
Saturday 18 August 2012

Parting is such sweet sorrow...

Hello again!  Hope you're all having a lovely August weekend - weather permitting!  Thank you so much for choosing to spend some of it here at Words and Pictures... it's great to have you stop by.

I've been having a glorious time distressing and ageing to create some leaving cards I'd been commissioned to make.  It was a slightly strange experience...  a colleague from the Royal Shakespeare Company (where I worked for nearly eight years until going freelance earlier this year) is now also leaving, and asked if I could make some farewell cards for her to distribute.  So I found myself making Farewell cards on someone else's behalf, for people I know very well, and with whom I'm just about to start working again, as I'm going back in as a freelancer at the beginning of September!!

In any case, you'll now understand the Shakespeare theme when you see the cards.  And my colleague had selected specific 'thank you' quotes for each person, so the cards vary slightly according to the play from which the quote is taken.  Take a look...

When I knew I'd be making several cards, I wanted to work with a technique I really enjoy!  I did enjoy getting a vintage patina and lustre onto the embossed background, but my absolute favourite thing to do at the moment is the ageing and distressing... I love using inks, the Tim Holtz Paper Distresser, rubbing, rolling, ripping, tearing and curling to give the papers an antique feel, and some dimensionality on the page...

Each card has the first page of the First Folio (my absolute desert island book) text for the relevant play for its quote, inked, ripped, rolled and so on to get some sense of the nearly 400 years which have passed since its publication (1623 for the curious amongst you...).

Then the quote itself is printed, grunged with a Tim Holtz texture stamp, inked, Paper Distressed on the edges, and finally rolled around my useful bit of wooden dowelling to get the wave effect, and the curly edges.

(I'm sharing mainly the Twelfth Night one here, but you'll get glimpses of some of the others.)

The background is medium weight Kraft cardstock, embossed with the Tim Holtz Patchwork embossing folder.  I then blended Vintage Photo, Walnut Stain and a bit of Black Soot onto it, and finally gave it a good spritz with the Heirloom Gold Perfect Pearls Mist, for a lovely lustrous finish.

The nib, of course, is there for the writer, and you'll see that I've used the Prima French Script stamp to provide a background on the cream card base.

I printed some tiny Williams to put in the little jewellery findings frames I got from the Bead Shop online, and filled them in with Glossy Accents... then attached them with a TH Idea-ology long attacher.

You can see in this photo that I've also taken the Paper Distresser to the edges of the embossed background layer to get that extra texture.

Just another little shot trying to really capture the movement in the quotes (this one the Henry VIII card).

You can also see below the inked mesh and ribbon added for texture and for some strong horizontal detailing, which I felt it needed to anchor all the higgledy-piggledy layout and distressing.

And finally a shot of the whole lot, awaiting delivery to their commissioner - who was, thankfully, very very happy with them.  I look forward to finding out how they went down with the recipients soon!

Thanks so much for spending some time here at Words and Pictures... it's great to have your company along the way in this crafty journey... and I look forward to meeting again here or elsewhere in Craftyblogland very soon!

I'm entering these in the following:
Favourite Technique (ageing/distressing) at Simon Says Stamp and Show
The Allsorts challenge to add something metal (nib and picture frame) with their Heavy Metal challenge

The remarkable thing about Shakespeare is that he is really very good - in spite of all the people who say he is very good.
Robert Graves

Wonderful women!  Have you ever thought how much we all, and women especially, owe to Shakespeare for his vindication of women in these fearless, high-spirited, resolute and intelligent heroines?
Dame Ellen Terry


  1. Stunning Shakespeare cards! I can imagine how strange this was for you! Love the frame! Thank you so much for joining us at Simon Says Stamp and Show. Hugs, Sandra

  2. Gorgeous cards and so perfect for your friends colleagues. Love Shakespeare in the jewellery finding, beautiful touch. Love the ageing and distressing and the quote is fantastic . Thanks so much for joining in the Simon Says Stamp and Show challenge. Tracy x

  3. Fabulous, fabulous art , just love these cards.
    Hugs Brenda xox

  4. Each card is a wonderful work of art and I am sure they will be framed and treasured for ever. Good look in September.

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. what a lovely idea as they will mean so much to the recipient, love all that distressing and paper tearing

  6. ...Alison you never fail to deliver, what an honor to make these cards for your collegue, you have captured the very essense of The Royal Shakespeare Company so beautifully and with fabulous timeworn techniques, loVe all you have achieved with this project...awesome...Mel :)

  7. So beautiful!

    I can see all of the love put in there!
    Congrats btw for your prize win at the Vienna Impressions Inspirations Challenge!!!!


    die amelie xx

  8. they look fabulous, wonderfully aged and embossed and what a lovely farewell memento.

  9. Wonderful Shakespear cards. Another fab post Alison. TFS.
    Regards Florence x

  10. Hi Alison, your work on these cards is absolutely stunning. The colours, the textures - everything is wonderful, like little works of Art. I think the RSC should commission you to do batches of these to sell.......the current recipients will be delighted. Love how you present your posts too. Crafty hugs, Anne x

  11. What a beautiful card! I love the vintage look and detail! Congrats on your new freelance job! Your work is lovely!

  12. What a cool thing to do! These are fabulous and so appropriate! Good luck on your next adventure!

  13. Wow, these are fab works of art. I bet everyone will be thrilled to receive them.

  14. Absolutely unique! No doubts that everybody will be speachless when they get them, and will need your expertise to start talking again ;)

  15. They're all fabulous Alison, aged to perfection! I'm positive they'll be treasured by the recipients!
    Thanks for your comment on my artistic stamper piece, good luck in the draw.
    Alison x

  16. Wow lots and lots of greate inspiration and ideas in yor blog thanks for your Word on My blog.

  17. These are truly works of art Alison and they will definitely treasured by the recipient. There is so much to see here - just beautiful.

  18. Love these Alison! So happy you could help a friend out and share more inspiration with us this weekend. :) Superb work as always!
    Have a super week and TFS! Hugs

  19. Awesome Shakespearean piece! Lovely! Glad you joined us at Simon Says stamp and Show this week!

  20. Gorgeous piece! I love the detail you use on your pieces and the way you think things out and create such beautiful pieces. :) This is a beautiful mix of embossing, distressing, layering...well, just really cool! Thanks so much for joining us at Simon Says Stamp and Show. <3 Candy

  21. Wonderful cards and all so personal. Love your vintage look.
    Avril xx

  22. Oh, this is a wunderful card, you have a point therewith with the spray Heirloom Gold - I like it!

  23. Well these are stunning! Love that embossed background with all those fabulous layers! I know these will be very well received!

  24. Wauwwwwwwwww this is a gerta piece of Art work Alison.
    Love it.

    Greetings Janny

  25. These are absolutely fab, you have a wonderful touch, love the vintage feel and your attention to detail! Wonderful! Trace x

  26. More amazing creations! Love the vintage theme and adore how you've personalized each of them.



Thank so much for taking the time to stop by. It's lovely to hear what you think - every comment is so much appreciated.