface.

There's a scroll tied with twine - a love letter, I'm sure...

... and the little bunch of lavender came from the birthday cake of our 101-year-old neighbour, Rose, at the beginning of August.  I remembered that it was still sitting in the kitchen and thought it would make the perfect romantic keepsake to add to the tag.

(See the 101st birthday present made for Rose by Cestina over at Cestina's Dollshouses - a miniature replica of her living room.)

Lavender is wonderful stuff to put away with your love letters to keep them fragrant, and to keep those carefully preserved fragments of lace safe from the moths.  (Hmm... a slightly less romantic thought there.)

Since I'm just back from working in Stratford upon Avon (more details of that in the next post), what could be more appropriate than a little touch of Shakespeare for the first words?

You can find the sonnet in full at the foot of the post.

The other nostalgic yearnings are also from the wonderful Idea-ology Clippings stickers.  It seems you can always find just the right little broken thought for your artwork.

They've had a little shadowing with pencil and ink - Dusty Concord Distress Ink and Shaded Lilac Oxide to echo the lavender sprigs.

A couple of other Idea-ology pieces - the clock, ticking away the time the lovers have to spend apart...

... the Muse Token which tells you all you need to know about their devotion...

... and the pen nib with which to record every precious moment spent together.

There are some tiny wooden hearts, crackled with DecoArt Media Crackle Paint, with some Pumice Stone Distress Crayon to highlight the cracks.

No need to tell you what they symbolise...

A touch of ribbon, tied with twine at the top, and we're pretty much done.

Thank you for your company today, and do hop over to A Vintage Journey to see what my fellow Creative Guides have created for Tag Friday.  I can hardly believe August is drawing to an end.  The year is flying, and I'll be back before you know it.  Until then, happy crafting all.

When in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes
I all alone beweep my outcast state,
And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries,
And look upon myself, and curse my fate,
Wishing me like to one more rich in hope,
Featured like him, like him with friends possessed,
Desiring this man's art, and that man's scope,
With what I most enjoy contented least;
Yet in these thoughts my self almost despising,
Haply I think on thee, and then my state,
Like to the lark at break of day arising
From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven's gate;
   For thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings
   That then I scorn to change my state with kings.
Sonnet 29 by William Shakespeare

With its nostalgic romance of times past, I'd like to share this over at Tag Tuesday, where the theme is Time/Clocks


  1. oh, Alison! what a fabulous tag and a sweet tale to go with it... as usual I love all the touches you have put on the tag.

  2. Fabulous tag Alison! Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  3. Oh my! Words fail me....

    But who needs words when Shakespeare says it all?

  4. A romantic beauty ! Alison . Such a wonderful narrative that enhances the creativity even more . Tfs

    Have a lovely weekend
    Hugs x

  5. I love how you tell a story in your art and in your posts.

  6. Fantastic details incorporated in to this beautifully romantic tag Alison x Love the idea of using the Z's and X's behind the paper dolls to add dimension x The addition of Lavender is perfect too as is the scroll xx
    Love it!

    TFS and hugs x Have a great weekend
    Annie xx

  7. Fabulous combination of words and pictures makes this tag all the more brilliant
    Amanda x

  8. I love the way the couple are standing on the driftwood - what a fabulous idea to use the alphabet pieces behind to give them the standing.
    Love the backing paper, when it first went on we could see it in all its glory, and it now adds to the romance within this tag.
    I hope you are going to keep this as it is a constant reminder of your 101 year old neighbour with it having the lavender on. Such a wonderful thought to use it on such a beautiful tag.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  9. Ps Don't use all the z cubes - you will need them if you ever do anything in Czech! Xx

  10. Gorgeous tag Alison. Those TH found relatives make the best additions, don't they? And they make it all so easy to put together. Hope all is well. Hiugs-Erika

  11. What a lovely romantic tag with wonderful words. I love the grey and lavender tones in this they look so elegant with the creams. It always impresses me when people can use a beautiful piece of paper and then cover it up with all sorts of layers. I am so loath to let the paper go even when I know thats what allows the work to be created. Bit like diving in to swim in the cold but wonderful sea. I had a peek at the minature room its such a wonderful gift. x

  12. Perfectly romantic! Love the natural touches and the white splattering that gives this such a lovely shabby chic look. I popped over to see your gift, and oh, how wonderful! She must have been delighted! Hugs!

