
Monday 8 June 2015

Calico Nautical Salvage

Hello all!  Firstly, apologies for my absence here and around Craftyblogland.  I'm caught up in work schedules, but hope to be around more again soon.  For now, I've just got a sneak peek for you to let you know I'm over at the Calico Craft Parts blog today with a creation that took me in the direction of my main phobia!

I have a shuddering fear of things that spend a long time underwater, especially if they shouldn't be there ... so that's shipwrecks (Titanic is probably my ultimate horror film), sunken villages, but also bottoms of boats (or even the thought of being in the water near a large boat - perhaps I was keelhauled in a previous life!) and, on a beach, I won't sit next to the part of a breakwater that's usually underwater when the tide is in.

So when the piece I'm sharing today started to look like a bit of flotsam or jetsam from a possible nautical salvage operation, it did slightly give me the heebie-jeebies.  I had to keep reminding myself it was only paint!

I hope you'll be able to hop over and take a closer look, and I hope it won't have the same effect on any of you!  Thanks so much for stopping by, and I'll be along to visit you all as soon as things settle down on the work front.

Have a great week!

The man who has experienced shipwreck shudders even at a calm sea.

Antiquities are... remnants of history which have casually escaped the shipwreck of time.
Francis Bacon


  1. Popped over to see more pics on the Calico Craft Parts site. Your plaque is just wonderful. I love the color combination, the rusted cogs and the blue crackle.

  2. Love your nautical theme Alison. The colours and rusting look fabulous. Hugs Rita xxx

  3. The thought of watching Titanic makes me run from the telly too (but not for the same reasons LOL). I'm glad your phobia didn't stop you completing this, the rusty effects are awesome.

    1. Oh I think I probably share your other reasons too, Deb! xx

  4. The things you do for your art... great piece, off to have a good look now!

  5. Some great colours and textures, love it!
    Amanda x

  6. Love all that texture and rust Alison. Great design. Nikki xx

  7. This looks absolutely fantastic Alison - and my favourite colours too. Love the crackle!
    Sorry to hear about your phobia, what a shame.
    Never mind, the artwork is beautiful, now to pop over and see it as a whole.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  8. Awww Alison we all have our little phobias but I wonder if their is a name for 'shipwreck phobia' (probably). Beautiful make off to see more.

    Warm crafty hugs from Shirl x x x

  9. Went over to have a look.
    This looks so real, you are
    so talented in making things look old.
    Thanks for showing Alison.

  10. Gorgeous piece, Alison. Your tutorial is winderful...great pictures and explanations of your thought process while creating this. That is what I love to read; not only what you used but HOW your project came to be. I also love the way you work...not sticking to a preconceived idea of a project but letting the art tell you where it wants to go.

  11. Gorgeous sneak peek off to learn more! xx

  12. Looks like an Alison rusty special, shall pop on over for a look!
    I can't say I like plane propellers very much, isn't it strange the notions we take against things?!
    Big hugs
    Donna xxx

  13. Fantastic make butterfly! Love the salvaged looked of it. I have a fear of any body of water but love the stuff one finds along the shore. This piece is inspiring me to have a go with my new little purchase of decoart media! Thank you. Hugs

  14. This looks pretty cool Alison!! off to check it out!

  15. Absolutely gorgeous Alison! A wonderful project!

  16. Looks promising ! The blue and browns look gorgeous together ! Off to have a look.
    Corrie x

  17. Fabulous Nautical themed plaque Alison. Gorgeous colour and the rusting cogs look amazing.
    Avril xx

  18. I hopped on over to the other blog and that nautical piece is beautiful!

  19. Fabulous Alison..I love anything nautical.. even

    luv CHRISSYxx

  20. Fabulous nautical plaque, super rusting, it sure has the washed up look.
    Yvonne xx

  21. A fabulous aged nautical plaque Alison, love the rust effects and cog details xxx

  22. A fabulous creation Alison, I love the colours, your wonderful explanation and the amazing rusty elements! Anne xx

  23. amazing plaque Alison and the crackle and colours are amazing - super rusting too - I am quite surprised by your phobia - perhaps as you say you were keel hauled in a previous life ... this must have been hard for you to make. Well done you xx

  24. LOVE the shape! The rusted gears look awesome on the crackled blue! Cool hanging!

  25. Looks like a fabulous make - hopping over to see the details! Good also to know that others share the underwater phobia...and inspiring to me that you worked through it anyway. Hope you have some downtime in your busy schedule... xxx Lynn

  26. I'm totally in love with your project! I can't stop looking your PLAQUE, I love it! definitely in my top five of your works!

  27. Love your plaque, Alison, not only because it is beautiful, but because it comes in my favorite color combination of blue and (rusty) brown! The crackle is just the frosting on this case to me! Well done!

  28. Those rusted cogs, are just fantastic looking , and your map so very much ,too, dear Alison !
    Dorthe, xxoo

  29. Oh, such a wonderfully salvaged plaque, Alison!! Your rusty cogs and gears do look like they were recovered from some long, lost shipwreck--you know how I love your rusty goodness!! :) Well, not YOUR rusty goodness, but what you do to your embellies :) :) Just a remarkable creation for Calico, Alison!! XOXO-Shari

  30. Oh so yummy and off to check it out! Hugs!

  31. I always get so excited when I see your thumbnails in my reading list! You never disappoint! Off I go to get my dose of Alison magic! :)

  32. Well done for facing your deepest fear! This looks absolutely amazing from the sneak peek. I'm off to grab a closer look. xx

  33. Just came from seeing this and all I can say is WOW! No heebie-jeebies from me, only oooohs and ahhhhs! The rusted pieces look so amazingly real and the whole piece is fabulous!!

  34. Off to take a closer look and way to go overcoming your underwater fears through your art!

  35. Ahhhh, this looks fantastic and I just adore the colours and rusting xx

  36. Oooh my, that looks rather interesting and right up my street!!

  37. Oh, looks yummy so far, off for a closer look.....

  38. This looks to see more! xxx

  39. This looks lovely. Off for a visit.

  40. I love all the details. Brilliant!!!

  41. Hi Alison, like you I'm caught up in work schedules and it's hard to stay regular on my friends' blogs... But I quickly come tonight on yours as I don't want to risk missing several great projects made by you!
    This sneak peek looks fabulous.. Off to see more!
    I hope you are well and everything fine with your work at the moment Hugs, Coco xx

  42. like you, I seem kept away from blogland lately. Mine is not work commitments as I am luckily retired. Just the little details of setting up house and gardens again, the joys of living within a block of the grandkids now, and sadly the declining status of my health at the mo.
    Will try to be a better blog friend and visit more often as I always enjoy you and your mother's posts.

  43. Not keen on water myself and you certainly won't be seeing me on a cruise! This though looks fabulous and I'm off for a better look! Chrisx

  44. Left some detailed comments over at Calico Craft. One of my favorite palette combos!!!! Love it! Pinned!!!! ME


Thank so much for taking the time to stop by. It's lovely to hear what you think - every comment is so much appreciated.