
Sunday 26 August 2012

First Journal Page

Hello everyone, and a happy Sunday to you.  Welcome to Words and Pictures, and an especially big welcome to the new followers; I'm so delighted you decided to join up!

I'd like to share my first journalling attempt with you today.  I've been admiring art journalling posts around Craftyblogland for some time, and can see that an art journal is a wonderful place to play freely, and explore ideas, feelings, products and techniques.  But I was really scared about doing it!  I decided you've just got to start...

Regulars will see that this first page grew out of my recent Autumn tag, sharing techniques, colours and even some recycled leftovers!  I was so enjoying making the tag, and the autumn sunshine (definitely got that tang in the air now round here) and some of that feeling needed to overflow into another outlet, so here it is.

In fact, the first elements arrived out of playing with an earlier challenge - the Tim Holtz Whitewash stamping technique.  I was frustrated because I loved the effect of simply stamping in Picket Fence Distress Stain, and only reluctantly completed the rest of the stages!

I'd got myself a couple of journal books to play with, to try to tempt me into starting.  I got one with Kraft pages, as I do love working on Kraft, so it seemed a good idea.

I had to do something to break the barrier of all those blank sheets of paper, so I stamped down the TH Papillon text stamp in Picket Fence as my opening salvo.

From there, it just gathered pace... there's TH tissue tape (LOVE it!); the Artistic Outpost leaf came into play;

the Kaisercraft music stamp, using my newly discovered tissue paper stamping game;   a TH texture stamp from the Ultimate Grunge set;

and collaged pieces of the paper (Kaisercraft Timeless, with additional inking) left over from the previous project.

I tried using a left over Life is good quote too, but it wasn't quite right somehow, so I stamped myself a new one on less inky paper.  I also spritzed the whole thing with some Ranger Mushroom Color Wash, which gives it all some additional texture and a nice depth, I think.

I love that through it all, that Picket Fence stamping holds its own...

It's only a one-sided page, as it's the first in the book. I don't know yet what the cover is going to do, and I'm probably going to have to do something clever with sandwiching pages, as the paper is really quite thin so will need some buffering in the long run, but overall I'm happy to have got the thing started... I hope it will roll more easily now.
So, there you have it... you can see my mood is autumnal, but also pretty buoyant, I hope.  Just about to start a new theatre project, and I've heard there's going to be lots of singing so that always makes me happy!  I hope that whatever you're up to this weekend makes you happy too...  thank you so much for spending some of it here with me.  It's always a real delight to hear your thoughts, and I do always try to return the visit if I know you've been...

I'm entering this in the following:
The Art Journal Cafe who, by happy chance, are looking at Monochromatic pages this week
A final throw of the dice in the Simon Says Stamp and Show challenge, No Rules

If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you are right.
Henry Ford

A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.

The secret to a rich life is to have more beginnings than endings.
David Weinbaum


  1. Hi
    Well I am enthralled by those layers you created and the way you still retained a softness to the page, hard to imagine this is the first time you've tried such a venture.
    Have a lovely Sunday and to say also that I appreciate your visits to my Blog.

  2. Wow Alison, you don't need any doubts...this is such a nice AJ page. Great color combination and I love all the things you did on this page...great!! Congratulations...

    greetings, Alie :-)

  3. Great page, all the layers give a wonderful effect.

  4. Beautiful journal page, lovely colours and great layets of the background :). There will be no stopping you now that you made your first page - just as well! Xx

  5. joli travail de collage et tamponnage ! ça sent la fin des vacances...

  6. beautiful journal, very fine layers and colour.

  7. Great art journal page! Love the layering with the beautiful brown colors! Thank you so much for joining us at Simon Says Stamp and Show. Hugs, Sandra

  8. Well you have taken your single step and now the journey begins as the quote above rightly says! Your journal page is stunning, love all the layering and the wonderful colours. Thank you for your visits to my blog and lovely comments, they are appreciated. Crafty hugs, Anne x

  9. This is fantastic Alison that you loet your fears go and just went for it. You have done a super job with this and there will be no stopping you now.
    x catherine

  10. Beautiful page Alison, I love all the layers!

  11. Stunning results Alison. Well done you. Looking forward to seeing more of your journalling.
    Regards Florence x

  12. the layering on your page is simply stunning! absolutely love it :-)

    thanks for playing with us at art journal café,

    france, one of the frappuccinos

  13. Gorgeous first try, Alison!

    I love the impression of a tree's bark created by all those lovely layers. Now I am looking forward to your next pages!!!


    die amelie xx

  14. What lovely blends of ink, stamping, images... a truly fantastic journalling page! Can't wait to see what else you make!

  15. Wunderschön diese herrlichen herbstlichen Farben.
    Eine schöne Arbeit.

    Liebe Grüße

  16. Great page! Love your choice of colours. Hugs, Buttons x

  17. wauuuw this is so beautiful, lovely colours
    hugs Pia

  18. Beautiful page Alison and I can clearly see that it is related to the autumn tag. Gorgeous layers and textures and a great sentiment too (I just stamped that same one on a project yesterday evening). Thank you for sharing another project with us at Simon Says Stamp and Show!

  19. WOwwwwwwww Alison
    A great Art journal page you made
    Love every detail on it

    Greetings Janny

  20. Alison,
    What a terrific art journal page. When I first clicked on your post and the picture was popping up I clearly saw a woman's torso. I know that wasn't the intention with the random bits of paper & tape but it look like she's wearing a scoop neck dress, sleeveless with a leaf print. Any way you interpret it one thing is for certain, it's beautiful! TFS and sorry I've been MIA this past week. I'm off to catch up on what I've missed. :D
    Happy day to you,

  21. Love love love! Welcome to a new genre! This is fabulous and so vintage yummy!

  22. Oh yeah...where did you find a kraft journal? I'd love one!

  23. Hi all... The Kraft journal came from Paperchase... don't know that it exists over in the States... stationery, cards and so forth - and much of it quite expensive, but these albums seemed quite reasonable to me. Though, as I say, it's pretty thin paper, so I'll probably have to back each page onto something if I want to do really inky stuff...
    Alison x

  24. good job !!! You're page is so romantique...
    Thank's to have participated to our AJC challenge
    Lechatquitousse, one of the frappucinos

  25. Ein großartiges Zusammenspiel der verschiedenen Papiere und Stempel. Das Ergebnis ist ein wunderbares Cover!

  26. that's a wonderful art journal page! love the layers!!

  27. This is quite wonderful, Alison! Love the monochromatic fall colors and the whitewashed effect. I haven't gotten into art journaling yet, but I love the idea of one with kraft pages. Must check to see where I can find one of those! Thanks for the inspiration.

  28. Wo, das ist so eine wunderschöne Journalpage.
    Ich liebe Collagen!


Thank so much for taking the time to stop by. It's lovely to hear what you think - every comment is so much appreciated.