  13. Oh Alison, such a very gorgeous tag- so filled with all I love,- the love -the romance- the color-tones- and your amazing way of creating interest in every single spot. Love to read your stories, too- and that you used lavenders from a cake for your 101 year old neighbor - WOW to it all !! Hugs, Dorthe

  14. Wonderful romantic and creative tag Alison!! The natural elements, rolled up love letter and ideaology pieces are all beautifully placed. And yes, the mind starts to buzz with their love of a lifetime story! Gorgeous soft tag that warms the heart...

    Look forward to hearing more about your Stratford adventures!!

  15. What a beautiful tag, all of the little details are so well thought out. Have a very happy weekend, Sue x

  16. That isn't just a tag Alison this is assemblage at it's finest - I adore every little bit of it and the addition of the lavendar is precious!

    Hugs, Susi

  17. At first I wasn't quite sure I was at your blog Alison - no blue, green or brown in sight!!!???!! well I guess there is tan and brown! You are a pro at gathering disparate items and getting them to all look related! Love your splatter, the little lavender stems and wonderful couple gazing out at us! Julia xx

  18. A wonderful tag Alison. Always such a joy to see your makes

    Love Chrissie xx

  19. A stunning romantic tag Alison. Yes I could easily weave a story in my mind about this couple. You have added so many amazing details, the lavender was also a lovely addition and special as it itself, it has memories for you.
    Yvonne xx

  20. Thanks for popping over to my blog Alison..I know what you mean about life getting in the way and it is always such a busy time for ventures, new love your vintage tah, the couple are fabulous and I love the colours, textures and added embellishments..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  21. So beautiful Alison! And such a lovely story.
    Have a nice weekend! Lenie xx

  22. A beautifully made and designed love tag, Alison!!! I love the tiny details like the scrolled paper, dried lavender, crackled heart and the quote!!! xx

  23. I spent so much time over at your Mum's blog that I have had to re-read this post... How lovely to add that sprig of Lavender from Rose's birthday cake. The little crackled heart, the driftwood and the pen all weave beautifully into your story of this couple - so romantic! Anne xx

  24. Oooooh ! this is just a stunner Alison. Gorgeous colours (right up my street), fabulous layers and wonderful details (love the driftwood and pen). Fabulous! Jennie x

  25. Beautiful and so loving the xlarge size!The driftwood was such a perfect touch and the love the lavender left over from the cake! Beautiful tag!

  26. Absolutely stunning tag Alison - so much to see. Love the lace and that lavendar - beautiful xx

  27. I love the gesso splatters and the little bunch of lavender. You have created the mood with all your little romantic touches. Gorgeous, Alison!

  28. Love all the details and their arrangement, a lovely Vintage tag! xx

  29. ....And thanks so much for linking to Tag Tuesday! Hugs, Valerie

  30. A truly beautiful tag..I love the vintage theme and the gentle colours. The lavender is a great touch..and the smell will be wonderful..a keepsake for sure.
    Thank you for joining us at Tag Tuesday..x

  31. What a beautiful tag, Alison! I love reading all the thoughts that went into making it.

  32. Your tag is gorgeous, with so many perfect touches!!!

  33. this is a stunningly beautiful creation! so lovely in every detail! xo

  34. So gorgeous! How ever do you decide which elements to combine? This tag came together so perfectly, just like the couple on the front!
    One of these days. I'll have it together to join you gals for the Friday Tag making challenge!
    big hugs,Jackie xo

  35. Everything about this little artwork is beautiful and so thoughtfully included. Love the touch of sprigs of lavender.Being a fan of Shakespearean sonnets, I enjoyed your post so very much - thank you for bringing this one to life with your art .

  36. A wonderful tag Alison, love all the embellishments and textures. Thank you for joining us on Tag Tuesday.


Thank so much for taking the time to stop by. It's lovely to hear what you think - every comment is so much appreciated.