
Monday 20 June 2016

Wallflower Dreams for Simon Says Stamp

Hello all!  Monday again, and time for another project in my month in the Designer Spotlight at the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge.

I'm afraid there's not much going on other than these Designer Spotlight projects, though I do hope you'll come and celebrate my fourth blog birthday with me.  But now it's time for the new theme for this week...

We're playing with Patterned Paper this week.  Like many crafters, I have a large stash of beautiful papers - much-loved, often-stroked and sighed over, but seldom used in my crafting.  Last week's Travel Journal was the exception rather than the rule.  But it's great to be nudged into using them so I got out my Tim Holtz Wallflower Paper Stash - one of my absolute favourites - and created this mini-album.

You've seen variations on this construction here at Words and Pictures before (you may remember The Business of Men).  All those lovely pocket pages are less glamorous than they might appear... the basic structure is made out of empty toilet rolls.

I did have a "before" of them all squashed flat and ready to be covered but it seems to have disappeared so you're just going to have to believe me!  And I'm sorry but you'll need your cups of coffee/glasses of wine at the ready for another photo-heavy journey I'm afraid.

I had to create the binding and covers for my toilet roll pages, and I did that using strong kraft card folded to hold the pages with another piece of the same card folded around that as the base of the covers.

I then cut some really sturdy card for the front and back and glued it all together to give the album some real strength and heft.

Then came the lovely business of choosing papers to cover it all.  Since each toilet roll pocket has a tab cut to go inside it, you have lots and lots of surfaces to deal with.  Here are the inserts - one side...

... and the other.  These papers are from the brilliant pages at the back of the stash where there are ATC-sized pieces ready to go.  Since the inserts are pretty much exactly ATC-sized, that made life pretty simple!

Since I wanted each open page spread to have some continuity I had to pay attention to my fronts and backs.  And the inner covers needed to match the respective first and last pages.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves.  First, I'll show you the cover, and then we'll make our way through the album.

The cover has one of Tim Holtz's Idea-ology Timepieces, altered with Pitch Black alcohol ink and Treasure Gold in Florentine.

I also added one of my much-loved WordBands and a vintage pen nib over some sticky-backed linen ribbon (I think the new Textile Surfaces would probably be very similar), which I think has the right sort of elegance to go with this beautiful paper.

That linen ribbon goes all the way around to the back.

It's all one piece of paper, it's just that the design on that particular page changes around here which I rather love.

Now, to the inside...

So let us meet the first of our women, chosen for their "off-camera" looks - not a direct gaze, but each looking at or towards something out of our sight.

You can probably guess how much the continuity from the inside front cover pleases me here!

The dreamy look in her eye seemed to fit the words.

The collages are essentially very simple - there's the Photobooth photo, a punched butterfly or two, a couple of paper snippets, and various love letters, postcards or envelopes cut from the incredibly useful Idea-ology Pocket Cards.

Next page has the butterfly motif in the backing paper, and a slightly different atmosphere though the collaging follows the same pattern.

And since we now have a double page spread, there's a small echoing collage on the opposite side.

There's a slightly forced quality to this woman's smile, I think.  Those teeth look slightly gritted... perhaps with determination to keep moving forward, or perhaps she just shares my wariness of photographs being taken.

The next page is warmer and more colourful, with an optimistic young woman looking forward to whatever is ahead.

I even yielded to pink(ish) butterflies.   (Well, I have been embracing pink lately...)

Oh, each collage has a couple of metal elements too... I forgot about those in the list above.

There's the odd Philosophy Tag or Muse Token, some skeleton leaves.  Most of the metal was in the Antique Brass finish, the golden toned one, but I added some Florentine Treasure Gold for an extra warm glow.

I love this woman with the gentle gaze in her eye and the determined look to her lips!

The papers here were in very delicate neutral tones, but you'll see I did a bit of Peeled Paint Distress Stain shading around the elements.  I think it helps draw the eye in, and it also ties the pages together.

She's clearly been receiving a lot of love letters lately, and I think she's definitely ready to follow her heart.

I'm particularly fond of the woman on the final page - there's a light in her eyes which makes me think she'd be fun to have a conversation with.

She's got a keyhole from the Locket Keys set as her metal element, and a Purchaser's Receipt tucked away - what's she keeping hidden?

Here she is with the inside back cover opened out, also with a bit of Peeled Paint added to make it tone in better.

Another thing I forgot... each page has a strip of "lace", cut with the Lace Thinlits dies out of other papers from the Wallflower stash.

Oh, except one of them is cut with the Vintage Lace Decorative Strip Die.  The snippet had been sitting around on my craft table for months so I thought it was time it was pressed into service.

The words for each woman are Small Talk stickers, of course... strong affirmations to go with these strong women.

Can you tell I'm not up to my usual post-writing self? .  Sorry I keep forgetting things, and I'm sorry if it's not as coherent as usual... there's just too much going on at the moment!

All the page and insert edges are inked with Frayed Burlap - a colour which tones with these papers just perfectly.

I didn't particularly pay attention to which insert went with which page...

It's only on this one that I made a conscious effort to get the pink tab inside the pinkish-toned page.

