
Saturday 29 December 2012

Wrap it up!

Hello all, just a quick post today, and then I hope to get some hopping done later on...

I have a stinking cough/cold/aches + pains bug which has been slowing me up somewhat, but I'm looking forward to catching up with you all.

Just wanted to share a couple of photos of how I gift-wrapped some of the presents I gave.

They're very simply done - still in the neutrals/naturals world I've been inhabiting recently.  Don't worry, there's some colour on the way shortly!

I wrapped the gifts in plain brown parcel paper.  I've wrapped my presents in this for years, varying the decorations I add to it... and this year, for the first time, I had stamping available to liven it up.

I used the Artistic Outpost set Snowy Woods, which is a whole A4 sized sheet of wonderful images.

I've always loved the Robert Frost poem that's quoted on this one, and it's perfect applied to poor Father Christmas trudging his way through the snowy landscape.

The images are stamped very simply in Coffee Archival, and then I used some of the tree trimmings to top them off.

I've often used trailing ivy in the past, but I loved the echoing of the gorgeous fir branch stamp in the background, with the real thing next to it.

Finally some curly white string for a hint of snowiness and we're done...

Happy to have got that in before the end of December, at least.  I hope you're all enjoying the quiet time between Christmas and New Year - it's a lull I love (in the years when I don't have to go charging back to work in between).

I'm hoping I'll feel up to some crafting at some point, but at the moment I'm mostly curled up with a hot water bottle and a large box of hankies, feeling very sorry for myself.  Wicked how it robs you of the will to craft... but I'm looking forward to seeing what you've all been up to.

I'm entering this in the Artistic Outpost December Referral which is Anything Goes using an AO stamp.

Each day comes bearing its own gifts.  Untie the ribbons.
Ruth Ann Schabacker

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village, though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep. 
Robert Frost

I'm entering this as my second piece in Top Tip Tuesday's challenge - Anything Christmas... with a tip: Use some natural Christmas greenery on gifts to make them look fresh and beautiful - it has to be done on the day though!


  1. That DIY wrapping is so chic, I love it, especially with the stamp and the greenery :)
    Hope you feel better very soon, it's no fun having a cold like that. Stay warm and hopefully you'll feel better before the New Year!
    LLJ xxxx

  2. Love your gift wrapping Alison, stylish and pretty and almost too gorgeous to open!. Hope your recipients appreciated the love and care you put into this.

    Hope you feel better soon! Several members of my family have had this flu and it's a nasty one by all accounts!

  3. Oh yes Astrid - we always appreciate the wrapping - and the contents :-)

    Amongst the presents was a very ugly laptray Butterfly had converted into a thing of beauty for me.....

  4. Wow! What a brilliant gift-wrap..two gifts in one! I love the added sprig of evergreen too! Happy New Year friend! :) Thanks for sharing!! Have a happy day! Smiles and Hugs - *Vicki*
    *My Blog* - Stamp Smiles
    *My December “All Heart” BLOG CANDY!*
    Help me reach 1000 followers for another BLOG CANDY GIVEAWAY!

  5. Beautifully wrapped.
    I think brown paper is one of the most perfect ways to wrap a gift.
    TFS and get well soon.


    xxx Susi


  7. Your lovely gift wrappings are already gifts by themselves, Alison! ;)

    Have to have that Coffee archival stamping ink! That colour is amazingly beautiful! As are your parcels!

    Get well soon and all the best for 2013!!!

    Claudia xxx

  8. Dear Alison,
    I hope that awfull flue will soon run away, and leave you feel much better!
    Your parsels are so beautifully made, and in the most elegant, and cosy style, they are little art pieces and I would have saved the paper, if ever I recieved such a packet!
    I hope you are on your legs again for New Years eve,- take care, and drink lots of tea!

  9. Alison, I hope you're feeling better :( these gifts look so beautiful I wouldn't want to open one! Happy Christmas and wishing you a lucky 2013, Debi x
    ps thank you for the lovely words on my blog- you're too kind :)

  10. Your wrapping is absolutely beautiful! I never connected this poem to Santa, but it does fit remarkably well!

  11. Hope you feel better Alison. I love your gift wrapping and greenery. Hope you have a very Happy New Year! Cheers

  12. I hope you feel better soon Alison. i sympathise with you as I had this all the run up to christmas and even had to cancel going to a workshop because of the sneezing. I am getting over it now but it left me run down.
    Anyway your parcels look so stunning in their wrappings.
    Take care and all the best for the new year.
    x catherine

  13. Hi Alison sorry to hear you've got the lurgi hope you'll soon be feeling better. Those presents are just gorgeous i don't think i could bear to open one so beautifully wrapped and your cats are just purrfect . x

  14. Sorry to hear you are feeling so groggy Alison, I hope you are on the mend and will be better real soon.
    I love the brown paper parcels and how you have incorporated the stamps and greenery. The touch of white string is a perfect last addition.
    I hope you have had a wonderful (even if full of that awful cold) Christmas(even if full of that awful cold). Wishing you a happy, healthy and creative 2013.
    hugs {brenda} x0x

  15. Hope you feel much better soon. Your gift packages are gorgeous.

  16. Get well soon Alison-plenty of honey and hot water with a dash of lemon for you I think.

    What a wonderful way to wrap your gifts and make them more personal.Must make a note of that for the future.

    Love Chrissie xx

  17. Love your DIY wrapping paper, the stamping makes the gifts look so lush and elegant - gorgeous! I hope you feel better soon, you don't want to greet the New Year blowing your nose all night long lol ;). Lots of warm hugs for the happy New Year 2013! xxx

  18. What gorgeous presents! I'm sure the recipients were touched by the added care given your gifts... they're just lovely! Hope you are feeling much better by now.

  19. Your parcels look beautiful Alison, I love the added greenery!
    Wishing you a speedy recovery, & a happy & healthy new year,
    Alison xx

  20. Love the classic simple ness of your gift wraps! The stamping really added to the vintage feel! Seems like that winter bug has hit the UK and Euro pretty hard...everyone has it. Hope you're on the mend and back to craftiness soon. Hugs.

  21. Have I mentioned lately that I find these marvelous?? Well slap my hand...these are THE best! Something about country chic cozy just warms my heart. :)
    Hope this finds you on the mend!
    hugs to you,
    Lisa xx

  22. Classically old world and beautifully embellished! Gorgeous decor! Love your wrappings!!!

  23. Fab use of the AO images on your Christmas Gifts! Hope you feel better! Thanks for your continued support of Artistic Outpost - Happy New Year!

  24. So clever! Love the rustic look of your wrapping. What a sensational way to use that plate. I hope you are feeling better.


  25. Hope you feel better soon Alison.
    Wishing you a Joyful New Year. Hugs Annette x

  26. I hope you are feeling better now. I love, love, LOVE the gift wrapping. They are so fancy, yet simple. How does anyone ever gather up the gumption to unwrap them?!!! They are just perfect the way they are!

  27. WOW they are beautifully wrapped, gorgeous. Hope you are feeling better (running a bit late lol) Hugs Kerry :-) xxx

  28. Wunderbare Geschenkverpackungen sind das.Ich hoffe, dass alle Empfänger sehr vorsichtig waren beim Öffnen dieser schönen Päckchen.

  29. Love the gift wrapping and how it stamped on it to dress it up. Great tip too on using real greenery, it must smell fabulous. Thanks for joining the Anything Goes Challenge at Top Tip Tuesday.


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