
Tuesday 24 October 2017

All is safely gathered in

We're on the final stretch with the EAB04 The Autumn Edition samples - there are two in quick succession over the next couple of days.   First up, a harvest celebration pairing Walt Whitman's wonderful words with some of the brilliant Scrapcosy pictures.

No process photos for this one, I'm afraid, as it really was a case of throwing together some leftovers from other samples with some simple stamping and inking.

It's all done on a 5x7 inch format - so a sort of journalling page, or a picture for a frame.

The background is some Tim Holtz paper from one of the stashes - I think it's from Wallflower... I'm sure someone out there will know!

And I used a snippet from the same piece to make the panel for my quote-stamping.  I inked up the stamp with Sepia Archival and then dabbed on some Jet Black around the edges.

I've always enjoyed this sort of two-tone stamping, and some clear embossing powder gives it glossy dimension into the bargain.

The panel is layered over some rusty mesh - love this stuff!

Scrapcosy's vegetables were the closest my stamp collection could get to fruit - how weird is that?  Not one piece of fruit in all the PaperArtsy stamps I own!

But they're still the "fruits of the earth", right?  So if we assume Walt is referring to fruit in that wider sense, then we're fine...  Okay, yes, the orchard bit is slightly stymying that argument, I concede.

I do love these vintage vegetable advertisements from ESC02, so I'm going to stop making excuses and just enjoy them!

The frame is made with some Distress Spray-spritzed kraft card which was leftover from one of my leafier samples (the one coming up in a couple of days).

I just liked how it finished the whole thing off nice and rustily.  You can't beat a bit of brown and blue!

So just a quick one from me today... well, there is the harvest to be got in after all.  Hope you're all having a good week, and I'll be back soon with those krafty leaves.

The true harvest of my life is intangible - a little star dust caught, a portion of the rainbow I have clutched.
Henry David Thoreau
(who was also responsible for the glorious words on Winter Sunlight a few days ago)


  1. Love it! the colours are just right for the vintage feel to this piece and I love the splatters.

  2. Beautiful work, very harmonious, love the colours, too. Hugs, Valerie

  3. Beautiful autumnal make Alison and a great quote too xxxx

    Huge hugs
    Annie xx

  4. Lovely! I love the Henry David Thoreau quote you used at the end, too.

  5. It is beautiful Alison,
    I too love the stamps you used, with the old advertising ,and the wonderful brown tones, you used.
    Your frame is fantastic around the blue background paper, and T think the quote fits just perfectly !!!
    Hugs, Dorthe

  6. Winderful stamps colors and I love the splatters -an amazing piece Alison!

  7. I think the onion (?) looks more like a pumpkin, it is lovely. The stamping looks fantastic in those wonderful vintage tones. Love your quote too! Anne xx

  8. Gorgeous artwork Alison and love all the details. The glowing Autumn browns look beautiful against th blue.
    Fliss xx

  9. Its a beautiful piece, lovely colours and if you hadn't mentioned it. I'm sure we wouldn't have thought you had used some left overs.
    Yvonne xx

  10. Absolutely rich and beautiful my friend! Funny, until you went on about the veggies, I looked on these as you said as fruits of the earth!Your colors,stamping and quotes all marry so perfectly Alison,and I still can't believe you "threw this together"! You never cease to amaze me dear!
    Jackie xo

  11. Oh my these just capture Autumn perfectly Alison, you really do create such wonderful art. Now I need to ask.....where do you get that rusty mesh from?!
    Donna xx

  12. A lovely card. I love how you used left overs. I love these stamps! The quote is perfect for these images.

  13. What a wonderful piece Alison! I'm so in love with all these autumn images, and the Whitman quote is a perfect fit for this! Love the pattern in the background and the touch of blue works so well with the warm tones! Hope you are enjoying some lovely autumn weather where you are. sending hugs :)

  14. It's beautiful Alison! I love the quote!

  15. The words are showcased perfectly on this panel. This is such a good layout of the beautiful vegetable stamps and they work really well with the geometric paper. Lovely.

  16. Wow! I never would have thought to use the veggies like that! This is such a wonderfully rustic piece, perfect for autumn! The rusty mesh just might be my favorite part!

  17. I love these stamps, as well as your quotes, Alison.
    The combination here is beautiful, lovely piece (Is it a card??...:D Sorry for my lack of visiting the past days on your previous posts, it is the rush every day at the moment and I had been very busy :-(
    Take care.
    Hugs xx

  18. Lovely layered design, Alison. I can't remember any fruits in the PA stamps line-up either and I certainly don't have any myself! I'm with you on the "fruit of the earth"...

  19. I am way behind but so glad not to have missed this! I love those images and your words are just right…of course! Chrisx

  20. I do find it quite amusing that you have no Paper Artsy fruit stamps :) The North Carolina county of my birth is known for its apple orchards. It is quite amazing that this Whitman quote evoked the ghost of a memory ... the aroma of apples. I know that the sense of smell is supposed to be the fastest way to evoke memories; however, I don't remember having words remind me of an aroma memory from the past quite the way this quote did right now. I've read this quote before on your stamps. But seeing it on this this project brought it to life (even without the red fruit in visual evidence :) ) Gorgeous panel. Love using the background paper for the quote. And I forget that you can use two tones of ink for stamping. It works to great effect here. Wonderful layers (and I've got to find/make some rusty mesh!!!). Hugs -- ME


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