It's a happy accident that we discover what (or should I say who) might have put the smile on the face of our final woman!

The File Tabs on each of the inserts come in a nickel silver finish originally, so I spent some time with PaperArtsy Fresco Finish Paints in Old Gold, White Fire and Little Black Dress to change them to a more brass/gold look.

The final touch was to add some Florentine Treasure Gold, helping them tone in with the other metal accents in the album.

So I think I've covered everything... though given how much I forgot on the way, there's bound to be something I've left out.  I know they're very long posts at the moment, but since it's only one a week, I'm hoping you'll forgive me.

I hope my Patterned Paper mini-album will inspire you to come along and play this week at the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge.  If you're in need of more inspiration just check out the amazing projects from the Design Team, and the usual generous prize voucher from Simon Says Stamp should add the final nudge if you're still reluctant to break into that paper stash!

Simon Says Stamp

Thanks so much for stopping by today.  Believe it or not, I'm back in NYC this week, so I'll try to do some visiting in between workshops.  Hope to see you soon!

Maybe she was a wallflower.  There was no shame in that.  Especially if one enjoyed being a wallflower.
From The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy by Julia Quinn


  1. Oh my goodness this is absolutely fabulous Alison! this is the prettiest recycling I ever saw! every page is a work of art! LOVE it :-)

    Lols x x x

  2. Alison, it is a fabulous little album.
    So beautiful is every page, and I love the way you made the attachment for the spines! Every page is a story on its own, and so lovely colored. The papers you used very ,very yummy, and oh the cover ,just ,-amazing all.
    Hugs, Dorthe

  3. This feels like Spring/early Summer - the beautiful flowers and foliage, the gentle colours, the little details blended into each clever page and touches of brass pull it all together xx

  4. This is one of my favorite paper packs too, Alison!What a lovely mini and as always a pleasure to read the post till the end!

  5. Great images, colours and textures Alison.

    B x

  6. Wow, Alison, this mini album is amazing! Each page is a treat for the eyes with so much detail. Absolutely beautiful!!

    Cathie ♥

  7. Beautiful!! so much work has gone into this album. I am impressed with the neat folding for the binder, I'd get in a right pickle!

  8. gosh, your mini album is outstanding Alison..every page and every detail is gorgeous.The women do talk with their eyes and smiles and the papers are fabulous..brilliant project.

    luv CHRISSYxx

  9. What a BEAUTIFUL album! So much love ... LOVE it!

  10. A lovely creation that is so very tough! Ok, so you jumped about a bit with the info but...hey just goes to show we are all human lol!

    Sally xx

  11. A stunning mini album Alison, the details on each page are awesome.
    I know what you mean about hoarding papers.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Oh wow! A lovely mini wallflower album!

  13. This is stunning Alison with a great idea to add the pages. It all looks so slid and lasting.

    Love Chrissie x

  14. Wowsers, this is a gem Alison. Beautifully made and perfectly co-ordinated and balanced. Love all your selected ingredients - they look wonderful together. Have a great week and dont be worrying and apologising so much! Nx

  15. What an elegant little album with these lovely women and all that gorgeous paper embellished just perfectly!! Such a plethora of eye candy - another post to linger over for sure! And wouldn't you know that I just have passed along the empty toilet tissue rolls I've been saving to make an album, lol! But for a good cause (my neighbor's son's kindergarten).... time to start again, as I love the size and the pockets. Thanks for a great detailed post! xxx Lynn

  16. absolutely wonderful - so much gorgeous details - I love the muted tones and the metallic additions - oh and those splatters - love 'em! Big hugs rachel x

  17. This looks gorgeous. I wish I could hold it en see it in real.
    You made alot of work and it is so pretty!!!

  18. Alison, this is a gorgeous mini album, and I love that you made it using toilet paper rolls!! Guess I have to save those too! I do love how you took your photos of it in the garden to showcase it's beauty. hugs, Maura

  19. Toilet paper rolls? Seriously? Holy cow! If I were a toilet paper roll, I can imagine no greater honor than to be transformed into a piece of art like this! I love how you kept the same tones and palette throughout, yet each section is so unique and detail-worthy! Really stunning work, which doesn't surprise me in the least!

  20. Wow, this so beautiful and makes me want to grab papers and have fun altering them, you have taken us to another level in book making xxx

  21. What a lovely little album! It looks so beautiful photographed in among the real leaves. It seems at home there due to all the aging you have done. Gorgeous!

  22. Seriously ... How you found time to create this amazing piece and still found more time to blog about it in your busy schedule just floors me. You should put your picture in there somewhere (even though you are a bit camera shy like me) and create an ode to yourself. *You* are superwoman!! I can just see you playing with paper. Fun times when you get to choose from all those gorgeous prints. Love the layers and the stories of your lovely ladies. I enjoyed looking at the them and seeing what you teased out about their character from the looks on their faces. Fascinating. Oh ... Love the touches of lace too. Want that die!!!! ME

  23. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been scrolling up and down, and down and up...absolutely breathtaking Alison!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!! hugs :)

  24. Oh wow Alison, two of my favourite things - Wallflower papers and creating your own album! I love how you created the album and the pages are just wonderful. You have brought all the elements together beautifully - this is a real treasure - love, love, love it! Anne xx

  25. Amazing little book. The whole book is beautiful and I love the stories you tell for each page. I have some of that Tim Holtz Wallflower paper but have not yet taken the plunge and used it, it is just so gorgeous isn't it.

