
Monday 21 May 2018


Hello all!  There seems to be some confusion over the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) which come into action on May 25th and whether individual bloggers are part of the deal.  To be on the safe side, this quick post is to let you know that I have created a Privacy Policy which you can now see at any time by clicking the link at the very foot of the website home page.

The data held by Blogger is very limited, and I assure you I do not and never will use your data for anything but sending you notification of a new blogpost, or for clicking through to your blog for a return visit.  As stated in the Privacy Policy, all Blogger blogs use cookies, and these can be disabled in your internet settings if you choose.

If you are a follower by email, you are of course entitled to unsubscribe at any time of your choosing, but I hope you will continue to follow my crafting journey here at Words and Pictures.

Okay, boring business over.  I'll be back with some proper crafting later today.  I'll hope to see you then.

In the kingdom of glass everything is transparent, and there is no place to hide a dark heart.
Vera Nazarian


  1. Morning Alison, Thank you very much for the information as what is available appears to be very long winded on the changes. My little laptop is desperately trying to update to the new windows 10 but doesn't have enough memory to do so which may not be such a bad thing so I'm waiting to see if that will have any affect on me.
    It is a worry when we work so hard on something trying to get the message across that my blogging is for pleasure and to share creativity and not share visitor information etc.
    Catch you on the lighter side later..
    Hugs Tracey xx

  2. I love the quote - would that it applied to all other kingdoms!

    Thanks for the reminder that I too must do something about such a policy for my mailing lists....

  3. I really do like your version Alison, my is quite plain and simple, and like you, I hope it covers the necessary! Anne x

  4. Well put Alison and I have taken the freedom to "borrow" a few phrases, I know you don't mind so thanks for saving me so many hours, - you are the best! xxx

  5. I had assumed so far I didn't need to worry about this as I'm neither a commercial outfit nor collect personal information from my blog but it sounds like I need to do something just in case... What a drag!

  6. Alison, when you visit my blog, does a privacy policy show? Blogger says they took the liberty and posted one, but I don't see it.
    Thanks for the info, most of which I knew or assumed already-lol
    Jackie xx

  7. Thanks for the heads up. Having been away from the blogging scene for months, I really was not aware of this. Would you mind if I use your privacy policy as a template for one of my own? I was impressed with the thoroughness of what you have here. ME


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