  26. What a clever way to upcycle, Alison! I love it!

    Simon Says Stamp!

  27. This is an amazing little album, each page having it's own story to tell with all the lovely details you've added. Love the masculine twist of the'happy accident'. Great recycling too.
    Avril xx

  28. This is an amazing little album, each page having it's own story to tell with all the lovely details you've added. Love the masculine twist of the'happy accident'. Great recycling too.
    Avril xx

  29. This is such a gorgeous album, Alison. Love each beautiful page and all the fabulous details on it. :)

  30. Beautiful mini album! Lovely pages and the colours really summery. xx

  31. What a gorgeous mini album, Alison! Love all wonderful details on it. The images, textures and combination of colours are fabulous. A great job!!!
    Hugs, Mar

  32. A beautiful album and so delightfully adorned - ingenious to base it around toilet roll inners - I would never have guessed. I love the Wallflower papers, and just like you said I have them in amongst my stash of beautiful papers - and yes I do stroke them and sigh over them, and I also sometimes feel they are too beautiful to use! I really must do something with them now I've seen your stunning work.

  33. Alison, in spite of what you say about being distracted by so much going on, your post is delightful, both in words and pictures! I loved reading about the feminine characters you've created out of the Photobooth's and too, about how this wonderful album came together from such humble beginnings! I was just leafing through my Tim papers the other day, and by far my favorite is this Wallflower stash. You have put it to amazing use here, and each page blends so well with the next. Your collages are stunning and inspiring! I could gush about this all day, but I'll just have to say the linen strip of ribbon is what tops it out for me! Love this in it's entirety! thank you so much for sharing this with us! Hugs!

  34. I can hardly believe my eyes - this is so blooming' beautiful Alison! I would be foolish to pick a favourite…OK…I'm foolish…I loVe the Use your wings page!! Hugs, Chrisx

  35. Oooh gorgeous Alison, the level of details is absolutely stunning as always
    Donna xx

  36. your album is truly much beautiful detail...I'll never look at an empty toilet roll in the same way again...hugs kath xxx

  37. WOW! Another bang up job at your guest position with SSS! This is unbelievably cool and inspiring. My favorite details are both the "metal" tabs and the sweet sayings that match each face so perfectly. Lovely, lovely book! I so enjoy making these too. <3

  38. Another awesome journal Alison, so well done and beautiful pages insides, I continue to be in awe in front of each and every project, always so stunning!!!
    The way you have used paper toilet roll here is just so clever, Totally love the structure and the decoration too. Coco Xx

  39. What a gorgeous album Alison, so much attention to detail and continuity with those fabulous patterned papers and love how you have woven each woman's story into the pages! I like you seldom use my much loved patterned papers but you have inspired me to bring them out and celebrate them! Thanks so much for sharing it with us all, Deb xo

  40. Oh my! What a lovely piece of art! I love everything from the great base to the very lat detail. Amazing retro look, perfectly chosen colors and embellishments. I can't imagine this project to be more beautiful. Hugs, Marzena

  41. I love your style in all the mixed media pages!Simply Gorgeous work!

  42. I will never tire of telling you how much unique is your style! fabulous project , a wonderful album full of details like every time! Stunning! Barbara

  43. What an amazing project, packed full of beautiful details and as always, you've created something so totally unique! It's just gorgeous Alison and thank you so much for sharing it with us... xx

  44. Alison, I really love your little album, it´s amazing! Every page is so wonderful created and the little details are beautiful. Although you did them pretty similar, every page is unique. I rewatched your elder albums and they are so gorgeous too. I need to try doing one too!
    xx Evelyn

  45. Your beautiful album has made me sigh longingly Alison. What a collection of intriguing characters and what stories they could tell. I love the simplicity that suggests complexity, if that makes sense. xx

  46. Such a beautiful project Alison! TFS! xxx

  47. Don't know how I managed to miss this one, - what a super little album and fantastic use of those papers, - just beautifully put together!

  48. What a wonderful homemade book Alison! The papers, splatter and ephemera are beautiful on each page - so many details to take in - just lovely!! Julia xx

  49. This is such an amazing little album, Alison! Love every bit of it! The binding is fabulous! All the pages has so many details. Love the botanical vibe of it! Amazing! Hugs, Sandra

  50. Wonderful and would really be a family keepsake if one could use all vintage family photos.
    Sandy xx

  51. *sigh* another gorgeous little booklet. I adore those metal tabs on the page inserts. Of course your choice of colors and ephemera are spot on as always. It's so wonderful!

  52. So very beautiful with all those details in line- you are so genius at marrying elements,pagers,papers and colors!! Well, did I say lately what a fan I am?
    hugs and hope your summer is splendid! xo


Thank so much for taking the time to stop by. It's lovely to hear what you think - every comment is so much appreciated.